Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 51

Fei Xiu had been having a rough few days. Ever since he changed his robot’s gender, his life had taken a turn for the worse. 

She used to be diligent, considerate, and took care of him, even giving him the occasional pep talk. But now? 

Aside from providing the necessary meals and maintaining cleanliness, she wouldn’t do anything extra, nor say a word beyond what was required. 

She spent most of her time in the garage, like a machine whose sole purpose was work. 

Well, she was a robot, so that description wasn’t exactly wrong, but Fei Xiu still felt like he’d been neglected.

Having enjoyed the all encompassing service of the robot before, he now found it impossible to adapt to this cold and distant behavior.

Four days later, Fei Xiu gave a new command to Yuan Chu: "Unit One, change your gender back to female."

Yuan Chu, in a cold tone, replied, "Gender changes require a ten day interval."

Gender swapping required data exchange, and during the process, there was a risk of data loss. 

Not that this would affect Yuan Chu much, she was simply trying to maintain her consistency.

Fei Xiu: ...

So he still had to endure six more days of this cold shoulder? What was the programmer thinking when they designed his robot’s personality? 

Women were so warm and sweet, why did the male version have to be so aloof and arrogant? This was clearly a personality defect!

He failed to realize that this personality trait bore some resemblance to his own.

"Confirm gender change?" Yuan Chu asked.


"Okay, recorded. The change will occur in six days."

Fei Xiu let out a breath of relief. Just six days, he could bear it.

Yuan Chu’s unique traits made Fei Xiu see her as more than just a robot, which is why he cared so much about her gender. 

He had enlisted at eighteen, surrounded by men, with little to no experience interacting with women, so his instinct was to keep a distance from them.

But now, he had been completely won over.

During those six days, Fei Xiu finished modifying the core program, and after Yuan Chu’s inspection, it was confirmed that the virus had been completely eradicated. 

New rules were set, breaking away from the control of the virus driven AI, and turning the robot into Fei Xiu’s personal mechanical beasts.

The appearance of the three mechanical beasts had long been altered by Yuan Chu. 

One had mismatched leg lengths, another had a grafted head, and the third had patchwork facial features. They looked like a group of misfits.

Yet these three deformed mechanical beasts not only flawlessly carried out Fei Xiu’s commands, but they were also agile, possessed a certain level of combat ability, and even had basic intelligence.

After completing the tests, Yuan Chu suddenly pulled out a dozen cans of spray paint and suggested, "Master, would you like to give them a makeover and name them?"

Fei Xiu looked at the three misfits, thinking that no color could save their ugliness. 

Still, he picked a few colors and painted them, then numbered them F1, F2, and F3, instructing them to patrol the estate.

After completing all this, Fei Xiu suddenly realized something and looked sharply at Yuan Chu. 

"Did you change your gender?"

The male version of Unit One wouldn’t usually suggest something as superficial as this.

Yuan Chu: "Yes, gender has been modified. I am now female."

Fei Xiu couldn’t resist scooping her up and planting a kiss on her. 

"Welcome back, darling."

Yuan Chu: ???

That night, after completing his training, Fei Xiu collapsed exhausted onto the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

He wasn’t sure how long had passed when a screen suddenly popped out of the wall, accompanied by an alarm: [Beep, beep. Ten mutant mechanical beasts are approaching.]

Fei Xiu’s eyes snapped open. 

He leapt out of bed, grabbed his energy gun from under the pillow, and checked the surveillance feed, where ten red dots were closing in from the direction of the steel ruins.

He grabbed a piece of clothing and rushed downstairs. Yuan Chu was already standing by the window, peering outside.

"Stay here, I’ll go check it out." Fei Xiu instructed before rushing out.

His estate was located in the outskirts, where people were scarce, but there were still a dozen or so households nearby. 

These mechanical beasts were likely targeting him, and he couldn’t let any of the other residents get hurt, he had to resolve this quickly.

Fei Xiu hid behind the estate wall, watching as the mutated mechanical beasts clashed head on with F1, F2, and F3. 

The three modified mechanical beasts put up a good fight, not immediately falling behind despite being outnumbered, and successfully managed to hold the attackers off.

Fei Xiu's eyes gleamed, his focus razor-sharp as he raised his energy gun. 

In the dark of night, each shot hit its mark, turning the standard firearm into something with the precision of a sniper rifle.

In less than five minutes, with the combined efforts of one human and three machines, the ten mechanical beasts were completely wiped out.

Fei Xiu was physically drained, sweat pouring down his face, but his spirits were high. 

The control training he’d been doing was finally paying off, each precise, lethal hit brought a thrill he could hardly contain.

After scanning the area and confirming no further threats, Yuan Chu swiftly dashed out from the estate to collect the spoils, something she did with practiced ease.

The corpses of the ten mutated mechanical beasts were quickly dragged back to the estate. 

Aside from one that had been torn apart by F1, 2, 3, the remaining nine were mostly intact, though Fei Xiu had destroyed their cores. 

If they were to be repurposed, they would have to copy F1, 2, 3’s program. While this method was simple, it limited the functionality. 

If Fei Xiu needed mechanical beasts with different capabilities, the program would have to be modified.

Currently, they had three mechanical beasts, F1 was a scout, while F2 and F3 were land combat units.

The newly collected nine mechanical beasts, judging from their designs, also appeared to be land combat and transport units, modeled mostly after cats and dogs.

“I wonder if the Iron Wasteland will send more after this.” Fei Xiu said seriously. 

“Just to be safe, I think it’s necessary to report this to the Xinlan garrison.”

“These mechanical beasts weren’t coming after you.” Yuan Chu suddenly remarked.


“I checked a few of the cores and found some information.” Yuan Chu picked up a broken core chip. 

“They received orders to raid a warehouse in the city. They just happened to pass by our estate.”

Fei Xiu had thought they were targeting him, but apparently, he had been mistaken.

“Do you know what’s in that warehouse?” He asked.

“Weapons and energy sources.” This information wasn’t retrieved from the chip, it was something Yuan Chu foresaw.

As her fortune accumulated, Yuan Chu’s ability to reveal information had increased, and the rules that restricted her were becoming less stringent.

The Iron Wasteland were severely lacking in resources, especially energy. Without energy, even if the virus controlled AI could produce more weapons, they wouldn’t be able to use them. 

On the other hand, if the AI gained access to sufficient energy, Xinlan would face a catastrophe.

With a grave expression, Fei Xiu sent the intel to the Xinlan garrison, urging them to strengthen their defenses.

Rumor had it that the Iron Wasteland housed more than 10,000 mechanical beasts, though their quality varied. 

However, as long as they had enough materials, they could continue to produce new ones endlessly.

The Iron Wasteland had its own power plant and solar farm, but the output was small, probably only enough to sustain the activity of two to three thousand mechanical beasts, let alone power their weapons.

Fei Xiu estimated that there were at least 200 elite, well-equipped beasts in the Iron Wasteland. This was one of the reasons why the Xinlan garrison dared not launch a full-scale attack.

After sending the message, there was no response for a while.

Yuan Chu had already modified the nine newly acquired mechanical beasts, installing their cores. Fei Xiu painted them and numbered them according to their types.

Among them, four were transport units. Yuan Chu took them scavenging at the junkyard whenever she had spare time.

During this period, Fei Xiu thwarted two more operations by the Iron Wasteland, and Yuan Chu’s mechanical beast squad continued to grow, expanding in both numbers and variety.

Some were responsible for surveillance, some for combat, others for cleaning, farming, or scavenging, and there were even a few just for looking cute. 

Yuan Chu was promoted to general manager, taking charge of Fei Xiu’s daily life, control training, and mental well-being.

The once quiet estate had become lively. The barren courtyard was now filled with flowers, trees, and vegetables. 

A grape trellis had even been set up. The damaged areas had all been repaired, green vines covered the walls, and flowers swayed in the breeze, creating an atmosphere brimming with life.

Fei Xiu's frame was leaner than before, but his energy was improving by the day, and his gaze grew sharper. 

At first glance, he seemed harmless, but the occasional flash of his imposing aura sent a chill down one's spine. 

In the past, he had been arrogant and brash, but now he concealed his sharpness, like a sword still sheathed.

Three busy and fulfilling months passed, and the estate welcomed its second batch of visitors.

“What do you want with me?” Fei Xiu sat on the sofa, looking indifferently at the man and two women before him.

The man was Fei Xiu’s uncle, Fei Luo De. One of the women was his wife, Qiao Li, and the other was unfamiliar, a woman in her twenties, with decent looks, but her hooked nose and thin lips gave her a sharp, calculating appearance. 

She scrutinized Fei Xiu as if evaluating merchandise.

Fei Xiu glanced at her briefly, making her avert her gaze instantly.

Fei Luo De looked around, his expression somewhat surprised. He had thought that his nephew, living in such a rural place, would be doing poorly. 

To his surprise, although the estate was old, it was comfortable, clean, and had a certain charm.

“Fei Xiu, what are your plans for the future?” Fei Luo De asked, snapping out of his thoughts.

“No plans.” Fei Xiu replied coolly.

“That won’t do. You’re only in your twenties; you can’t live like this, so aimless.” Fei Luo De gave him a kindly look. 

“You’ve lost so much weight. Things haven’t been going well for you, have they?”

In another room, Yuan Chu and a group of mechanical beasts were hiding behind a door, peeking out.

“There’s no need for you to worry, Uncle. I’m doing just fine.” Fei Xiu said, his face tightening with a hint of impatience.

“Your parents passed away early, and you’ve had no one to take care of you. I can’t help but be concerned.” Fei Luo De said, adopting a tone of care. 

“We came today mainly to introduce someone to you.”

He gestured to the young woman next to his wife. 

“This is Bessa, the daughter of your father’s close friend. There was a verbal marriage agreement between your families. Bessa has always admired you and hopes to share a life with you.”

Bessa lowered her head, seemingly shy.

Fei Xiu: ...

“It’s hard living alone. Sooner or later, you’ll need someone by your side.” Fei Luo De continued, gently persuading him. 

“Bessa comes from a good family, has a gentle nature, and doesn’t mind your condition. You two can give it a try. If it works out, get married, have a few kids, and live a stable life.”

“I don’t have any plans to get married for now.” Fei Xiu rejected him without hesitation. 

His uncle suddenly showing up with a bride? Who knew what kind of scheme he had in mind? 

Logically, as a wounded veteran with no job or future prospects, and only millions in savings and disability benefits, what could they want from him?

And this woman named Bessa, dressed head to toe in designer brands, she looked even wealthier than his uncle. 

Why would someone like her want to marry a retired soldier like him?

“Fei Xiu, Bessa is an exceptional match.” Qiao Li added. 

“Her father is a renowned businessman in the capital, worth billions. If it weren’t for their loyalty to the old promise, they wouldn’t be offering their daughter to you.”

“I appreciate Miss Bessa and her parents’ kindness, but I’m not worthy.”

“Why are you being so stubborn?” Qiao Li grew anxious. 

“You’re already in this state, wouldn’t it be better to settle down and marry early?”

Fei Xiu stared at them. “Why are you so concerned about my marriage?”

Qiao Li hesitated.

Fei Luo De quickly stepped in. “We’re just worried about you.”

“Is that so?” When he had been at the height of his success, they had indeed cared about him. 

But when he had fallen on hard times, they immediately turned their backs on him. During his recovery in the hospital, they hadn’t cared at all and had even tried to seize his assets. 

Unfortunately for them, his status as a disabled veteran entitled him to strict legal protection, and any attempt to take his assets would be met with severe consequences.

“Uncle, Aunt, you can save your false concern for someone else. I’m not interested.” Fei Xiu said coldly. 

He was inherently proud and couldn’t tolerate deceit. Once he saw through his uncle and aunt’s true nature, there was no going back.

“Fei Xiu…”

“You should leave. I’m tired.” Fei Xiu said, standing up, ready to see them out.

“Wait.” Bessa lifted her chin slightly and finally spoke. 

“Let me be straightforward.”

Fei Xiu stared at her without a word.

“I want a child, a child with superior genes.” Bessa said slowly. 

“You meet all my requirements. Even though your mental strength has weakened due to your injuries, it won’t affect the quality of your offspring. If you don’t want to get married, I hope you can at least provide some sperm. I’m willing to pay 50 million.”

There are only a few thousand people in the world with S-level mental power. Most of them hold high-ranking positions and have achieved great things. 

Even though Bessa's family is wealthy, it’s difficult for them to interact with people of this caliber. Fei Xiu was different. 

He had once been a promising talent, destined to be promoted to Major General within three years had it not been for his injury. 

Now that he had fallen from grace, he had become the ideal sperm donor.

Fei Xiu finally understood their intentions, and fury surged within him. 

He roared, “Get out!”

He had fought and bled on the frontlines, earning distinguished accolades, only to be reduced to someone’s sperm bank now. 

How utterly ridiculous! Fifty million for his offspring? To hell with that!

His eyes burned red with rage, killing intent radiating from him. He grabbed Fei Luo De and his wife, one in each hand, and threw them out of his house. Bessa, terrified, quickly followed.

With a loud bang, the door was slammed shut, so forcefully that cracks appeared along the wall near the doorframe.

Fei Luo De spat angrily, “He doesn’t want a beautiful wife, and he won’t even donate some sperm! Does he still think he’s the brilliant genius with a bright future?”

Qiao Li glanced at Bessa, whose face was clouded with displeasure. 

“Miss Bessa, I’m sorry…”

“Forget it. I should’ve known you two were useless.” Bessa waved her hand dismissively, her tone cold. 

“I’ll find a way myself.”

With that, she stepped into her hovercar in her high heels and drove off without looking back.

There was no way she would give up on acquiring those S-level superior genes.

Fei Xiu: Unit One, someone’s after my sperm. What do you think?

Yuan Chu: Sterilization would solve the problem.

Fei Xiu: ...

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