Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 7

In the past, Su Yu used to eat in the school cafeteria. The meals there were not delicious but the prices were cheap. There was even a free soup given every day at noon and in the evening. 

Although most of the soup is just a little egg-cured and some slices of tomato, you can count on how good it is for free.

After having the pet shop, Su Yu simply set up a small kitchen in the basement. There was only a small refrigerator with two compartments. There should be frozen steamed buns in the refrigerator that she bought from the school cafeteria. 

Su Yu, who was accustomed to hardship when she was young wasn't picky about food. She took out the frozen steamed buns, found a bag of pickles, took out the half-bag of dried old bread she hadn't finished before, and started eating.

There are also small grains in the kitchen but Su Yu has no habit of storing grains. There's a market in the next street, so vegetables and grains can be easily bought, she also bought the animal feeds from Taobao to stack up the storage room and that's that.

Su Yu can't tell when the electricity nor the water will stop. Although Chubby had the electricity attribute and Suisui had the water attribute and by just relying on the two of them, they still won't be able to stay in the basement for long.

Moreover, the water that will be used and drink will spit out by Suisui's mouth. Thinking about this, it's a little bit uncomfortable.

"Yuyu eats too unhealthy. There's no warm meat for you to eat." Amu felt distressed and her bright dog eyes rolled around, she tilted her head and suggested, "I remember that there's a small shop next door. When there's no zombie around, let's go in to search for some supplies!"

Dogs even know that they need to search for supplies in the Apocalypse. Su Yu suddenly felt that she's no good, even the dog was better than her! She keeps shrinking in fear, if she's not eaten by the zombies in the apocalypse, she will surely die because of starvation.

She runs a pet shop and she has enough food for the pets but for herself, there's not too much.

"Wait for me, I plan it." Her quilt is still hanging outside and was never taken inside back. It might have been full of bloodstains now

The basement was cold and humid. Even in summer, Su Yu need to cover herself with a layer of the quilt to keep warm.

She took out a pen and paper from the bedside table, opened the navigation App on the phone, and took a quick screenshot.

In the apocalypse, the water and the electricity will definitely be cut off and the internet will also disappear. She has to take this advantage to mark the locations of nearby shops, supermarkets, pharmacies, and etc.

If she has no space, she wouldn't dare loot these places but she now has five little hamsters that are mobile storage spaces. She has no reason to waste their storage.

After all, most of the things in this shop are for pets. Those belonging of hers, there's nothing really good.

Mark the nearby shops where you can search for supplies. Su yu sighed while looking at her phone with 80% battery. Although it was fairly full, it will still be used up. 

Wait, Power bank! How could she forget that? Although the power bank also needs to be recharged, the power bank uses both solar energy and charging.

Su Yu remembered that there was a mobile phone repair shop near her shop. The shop mostly repair phones but still sold phone cases, power banks, data cables, and etc. 

Although it was slow to charge with solar energy, it can support the normal consumption of a mobile phone. If she managed to find more power banks, it would be good. 

When Su Yu thought of this, she no longer wanted to save electric bills as before. Instead, she turned to the bottom drawer of the bedside table and took two old phones inside.

Both of these are old phones that can still be used, except that one of them has a broken screen and one has exposed the battery.

A mobile phone with a cracked screen can still be used but the sensitivity will be lower.

Su Yu turned on the data connections and used the two phones to download something.

She downloaded the so-called apocalyptic survival guides that she found online, some movies and TV shows that she found good. When there's no internet in the future, she's afraid she will be internet deprived. 

Su Yu believes that to survive in the apocalypse, spiritual food for the soul and edible food for the body is needed.

After downloading things on the phone, Su Yu stopped paying attention to it and was thinking carefully about how to get to the next shop to gather supplies.

The store next to them was not big, it was about 50 square meters. The storage space of the little hamsters each is 20 square meters, she needs to bring three hamsters to empty the store.

But since she doesn't need to bring everything, bringing two hamsters will be enough. The hamsters were small and can be put in the pocket of her clothes but the others...

Su Yu didn't dare take the other with her. She was afraid that the zombies will attack the pets and Ade will retaliate. She also thought of dressing herself in thick clothes, if she was bitten because of her thin clothes, bitten and infected, that would be a shame.

Su Yu found herself a leather jacket from the storage room, she also thought of wearing gloves, a scarf, and a hat to avoid getting scratches.

Su Yu has never beaten a zombie but from her experience in reading novels and watching TV series, the description of zombies is powerful but slow, afraid of the sun but bloodthirsty,

Bloodthirsty and brutal are the standards for zombies but slow in movement and fear of the sun should be because the zombies are low levels. This should be taken advantage of!

After wearing the leather jacket, Su Yu instantly felt like a female agent in the movies but then she found something was wrong, it was night. There's no sun.

The courage that Su Yu had plucked before withered.

Amu looked at her and found her depressed figure near the door, it instantly knew what she was depressed about.

"Yuyu, don't worry. Let Ah Jin, Lu, and Alan accompany you tomorrow. Ah Jin can condense a metal cover to protect you and he knows about cleanliness so he won't bite the monsters."

Ah Jin also nodded his head. Su Yu thought about it and nodded without hesitation. If Ade was the one accompanying her, she's afraid that Ade will bite the zombie's head off, what if Ade became infected? Wouldn't that be serious?!

As for Alan and Lu, they have wings and wind blades. Zombies won't be able to catch them and Ah Jin, he has a golden bell to protect them. Ah Jin was indeed the most suitable to go out with her.

Su Yu took a peek at the phone. It was already past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Well, let's sleep for a while and wait until dawn tomorrow before going out."

She can't always stay in the basement. If she doesn't hoard supplies, she will starve. Regarding what's happening outside, she already knew, she still had a trace of luck in her heart.

Su Yu simply found two old quilts from the storage room and spread them on the ground. She doesn't have many things, just a lot of old things.

The floor of the basement is cold at night. Her pets can't get sick, although she can cure them, they will be uncomfortable.

The cats have been arranged, the dogs too. The bird's cage was hanging from the wall, as for the hamsters and rabbits, she made a small nest of quilts so they can huddle together to sleep.

After the pets are bound to the Apocalypse Pet System App, they seem to have a much closer relationship. Like before, Su Yu didn't dare to put the hamsters in front of the cats. And the hamsters didn't dare have a close interaction with the cats.

Although Su Yu soundly slept for a whole day, she had a receive a lot of information today. The mental fatigue made her drowsy even more. Before long, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


T/N: Chapter finished! 

