Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 4

Su Yu quickly got up to clean up the mess. Or else, the whole bed will be wet!

This is her newly bought mattress!

Fortunately, the silly's dog ability isn't strong yet. Three ice needles pierced the sheets and the thick cushion, luckily, the expensive mattress underneath wasn't damage. 

The animals tilted their heads and watched as Su Yu lifted the sheets and cushion to check on the mattress. Seeing the mattress intact, San Pao Huo snorted in dissatisfaction. Su Yu squeezed the husky's head and violently rubbed the fluffy ears to vent.

"Yuyu, are you okay?" A gentle female voice rang behind Su Yu, and Su Yu who was still looking at her sheets subconsciously replied, "I'm okay."

After answering, she felt something wrong. She had live alone for so long, so who's this second person asking her if she's well?

She slowly turned back. She saw a big and small Border Collie looking at her with big eyes. Su Yu's mouth twitched, wondering if the dogs were talking to her or she's simply hallucinating.

It didn't take long before the gentle voice rang again, "Yuyu, are you scared? Don't worry, Amu will never hurt you." 

It really is the Border Collie that is talking. Although this breeds smartness is well-known, why is it so smooth while talking the human language and why did it strangely calm her? 

Looking at Amu's ability in the light screen, maybe like San Pao Huo's ice needles, because of the evolution attribute, Amu can talk.

Su Yu was not entirely sure because it was too sudden. Suddenly a flash of inspiration came and Su Yu opened her phone to find the social media app. 

The network signal has turned from 4G to 2G, but the network signal in the basement was never good so Su Yu was used to it. 

Today's headline is "The Apocalypse is here!!!" Three enlarged and bold exclamations were enough to show the seriousness of the matter. Su Yu was now situated in the underground basement and has no way knowing the external situation, thankfully, social media was reporting about this matter.

'Apocalypse' 'End of the World' 'Animal Attacks.' 'Plant Mutations' 'I Gained a Power' 'Zombies' 'Two Suns Appeared!' have become the hot search terms.

Su Yu clicked on the short videos which are different from those cleverly and edited videos. Most of the short videos were messy, it's like the hand that is recording the videos is trembling. The videos are sometimes clear and sometimes blurred, the sound is even more annoying, it's messy.

The audio was full of screaming, roaring, loud gulps, and etc. A few short videos were clearly sneak shots showing the scenes of zombies being rampant and chasing the panicked pedestrians.

If it was in the past, having such a gory and bloody video will immediately be banned on social media, but now, no one bothers about it anymore.

There are also short videos showing people with powers, such as making a fireball appeared on their palms or growing vines from their hands, there were other more and Su Yu looked on with envy.

The sun disappearing and the world plunging into darkness, Su Yu witnessed that but she didn't know that two suns appeared after.

In the video, the two suns hanging around in the sky were like two watchful eyes, staring down at them. 

"Yuyu? What's wrong with you, Yuyu?" Amu looked at Su Yu, whose face became pale. She was so worried that she jumped into the bed and rest her paws on Su Yu's thighs and looked at Su Yu with worried dog eyes.

"Woof!" Don't worry! Why are you worrying? We're here!

"Meow~" What are you afraid of? I'm with you, master! Meow~

The animals became restless as if they can feel Su Yu's panic. The small animals were still exploring the changes on their bodies but now they surrounded her.

Su Yu blinked her moist eyes and hugged a fluffy 'pillow', only to realize something is wrong with it.

Su Yu wiped her moist eyes and pulled the big head out of her arms. Ade's size is not small and Su Yu clearly knows but this head is much bigger than hers! Before her head is clearly bigger but now Ade's are once or twice bigger!

At first, Su Yu thought that Ade's sitting on the ground but he's laying on the bed, the two-meter bed was not even enough for his body! 

"Ade...Ade, get up and show me how big you are!" Su Yu let go of the fluffy head and tugged his ears, which are now much larger than her palms.

Although Ade is not as smart as Amu, he can still understand the meaning of her words. 

Although the basement is humid and there's no daylight, it was big and spacious enough. After Su Yu lived here and renovated the basement, it has now two rooms, one kitchen, and a bathroom.

It is impossible to entertain people in her basement so she had no living room. Her large bedroom occupied almost half of the area of the basement.

In addition to a large bed, the bedroom has two large wardrobes and a pair of tables and chairs. 

"Woof!" The (Ade)dog's voice was deep, resembling a growl from a lion or a tiger.

It retracted its huge paws on the bed and slowly stood up.

Su Yu looked at the obedient dog, it was much taller than her who was sitting on the bed, It's height might be 1.2 meters tall and its the length...It must be more than two meters.

The height of an adult Siberian tiger is only about one meter tall and two meters six in length. Although Ade's size can't compare to an adult male Siberian tiger, it was definitely superior to a female one.

After looking at the big dog, Su Yu stretched out her hand. The dog's gaze is too docile that Su Yu wasn't even scared despite it being huge now. 

Ade looked at the little white hand stretched out towards him and obediently placed his chin on it. In the past, Su Yu can fitly hold Ade's chin but now that he increased in size, she can only hold half of his chin. 

This kind of trust, obeying her without hesitation. Su Yu was so touched that she nearly burst out crying.


Su Yu remembered her memories when she was living in a simple and crowded orphanage. She was little and weak but she always loved small animals. There was a time when she took care of a hamster but it bit her clothes and got discovered by an elder child. 

The hamster was beaten to death and that was the time where Su Yu began to dream of owning a pet store, having cute pets, and protecting them. 

"Why did you grow big so fast? You're almost up to my chest." Su Yu got up from the bed and stepped on the cold floor. Looking at the big dog that almost reach under her chest, Su Yu was amazed. 

"It must be the attributes, just like what happened to Amu." Amu had walked to Ade's side. In the past, the two were of the same size but now, the Ade became bigger. 

When Su Yu looked at the big Ade, she subconsciously looked for the smaller animals to comfort her heart.


The two turtles are not very old and they're still as small. The lifespan of turtles is very long, if they are well-kept, they can even be given to future generations as heirlooms. But Ping An is a Chinese herb turtle and its lifespan is naturally shorter than those of sea turtles. 

She remembered that she had moved the small fish tank under her table.

Su Yu then saw the small tank that she had placed under the table, crushed, the broken glass shards splashed everywhere along with water. 

"Don't come here. There are broken glasses here." Su Yu carefully walked to the mess, she's only wearing fluffy sandals, if she happened to step on a shard, her feet will definitely bleed.


The basement has no concrete walls, it only had the wooden walls that Su Yu carefully constructed to act as partitions to separate different rooms. A wood that act as her door was wide open, now she can hear even the water flowing on the pipes.

She cleaned the mess and then counted the small animals on her bed. Ah Jin, Sanhua, Chubby, Alan, Lu, San Pao Huo, Ade, Amu, and her pup. There were nine pets in her room so she was thirteen pets short.

When the pets were moved to her basement, the small hamsters and the rabbits were placed in the storage room next to her room. Cats and Dogs can open their cages and go stroll around but the rabbits and hamsters were helpless to a lock they can't reach.


T/N: It's alright to have no power, Su Yu. At least all your pets do. 


