Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 8

On the second day, Su Yu woke up hungry. What she ate last night wasn't enough. In the past, she would go to the school cafeteria to eat ready-made food. 

Although the food in the school cafeteria was mediocre, the price was really cheap. And although she has opened a shop these days, there isn't much business. 

Even if the people near the school have pets, most of them will take them to the big hospitals instead of choosing Su Yu's small pet shop.

 Su Yu had opened the pet shop for more than three months, she had only washed some dogs, sold some cat litter and cat food, which was not enough to pay the rent, water, and electricity.

In desperation, she also had to find a part-time job in the college to supplement herself and the pets as before.

She has some savings at hand. As she doesn't have parents or relatives, if she doesn't save some money to keep it for future use, if the need ever arises, no one will be able to lend her.

"Meow~" It's time! Why are you still in bed?

Chubby is a cat alarm. If Su Yu doesn't get up at 8:30 in the morning, Chubby will habitually "break out of prison" and run to her side, meowing non-stop until she wakes up.

Su Yu turned her head and saw Chubby laying on her pillow, the cat was staring at her with his head tilted.

After sighing, Su Yu stretched out her hand and gently touched the fat round head. After seeing Su Yu opened her eyes, Chubby stopped meowing. He stretched out his small tongue and licked Su Yu's face.

"I know, I get up now."

Su Yu kept forgetting that the Apocalypse had arrived. It was not until she saw that her bed was full of fluffy pets that she remembered the current situation.

It's the Apocalypse.

Su Yu rubbed her eyes, got up from the bed, and went to the toilet to rinse her mouth briefly.

The water flow is noticeably getting smaller. Although it wasn't directly cut off, it has changed from a two-finger-wide water flow to only two pairs of chopsticks.

There are no tools for storing water in this basement. She wants to get some. The clean water has already been stored in the space of the little hamsters.

After rinsing, Su Yu fed the pets again. The food that was on the ground yesterday was licked clean. Su Yu helplessly took out the broom and swept the remaining residue and washed her face. She then feeds them drinking water in a basin.

After taking care of the pets, Su Yu was now readying to go out.

She has changed into the clothes she prepared yesterday and then found a satchel, and put the two little hamsters into the small pockets of the satchel. 

Her clothes pockets are so small that she can't fit two hamsters in them.

The key to the big brass lock that locked the basement passage was held by Lu's beak, Su Yu took it over and gently stroked Lu's little head.

Lu grumbled twice, feeling very comfortable by her touch.

The members going outside are ready to go. Ah Jin, Lu, Alan, and the two little hamsters in her satchel. They all look serious, they were either standing on the stairs or hiding in her satchel, well-behaved and prepared.

"Ahem. We are going out now, all of you need to be careful." Su Yu seems to be talking to the pets but it was also a reminder for her.

Su Yu took the key and gently opened the lock, she gently lifted the iron board and the worn-out blanket that covered the exit.

The light in the pet shop is a bit dim, and the rolling door keeps most of the sunlight out. The sunlight leaking out of the few small windows provided dim lighting to the entire room.

"Huh? Nothing happened here." Although the rolling door was attacked for a while yesterday, it hasn't yet retired.

Su Yu climbed out with difficulty and in the satchel bag she was carefully guarding, two soft little hamsters squirmed slightly.

Lu and Alan’s legs were so short that they couldn’t cross the steps and the small space couldn’t make them leap. Ah Jin lowered his head and let the two little ones step on his head, he then came out with the two small parrots.

Su Yu felt sorry when she saw this and crouched down to pick up the two small ones and put one parrot on each of her shoulders.

The claws of the little parrots are strong and the claws of the parrots tightly grasp the cloth on Su Yu's shoulders.

The pet shop was still messy because of her. The iron shelves placed at the door were full of courier boxes that the surrounding residents hadn't had time to take back.

Su Yu gently walked to the door before carefully listening to the noises outside.

The outside was silent, there was no sound of people walking back and forth or talking to each other, there was also no sound of starting a car. Su Yu thought about why she felt so uncomfortable.

Above the pet shop is a billiards hall, because the soundproofing is not very good, under normal circumstances, as long as you stand at the door, you can always hear the sound of ping-pong billiard balls colliding.

But now, only a little rustle of wind blowing the leaves can be heard. It was very lonely and desolate, also very empty and lifeless.

Su Yu made a lot of preparations. She opened the rolling door with the remote control for about 30 centimeters, then lowered her body and slightly stretched her head to take a look.

The narrow streets were empty with no pedestrians, nor the legendary zombies in sight. But the smell of blood lingered in the air, stale and lost lasting.

At one glance, Su Yu almost screamed. Not far from the store entrance, there were about three or four human bodies that had been torn to pieces.

Those people are dead... already dead!

Su Yu comforted herself and continued to turn her head to look around, but didn't see a living creature.

She soothed the pets who were anxious to get out, then picked up one of her old shoes and threw them towards the opposite wall.

The pet shop is shaded, and the gate of the college is directly opposite, and the bustling street is facing the back of it.

The old shoes banged on the opposite wall with a loud noise.

Then Su Yu saw an unrecognizable corpse jumped out from the back of a tricycle that was once used to make pancakes and sell fruits. The zombie leaped in the direction of movement and rushed to the wall.

At this time, the weather is still cool, and the sun on the shaded side comes in late, the sun is temporarily not available at the wall of the gate but as long as you go a few steps forward, you can see the sun.

There was no shelter in front of the pet shop. Su Yu found out that the zombie was really afraid of the sun and was hiding in the shadow of the wall without moving. She was relieved.

She knocked on her frightened legs and threw a shoe in the other direction. No zombies were brought out this time, Su Yu guessed that the zombies should have found a place to hide.

After her head was fully out, she could also hear the sound of some cars. It's not in this remote small street, but on the big road on the back of the pet shop. It seems that vehicles are escaping quickly.

Su Yu hurriedly slipped and got out of the gap. The two little parrots were small, they swaggering and walked out of the shop from the gap.

Although Ah Jin is medium in size, he is a flexible dog and his body is not as clumsy as Su Yu. Ah Jin crawled out of the shop very easily.

Su Yu stood on the empty street, she was panicking in her heart, she then urged the three little guys to do serious things.

To the right of her pet shop is a seed shop, and to the left is a small burger shop. The university she attended was an agricultural university, so there were a lot of seed, seedling, and fertilizer shops near the school, and most of the small rows of streets in the back street were such small shops.

And her target is the small shop next door to the seed shop.

If all goes well, she also wanted to go to the burger shop next door. The small hamburger shop is small and was located in a secluded place than her pet shop. 

It is not only in the corner but also about ten to fifteen square meters. This shop mainly deals with takeaways. It doesn't matter if the shop is smaller.

But since it was a store, there should be a lot of supplies there, at least she can eat it for a while.

The two little parrots have already flown. They are still not able to regulate the wind powers in their bodies. The two tried to mobilize their abilities but they almost forgot their flying skills, then they flew a little for a while. 

The door of the seed shop next door is wide open, and the bloodstains on the door and glass have dried up and become black. The bloody handprints around look like a scene from a revenge ghost movie.

Turning her head, she also found that there were a few bloody handprints on the rolling door of her pet store, which made people felt creepy.

Su Yu didn't dare to urgently approach this seed shop at all. This seed shop is very dim and it's impossible to see what it looks like inside when the lights are off. To Su Yu, this is simply the best place for zombies to hide during the day.

She gently led Ah Jin to the door of the small seed shop. The two little parrots flew in the air. Lu's eyes carefully paid attention to the surrounding environment. The pets guarded Su Yu and were comparable to the most loyal guards.

Ah Jin also followed Su Yu eagerly, and his pill-like nose moved around.

"Woof~" There are three monsters in there! Yuyu, be careful! Ah Jin barked towards the black blood in the seed shop, bit Su Yu's clothes hem, and raised a paw to point at the seed shop.

Su Yu doesn't need Amu to translate the dog's bark, she can roughly understand what Ah Jin wants to express. Ah Jin is saying that there are zombies inside the store.

When the guess was confirmed, Su Yu didn't dare to be careless. When she walked out of the store, she also saw the scene of the same day as the two suns posted by the survivors. One west and one east, two identical suns gradually rose from the horizon.

When Su Yu looked at the two suns, she immediately thought that the future climate of this world might have undergone tremendous changes.

The temperature will become very high, especially in summer at noon. She's afraid that the world's ecosystem may have changed dramatically, and this change is intensifying day by day.

Su Yu held a sickle with some rust in her hand. This was the only long-handled sharp weapon she could use in her pet shop.

She also had a kitchen knife pinned to her waist, which she brought out of the kitchen in the basement.

The small shop was not completely closed. The sliding door was pinned by a human severed arm. Su Yu guessed from the large tattoo pattern on the arm, it's the arm of the keeper of this small seed shop. A middle-aged man with a big horse and flower tattoos on his arms.

The owner's arm is here, so the rest of his body is likely inside the store, but Su Yu don't know if he has been gnawed clean by the zombies, or after he lost an arm, also joined the zombie team.


T/N: Finally! Su Yu is outside!

