Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 40

"Yuan Chu," Sun Xinrong found Yuan Chu in the second-floor cafeteria and asked, "Why haven't you been going out to play recently?"

"I’m working on a research project, so I've been a bit busy," Yuan Chu replied.

Sun Xinrong was speechless. "You're just a freshman, right? What kind of research project?"

The project Yuan Chu mentioned was one she had set for herself. She had no trouble with textual knowledge, but what she needed most were experiments. 

Though the power system of this world was weak, its technology for exploring life was relatively advanced. The micro and conscious existences were two completely opposite realms. 

As a high-level conscious being, Yuan Chu was very interested in knowledge from the other realm.

On the other hand, she also wanted to develop more advanced medical instruments and techniques. 

After Li Xi was infected by a virus, though he recovered, his immune system was compromised, and his lifespan was significantly reduced. 

It was not so evident in his youth, but by middle age, his body would rapidly deteriorate. Without any other breakthrough, he might not live past 47.

"I don't care. You have to come with me tonight," Sun Xinrong thought Yuan Chu was just making excuses to avoid her.

"Sorry, I really don't have time, and my brother won't let me go out with you guys."

"He just doesn't feel comfortable with you going out alone," Sun Xinrong coaxed. "If you bring him along, there shouldn't be any problem."

"He won't go." Ever since she showcased her billiards skills last time, Sun Xinrong had her eye on her, wanting her to join the games she played with those wealthy kids. 

They often arranged betting matches on a whim, with all sorts of bizarre stakes.

Yuan Chu had stepped in last time only to prevent her from being humiliated. Despite narrowly escaping a crisis, Sun Xinrong still hadn't learned her lesson and remained oblivious to the risks, so Yuan Chu didn't want to intervene anymore. 

Besides, Li Xi had forbidden her from associating with them, so she declined firmly.

"If you insist, he will definitely agree." Li Xi's overprotectiveness towards his sister was already evident. Although Sun Xinrong was jealous, she tolerated it considering Yuan Chu's young age.

"Make your own arrangements. I have a lot of homework to do." Yuan Chu packed up her tray and got up to leave. 

After taking a few steps, she stopped, turned back to Sun Xinrong, and said, "If you're going to bet with that girl named Gong Xiaoqin tonight, be careful. She might propose some outrageous stakes, so don't agree easily."

Seeing as Sun Xinrong was one of Li Xi's potential future partners, Yuan Chu decided to offer a friendly warning. 

As long as it didn't directly involve the Son of Destiny, there were still some things she could say.

"Do you think I don't know to be careful? I don't need your reminder." Sun Xinrong, irritated by Yuan Chu's repeated refusals, didn't take her advice to heart.

After leaving the cafeteria, Yuan Chu went straight to the laboratory. She had obtained permission to use the lab from a professor by submitting a paper, but only during her free time.

Busy with her studies and experiments, she rarely participated in group activities and was almost like an invisible person outside of class. 

The impact of that video gradually faded over the course of several weeks. As for love letters, none reached Yuan Chu thanks to the combined efforts of Li Xi and Shan Ruize.

[Class is over? I'm waiting for you at the school gate.] As soon as the dismissal bell rang, Yuan Chu received a text from Li Xi.

[I'll be out soon.] Yuan Chu replied automatically with a thought.

Sitting in his car, Li Xi received the reply less than three seconds after sending his text, causing him to smile: That was fast.

After waiting for six or seven minutes, a petite figure appeared in his line of sight. Today, Yuan Chu was wearing a pink blouse and a plaid skirt, with brown ankle boots. 

Her steps were light, and she exuded a youthful energy. Her clear eyes looked over at him, curving into crescents as she smiled brilliantly.

Li Xi felt a flutter in his heart as he watched her run towards him, her hair fluttering in the breeze like a dancing butterfly.

"Are you done?" Yuan Chu asked as she got into the back seat, casually placing her shoulder bag to the side.

"Yes." Li Xi sat up straight, his eyes fixed ahead.

Yuan Chu glanced at him and suddenly asked, "Did you drink?"

Li Xi: "...No." He had only had one drink, and he had washed up thoroughly before coming. How could she still smell it?

Ignoring his denial, Yuan Chu said sternly, "How could you drink?"

Li Xi: "I didn’t..."

"Do you know how harmful alcohol is to your body? It can damage your central nervous system, cause hematopoietic dysfunction, cerebrovascular disease, cardiomyopathy, pancreatitis, gastritis, and peptic ulcer disease."

Li Xi: "I only had one drink..."

"Even one drink should not be taken lightly! You promised me you would take good care of your body, no smoking, no drinking, and no eating overly spicy foods."

Li Xi, like a scolded puppy: "I understand. I'll be more careful next time."

"Good. Just don't do it again." Yuan Chu was worried sick about extending his lifespan, yet he was still harming his body.

"Okay." Li Xi stole a glance at her and thought even a stern Chu Chu was very cute, adorably fierce.

"When you get back, ask Auntie to make you a cup of kudzu flower tea." Yuan Chu noticed he was a bit uncomfortable and patted her own leg. "Lie down, I'll give you a massage."

Li Xi looked at her legs, which were not even as thick as his arms, hesitating and a bit worried about crushing her.

"Lie down. I can handle your weight."

"Since you say so..." Li Xi decisively lay down, carefully resting his head on her thigh.

Two delicate fingers pressed rhythmically on his temples, easing his headache bit by bit.

Li Xi's body involuntarily relaxed, his eyelids half-closed, quietly gazing at her serene face.

"Chu Chu..."


[Forgive me, but I can't see you as a little sister anymore. Your love, your marriage, your life... everything about you, I want to have. You're still so young, but I can't control my feelings. However, rest assured, I won't do anything to harm you before you come of age. But for the rest of your life, you can only be with me.]

Yuan Chu paused for a moment, a familiar sensation flooding her heart, warm and sweet, like soaking in a hot spring.

In her previous world, Huo Yin had also brought her such palpitations.

Could it be...

No, Huo Yin and Li Xi had completely different destinies. They couldn't possibly be the same person.

In the vastness of countless worlds, the chance of meeting the same person was almost nonexistent.

Yuan Chu's eyes half-closed, concealing the brilliance that shimmered within them, and also hiding that nearly imperceptible wave of emotion.


The next day, when Yuan Chu entered campus, she overheard many people excitedly discussing something.

"Have you heard about Sun Xinrong?"

"The whole forum exploded! How could I not know?"

"She's so embarrassed this time. She lost a bet to Gong Xiaoqin, ended up swimming naked in the pool three times, and someone took photos!"

"Sun Xinrong has such a great figure, especially those long legs. It'll be the talk of the semester."

"Did you save the photo?"

"Yeah, I'm quick—I saved it. Want me to send it to you later?"

"Thanks, buddy. I owe you dinner tonight."

Yuan Chu remained composed, unruffled by the gossip. She had warned Sun Xinrong beforehand, but she still fell into the trap. 

She trusted too much in the unwritten rules of their circle—to have fun without exposing each other's secrets. Little did she know, Gong Xiaoqin's intention was to shame her.

Sun Xinrong is a beautiful girl and very popular with boys. The boy Gong Xiaoqin likes also has a crush on her. Her flamboyant nature has caused tension between them.

This incident may or may not become a big deal. The posts and photos were quickly cleared and didn't spread widely. But for the arrogant Sun Xinrong, it was undoubtedly a major insult.

As Yuan Chu approached the classroom door, she looked up and saw Sun Xinrong walking toward her, her eyes filled with anger.

"Yuan Chu, do me a favor."

Yuan Chu: "..." She didn't need to ask to know what favor she wanted.

"Help me get back at Gong Xiaoqin," Sun Xinrong said, holding up two fingers. "I'll give you 20,000."

As the sister of a future multimillionaire, she wasn't short on money.

"I heard you need the latest dialysis equipment," Sun Xinrong added. "I can help you find a way."

This wasn't a secret; Yuan Chu had mentioned it to several of the professor's assistants. 

While lacking this equipment wouldn't hinder her research, her experimental data couldn't just magically appear and required a rigorous experimental process.

"Yuan Chu, please!" Sun Xinrong pleaded, lowering her voice.

Yuan Chu saw the restrained anger in her eyes and replied calmly, "I'm only good at playing billiards, so I'm afraid I can't be much help."

Knowing there were billiards masters around, Gong Xiaoqin wouldn't dare compete against them in that, especially since the competition is based on a lottery system. 

Winning her isn't guaranteed either way. But as long as Yuan Chu's willing, those aren't issues. The real issue is that she isn't interested.

Sun Xinrong realized she wasn't making headway and grew frustrated. "Forget it. If you won't help, I won't force it. I, Sun Xinrong, refuse to believe there's no one else besides you," She said through gritted teeth, then stormed off in anger.

Yuan Chu watched her walk away, her gaze darkening slightly.

Despite her attempts at change, it seemed Sun Xinrong was reverting to her old ways. 

Next, she would likely approach Li Xi to accompany her to the party. Li Xi would refuse, leading to further friction between them, falling in love and trying to kill off each other. 

Li Xi: Hold on, where does 'love' fit into all this killing each other business???

Yuan Chu feeling a bit unsettled for no apparent reason.

It's not because Sun Xinrong likes Li Xi, but rather because she's likely to bring trouble to the child of luck/destiny.

Anyway, she better figure out a way for him to avoid her.

In the evening, Li Xi came to pick up Yuan Chu. Several text messages arrived while he was on the way, but he didn't reply to any. 

Shortly after, he took another call and ended it with an impatient expression after a few words.

Yuan Chu took his phone, checked the caller ID, and asked, "Brother, how do you use the blacklist?"

Li Xi responded, "Huh? I know."

Yuan Chu handed the phone back, saying, "Show me for a moment."

Li Xi glanced at the screen displaying Sun Xinrong and calmly added her number to the blacklist.

Yuan Chu looked serious and commented, "It's that simple, huh?"

"Yes," Li Xi said, trying to suppress a smile, "It's a shame it took only a few minutes."

Yuan Chu nodded approvingly without hesitation.

Li Xi straightened up: If you're jealous, just say so. Why resort to these tricks? Really... I belong to you alone. I'll be yours for life. No one can take me away. Don't worry.


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