Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 2

 "Boom... Boom..." Just as Su Yu comfortably washing her face, the ground violently moved. Su Yu couldn't care less about her wet face and sat on the floor subconsciously. While trembling, she walks out of the shower. 

A pity that when she walked a few steps, her head buzzed and her sight turned black, within a few breaths, she fell down and lost consciousness. 

Su Yu didn't know how long did she sleep, she only knew that she woke up because of the annoying machine sounds blaring repeatedly. 

She was in a daze, her stomach grumbled non-stop, and her eyes are blurred. All she knew was that the machine sounds in her ears are repeating the same words again and again. 

[The Apocalypse Pet System is online. Please confirm the binding.]

Ah? What binding? Confirm what?

Su Yu reacted subconsciously and repeated the machine words. The chatter on her head disappeared replaced with a 'Ding!' sound. Su Yu got up and from the floor and looked around with misty eyes. The surrounding environment was still the one she's familiar with. 

She immediately remembered the violent earthquake before she fainted. Looking around, she hadn't seen much destruction caused by it. Su Yu climbed up the stairs in a puzzled manner. 

Although the earthquake seems to have passed, there is no guarantee that aftershocks wouldn't happen. She should take this advantage first to run outside in a flat and open place. 

Su Yu climbed up the stairs with both hands and feet's on the ground just in case the ground shake again. When you got to the pet shop, you can see the things on the pet shop got slightly messed up. Some lighter things moved out of position and everything else is normal, except... It was dark. 

Su Yu quickly looked at the clock. The shorthand of the clock pointed at ten and the long hand pointed at eight. But Su Yu knew that it wasn't 10:40 pm. And even if it was, it will never be this quiet and dark. 

Everything was silent. The sky was dark with no stars in sight, It should have been where the moon hang in the sky but it felt like someone covered it with black clothing. 

Su Yu didn't know what's happening. Her mind continued to buzz with the countdown of the completion of the system startup. She opened the door and looked outside. It was as if time had stopped. Not a single person was running around nor was there small animals roaming.

On the big tree on the entrance, the two parrots fell in the cage motionless. Su Yu's heart thumped and she rushed to bring the cage inside the shop and turned on the lights. She grabbed the blue tiger skin parrot and carefully examined it. 

There is a pulse and it's still alive. But for the specific reason why it fainted cannot be determined yet, Su Yu lacked the necessary tools to test them. 

Since the two birds were alive, Su Yu gently sighed. She grabbed the two birds and gently laid them in a towel, she then turned to check the situation on the dogs' section. 

She felt something wrong. When she entered the dog room, the noisiest husky didn't bark at her and as expected, like the two parrots, she found the four dogs were sleeping on their cages peacefully, the Border Collie and its two months pup were snuggling to each other.

Su Yu also went to check the cat section and again, like the dogs, the cats were sleeping. Just when Su Yu was about to lose her cool, the countdown on her mind stopped and the machine sound rang again. 

[Apocalypse Pet APP System has been installed. Urging the Host to find a pet as soon as possible, find a safe refuge, and avoid the beginning of the apocalypse. The countdown begins at one hour.]

The apocalypse?

Su Yu became dumbfounded and looked through the window. The outside was still dark, even with her shop light's on, she still can't see the outlines outside. 


Is it really the end of the world?

The countdown was rapidly changing. It's been two minutes since the one-hour countdown. Su Yu blinked and found her phone in a pocket. The original full battery was reduced to half. She had charged it last night and it was still full when she washed her face in the morning, There was a squeak in her heart, did she really fainted for few hours?

As expected, the date turned from November 17th to November 20th. So she's been in a coma for three days?! No wonder she was trembling with hunger. 

So the apocalypse is really real? And the system in her head too?

Su Yu quickly recovered and closed the curtains. She didn't dare go outside. She closed the shutters of the shop from the inside and moved the shoebox to blocked the door at the back. Only then she began to move things to the basement. Although it was humid there, it was the safest place. She placed the cats into the cat back and locked the cages of the dogs. 

The small animals were quickly carried down but the dogs were a bit troublesome. They were nearly half a meter tall and a meter long. Su Yu, who only weigh a hundred pounds had some trouble dragging the cages to the basement.

After Su Yu laboriously moved the animals in the basement, she went up and also moved the foods and drinks down, racing against time. There were 20 minutes left before the countdown but she was already exhausted. 

But even if she's tired, she can't afford to rest. Although she didn't know if what the self-proclaimed system said is true, she can't bother to think about it. In the pet shop, her daily necessities were few but the supplies for the animals are plentiful. Because the time is tight, Su Yu just grabbed whatever she saw in sight. 

To save time, Su Yu also bought out her suitcase which is normally left to gather dust on the side, and packed the food there. She slowly moves it down the basement. She put rags to cover the basement door and locked it inside. 

The system on her mind slowly counted down: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 … 2, 1.

With the last number, the system became for a minute before it was replaced by an electronic voice:

[The Apocalypse officially begins. The system wished the host to survive...]

Is this the end of the world? 

Su Yu hasn't seen any changes. The basement is closed. She normally goes upstairs and spends her time there, but now the desolate basement is all lit up. 

Su Yu didn't know what system she's bind to. But at this time, she was tired and sore. She was exhausted and felt like this was the only day she's been tired in her life. 

[Ding! The binding with pet one is complete. Please check the pet's data.]

Suddenly, a screen appeared before Su Yu's eyes with one icon in it. 

Apocalypse Pet App?

She subconsciously tapped the icon on the screen and it flickered. The icon was gone and replaced by six icons which were presented by Q-version Chinese characters.

They are cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, hamsters, and turtles.

Su Yu squinted her eyes to see more clearly. Aren't these the six animal types available at her pet shop? Among the six icons, only the cat is colored light blue while the other five were gray. 

Gray...Does that mean it's not unlocked yet?

Su Yu clicked on the cat icon and four miniature cats appeared. These are all the cats in her shop, even the small details are the same. Among the small four images, only the Pastoral cat is blue.

She stretched out her finger and clicked it. The information immediately shows.

[Data of Pet #1 (Chubby)

Race: Feline

Age: One year and six months

Gender: Male

Agility: 65/100 (Level 1)

Loyalty: 70/100 (Level 1)

Strength Value: 35/ 100 (Level 1)

Attribute: Electricity (Offensive) (Can release up to 100,000 volts)

Personality: Lazy, Sleepy, Timid.

Optimal Food: Electric Food (Normal cat food works but won't increase the attribute value.)

Current Level: 1]

Chubby is the name that Su Yu gave to the cat after becoming the shop owner. 

"This is?" Even an attribute was given. 

It really is the end of the world.

But why is it so sudden?! Without any warning, it came!

"Meow?" Aiyah. Where is this?

The chubby cat slowly woke up in Su Yu's bed. It looked around vigilantly but saw the familiar room and smelled the familiar scent.

"Meow~" This is the smell of the shit shoveler. She must have brought me to the nest again without me paying attention. 

The pastoral cat's eyes opened and warm orange pupils looked around. Not only did he find himself on the nest of the shit shoveler, but the stupid dogs are also here! Along with other small friends. 

"Meow?" Why did the shit shoveler move us to the nest?

Chubby realized that he was laid next to a dog's cage, he stretched out his paw to the nearest husky.

He slapped the husky's face while mocking it.

"Meow. Meow!" Stupid dog, get up for me! Hurry up, stupid dog!

While he was slapping the husky vigorously, a pair of hands picked him up. The person stumbled forward before stabilizing her balance. Chubby looked back. He felt that the shit shoveler stumbling forward was a mockery of his weight.

"Meow~" What do you want shit shoveler? Are you challenging my authority? I'm a little angry now. Chubby needs coaxing to be happy again.

Su Yu smiled and take a big bite on the sweet little cake. She was so hungry that she couldn't stand it and grabbed the cake by hand, she devoured it in three bites. She took a bottle of water from the edge of the bed and gulped down half the content. She then lay down on the bed with the cat on her chest. 

Chubby weighed over twelve catties and her chest bear the brunt of his weight, she suddenly felt suffocated. 

What a sweet burden! The warmth and fluffy feeling made Su Yu's anxious heart calm down and her insecurity, gone. It brought her an infinite sense of security. 

Su Yu shifted her head and pushed out the little border collie occupying her pillow. The puppy grew fat and healthy and looks like three months old. Chubby who was too lazy laid on her like a corpse. Su Yu stretched her hand to pat his back. 


T/N: Finally! Chapter 2 finished! It took so long because my mouse was broken.

