Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 3

[Ding! The binding with pet two is complete. Please check the pet's data]

When Su Yu was about to fall asleep, a prompt suddenly appeared on her mind. She raised her head and moved Chubby, who's comfortable laying on her chest to a pillow. 

Thinking of the light screen, it appeared and a second icon lit up. On the dog's section, Ah Jin's (The one with a golden collar) miniature picture lit in blue. 

[Data of Pet #2 (Ah Jin)

Race: Canine

Age: Two years and three months

Gender: Male

Agility: 60/100 (Level 1) 

Loyalty: 90/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 70/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Gold (Offensive/Defensive) (Golden Bell)

Personality: Docile, Kind, Patient.

Optimal Food: Gold-based Food (Normal dog food works but won't increase the attribute value.) 

Current Level: 1]

Ah Jin is a medium-to-large dog. He's now nesting on his cage. After his icon is unlocked, he slowly wakes up. 

The character of the Golden Retriever is just like its coat color, which not only gives people a warm sensation but also a sense of protection. 

After Ah Jin woke up, he looked around for a while. Founding that it was a familiar environment, he slowly stretched out his furry body, raised his paws, and unlocked his cage.

In fact, the five dogs in the shop apart from the new pup can unlock their own cages, the only exception is the stupid husky. 

After Ah Jin unlocked his cage, He walked over to Su Yu. "Woof!" Most of the medium-to-large dog breed mostly don't like to bark (T/N: Is this true? Dog owners out there, please answer~).

The Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, and the Border Collie rarely bark, well except for the energetic Husky. Su Yu sat up halfway, glanced at her bed, and lay back again.

Su Yu bought this bed from a second-hand furniture store. Although it was second-hand, the mattress was newly bought by her. The 1800mm✕2000mm bed is very spacious. But seeing the turtles, rabbits, cats, and hamsters sleeping on her bed with various poses, the wide bed becomes cramped this instant.

The dogs are still okay but the small animals are worrying, If Su Yu turned over, she doesn't know how many cuties will be crushed over by her weight.

Su Yu's muscles were still sore and don't want to move. The Golden Retriever saw that she was just looking at him gently, and knew that he was allowed to the bed. The agile retriever jumped to the end of the bed and bit the blanket there. With quick moves, Ah Jin covered Su Yu with a blanket and laid his head at her shoulder, guarding her.

With the blanket's softness, Su Yu inevitably fall asleep and closed her eyes.

Su Yu didn't know how long did she sleep this time. When she opened her eyes, it met a pair of blue eyes. Su Yu couldn't help but twitch her mouth.

This silly husky! Why is it so close!

The wet nose was touching hers and Su Yu forcefully pushed the dog's face away. After sleeping, her body didn't feel that sore anymore and she can lift her arms now. With her mobile phone on the table, she stretched her hand out and took it, open the screen, and stared at the time. It was five o'clock in the afternoon.

The date remained the same, so to say, she slept for about six hours. And the earthquake she's thinking, and the night after the earthquake was actually daytime.

Is it really the end of the world? Even if it's a solar eclipse, the streets wouldn't be so quiet. Su Yu looked up and didn't see the light screen anymore, she began wondering if it was a hallucination or a dream.

As a result, when she was thinking of the screen, a familiar sound and screen appeared. 

[The end of the world has begun! Successfully bounding all the pets!]

With one sound after another, prompts flooded her light screen, she waited until it died down and began reading the first prompt at the beginning.

[Data of Pet #3 (San Pao Huo)

Race: Canine

Age: One year and nine months

Gender: Male

Agility: 55/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 75/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 65/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Ice (Offensive) (Ice Needles)

Personality: Nervous, Crazy, Clever.

Optimal Food: Ice-based food. 

Current Level: 1]

[Data of Pet #4 (Sanhua)

Race: Feline

Age: One year and two months

Gender: Male

Agility: 90/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 75/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 30/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Speed (Offensive) (Teleportation)

Personality: Curious, Active, Docile

Optimal Food: All attribute food 

Current Level: 1]

[Data of Pet #5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Panda, Tuantuan, Puffy, Pompom, Marshmallow)

Race: Cricetinae

Genders: Male

Agility: 70/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 70/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 30/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Space (Auxiliary) (Space Storage)

Personality: Docile, Ignorant, Stingy.

Optimal Food: Whole Things 

Current Level: 1]

[Data of Pet #10, 11 (Alan, Lu)

Race: Aves

Genders: Male & Female

Age: One year and three months

Agility: 95/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 70/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 50/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Wind (Offensive/Defensive) (Wind Blades)

Optimal Food: Wind-based food

Current Level: 1]

[Data of Pet #12, 13 (Suisui, Ping An)

Race: Testudines

Age: Three years and nine months

Genders: Male & Female

Agility: 50;10/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 70/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 20;90/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Water (Auxiliary) (Defensive) (Water Gun; Deformation)

Personality: Docile, Irritable.

Optimal Food: Water-based food

Current Level: 1]

[Data of Pet #14, 15, 16 (Bai Tuan, Shizi, Little Cotton)

Race: Oryctolagus cuniculus

Age: Five months

Genders: Male, Male & Female

Agility: 90/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 75/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 10;15;80/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Wood (Auxiliary) (Offensive) (Vine Whip; Planting; Claws)

Personality: Docile, Well-Behaved, Cute

Optimal Food: Wood-based food

Current Level: 1]

[Data of Pet #17 (Amu)

Race: Canine

Age: Two years and three months

Gender: Female

Agility: 60/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 95/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 50/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Evolution (Auxiliary) (Highly Intelligent)

Personality: Docile, Smart, Patient.

Optimal Food: All foods.

Current Level: 1]

[Data of Pet #18 (Shaban)

Race: Feline

Age: One year and six months

Gender: Female

Agility: 65/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 80/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 70/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Spirit (Auxiliary) (Spiritual Guidance)

Personality: Docile, Warm, Kind.

Optimal Food: Mental based food

Current Level: 1]

[Data of Pet #19 (Ade)

Race: Canine

Age: Four years and six months

Gender: Male

Agility: 55/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 90/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 90/100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Evolution (Offensive) (Transfiguration)

Personality: Calm, Patient, Tough

Optimal Food: All Foods

Current Level: 1]

Su Yu read the prompts one by one and cried on her heart.

All her pets have abilities, what about her?

Su Yu stretched out a pointer finger and began murmuring.



"Wind, come here!"


Nothing came at all. Sure enough, she's just an ordinary person. 

"San Pao Huo! What are you doing here! Don't lie down! Hey, get up!" 

The husky tilted his dog head, snorted, and opened his mouth where a large ice cone fell straight to the blanket.

Su Yu dumbfoundedly looked at the ice cone with the thickness of her finger that fell not far away on her shoulder. She sat up and excitedly rubbed the husky's head. 

"It really is an ice ability! Can you do a little more?" 

"Woof!" Su Yu strangely understood the husky's woof and then saw the dog opened its mouth, releasing three ice needles that penetrated the mattress.

Su Yu "..."

Bloody Hell! It's the sheets and mattress that she spend a hundred yuan to buy!

This stupid dog!

