Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 6

 After the five hamsters were bound to the Apocalypse Pet System, they're not ordinary hamsters anymore. At least, they're not scared of the two kittens that have not been completely weaned, and all of them are quite interested in playing too.

Chubby volunteered to show his ability next, he swept away the cute white rabbit in Su Yu's leg and jumped into Su Yu's lap. He energetically wrapped his long tail on her arm.

"Meow~" As he meowed, Su Yu felt a burst of electricity passing through her body but she didn't find it painful. It felt like a massager that cost dozens of dollars, quite comfortable.

She looked at the goosebumps that she had and then touched her hair, seems like the electricity on her body would not drain for a while.

She got up from the bed and stood on the floor barefoot. She needs to gradually understand the abilities of her pets. Although their powers were already revealed on the light screen, she needed to see it in person to figure out the little details.

"Goo~ Goo~" Su Yu's stomach grumbled, and the forgotten hunger appeared. Only then did she remember that she hadn't eaten all day long. 

She's hungry, and so are the pets. Although she had fed them in the morning, animals digest food fast. They must be hungry too.

"Ah? Is Yuyu hungry? Yuyu, why don't you make something to eat? But be careful, don't make too much noise. Well, it looks like some monsters appeared outside and they eat people too." 

Amu softly warned Su Yu while listening to Ade's low wailing voice. Dogs have a better sense of smell and hearing than humans, and as Ade became mutated, his smell and hearing also improved.

Now, for example, he knows that the outside world had become hell. The smell outside is very similar to the slaughter area in the vegetable market when he was young. The smell of blood and the roars are similar.

"A monster?" Su Yu remembered the short videos on social media. Grey eyes that lost all humanity and are full of ferociousness as they open their mouth to bite their running and panicking compatriots. 

Their dull teeth became sharper and after a few moments, they tore up the flesh of their victim and chewed the meat like it was nothing.

"Oh!" When Su Yu first saw the videos, she was only surprised and scared but now she is quite nauseous too. She ran to the toilet and vomited, but the only thing that she can spit out is her stomach acid.

The pets were terrified of her sudden condition. Amu followed her to the toilet and stood upright, her left paw was on the toilet seat while the other paw was gently patting Su Yu on the back.

"Ade, go get a cup! Woof!" Amu, who act as the translator became the leader of the pets. It can be said that she had the same IQ as an adult human.

The basement is often 'patronized' by the 'jailbreakers' so Su Yu hid the fragile and delicate things up high. Judging by the size, only Ade is tall enough to get a glass. 

Ade got the order and ran out. He is so big that when all the animals crowded the toilet, there was no space left for his paws to settle. 

Su Yu stopped herself from thinking about the monsters because if she didn't, she's afraid that it was going to be another vomiting session. 

Su Yu's body slowly slipped to the ground, using Amu's support to get up, she opened the faucet in the sink and washed her face with cold water. 

In the Apocalypse, she must be always calm. Fear is useless in this kind of situation. This was no time for decadence!

"Thank you, Ade." Su Yu grabbed the glass on Ade's paw and rinsed her mouth carefully. 

Su Yu's stomach is hungry but she doesn't have an appetite anymore. If she eat and vomited again, it will be such a waste. Her pets are still hungry, she's going to feed them first.

Taking care of the pets had become Su Yu's daily task, even if she's uncomfortable, she won't starve them because of that.

"Yuyu, you don't need to worry about us if you're not feeling well. I know what everyone eats so let me feed them instead." Amu distressedly looked at her pale face. Her furry face was full of worry.

Su Yu was pushed to the bed by Amu. Su Yu thought about what Amu said and nodded her head. She watched as Amu tell the pets to line up and distribute their food.

Amu is indeed a mutated dog! Look at that superb IQ! She feeds the other dogs with dog food and saliva but fed the small pets seriously. 

Su Yu felt warm as she saw this and remembered the attributes of her pets that she had seen on the light screen, along with what suitable food was optimal for them. 

She thought of the light screen and clicked on it. Along with her pets data icon, a new one was displayed, it was a large shopping cart with the words, 'System Mall' written on it.

"System Mall?" Su Yu's eyes lit up and hurriedly clicked on the icon. As a result, she saw that most of the items that are available in the mall are gray and unlocked.

The unlocked ones are divided into seven sections: Electricity, Water, Wind, Plant, Space, Whole, and Spirit.

At the present, all her pets are currently level one, and so, she can only choose from the level one products. Su Yu checked it from start to end and was a little disappointed that all the food are for the pets. 

It really is a mall for the Apocalypse Pet System App. It's not that Su Yu can't accept cat food or anything but the foods on display have attributes on them. She was but a normal person and can't eat it at all.

"These products need crystal cores to be purchased?" Su Yu originally wanted to place an order of a whole package but found that after finishing the order, she would be directed at the payment interface and the balanced interface.

Current Balance: 0

Of course, it's zero. Not to mention zombie crystal cores, she hadn't seen a zombie in person yet. 

The third new icon is an arrow and like the system mall, it also has seven sections. Inside the icon, there were seven options for skill selection. 

Su Yu clicked on the golden icon curiously. She then heard a thunderous thumping sound. Turning her head, she found that Ah Jin was covered in gold along with a circle range of two meters in diameter. The other small animals that are eating were also covered with gold! Because of the disruption just now, their feeds were scattered on the ground.


Isn't this Ah Jin's gold power?! It turns out that she can also control her pets' abilities!

Ah Jin looked at the gold cover in his body in a daze, he stretched out a paw to touch the stiff metal.

Su  Yu watched as the gold icon on the screen gradually turning into gray, lasting about five minutes, and then there was a recovery countdown of thirty minutes. 

It only last five minutes but needed to recover in half an hour? But this metal cover looked like a golden bell from a movie.

Su Yu tried this a few more times enthusiastically. It was all the same, the abilities she had tried only last for five minutes and needed a recovery of 30 minutes before using it again.

Since she can use her pets' abilities, it brought her a sense of security. After the research was complete, she retracted the light screen and watched the pets eat the food properly re-distributed to them by Amu.

Suddenly, a loud noise came that sounds like someone was pounding the shutters. Su Yu was taken aback and looked above in a daze.

"Shh! It's the monsters!" Amu hurriedly stopped the noisy eaters, Ade and San Pao Huo. Unlike the understanding Ade, San Pao Huo was simply a noisy eater.

The noise that attracted the zombies to the place was naturally not the two noisy dogs but the thunderous gold ability which Su Yu activated earlier. 

"Is it...Is it a zombie?!" Su Yu pursed her lips and directed her moist eyes towards Amu.

Indeed, if it was a human being, it's impossible to attack in such a disorderly manner. Most people would use tools instead of iron nails. 

"Don't worry. We're just a little bit loud for a while. Let's keep quiet for now, those monsters will naturally leave." Amu felt Su Yu's fear and stopped eating her food. She jumped on the bed and licked Su Yu's cheeks in consolation.

Su Yu held Amu in her arms and dived into her fur. Unlike the soft fur of cats, rabbits, and hamsters, dog fur was slightly tough but it gave Su Yu a lot of comforts. 

"Don't be afraid, Yuyu. All of us are with you." 

Sure enough, the zombies outside didn't hear anything anymore and left with a huge group of zombies chasing a speeding car. Su Yu held her breath as she still can hear a loud noise outside. 

The basement and the pet shop were only separated by one floor. Most of the noises are blocked and only the loud noises can still be heard in the basement.


After a loud screeching sound, the sound of something exploding resounded. Su Yu didn't need to see what happen to know. It must be a speeding car, the driver must have panicked and bumped into something that resulted in the big explosion.

Since it was confirmed that it was the Apocalypse, Su Yu began to calm down and think of the future.

Once the Apocalypse had come, it won't end in a short time. 

Su Yu recalled the apocalyptic novels she had once read. Most of the protagonists had supernatural powers like space and others. But she was but an ordinary person, but worry not! She also has a cheat!

Although she has no abilities, her pets do! Not only that, her pets are over twenty in the count. Su Yu swallowed, and her confidence to live was regained. 

"I'm not afraid. I have to plan." Su Yu who grow up like weeds on the road has no other advantages. But she was determined and optimistic enough to grow up without parents. So what if it's the Apocalypse now? She still has to live.

Su Yu took a deep breath and looked for something to eat. After making up her mind, her appetite returned. Not eating for a day made Su Yu all soft and weak. 


T/N: Modules are hard to do, writing is harder. 

