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Chapter 58.1: Love

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Life is gradually returning to track. He Xiaoyun attends university from Monday to Friday. She stays at home with the child on weekends and cooks for the family. She goes to the market to stock up on groceries for the week. There will be some weekend literary activities on occasion.

One weekend in April, the class organized an outing.

Because it was the first group outing since the beginning of school, He Xiaoyun couldn't refuse, so she sent Wei Yuanhang to Xu Lanxiang and promised to buy him a kite when she returned.

About twenty people in the class were there, and they went to the People's Park together.

Many people are enjoying the flowers in the park in late spring. They (the group) are a group of young people who are vibrant and youthful, and they draw a lot of attention.

Liu Yangyang jumped around with a bag in her hand, taking food from the bag and sharing it with He Xiaoyun, like a child who had come out to play with her parents.

"Did you know? Li Lingling talked about a boy." She(LY) suddenly leaned in and said in a low voice, looking in the other direction.

He Xiaoyun followed her gaze and saw Li Lingling walking side by side with a boy, looking intimate.

He Xiaoyun didn't live on campus and didn't have much contact with her classmates, so she wasn't informed of much gossip. In her(HX) impression, Li Lingling had been in and out of Wu Jing all the time.

She looked through the crowd for Wu Jing but noticed a boy standing next to her. The boy was attentive and kept turning his head to speak with her, but Wu Jing appeared uninterested and unenthusiastic.

He Xiaoyun suddenly realize that all of the students in the class were falling in love.

"Our monitor has been chasing Wu Jing for a long time," Liu Yangyang said, gossiping again. "Wu Jing publicly stated that she didn't intend to talk about the subject before that."

"You know quite a lot." He Xiaoyun said with a smile.

"That's for sure," Liu Yangyang said proudly, "You don't listen to gossip and only read sage books." I'm definitely not better than you at reading but in other things? Not necessarily. "

He Xiaoyun secretly chuckled. If Liu Yangyang had been born in her time and worked as a gossip reporter, she would have had no financial worries.


The weather is becoming increasingly hot. Wei Jianwei had previously taken his family vacation in April of the lunar calendar.

He sat at the table and wrote a letter, telling his family about this. He Xiaoyun walked out of the kitchen with a plate and stuffed a sophora japonica dumpling into his mouth.

Sophora Japonica Dumplings

Sophora Japonica

It is the flowering period of Sophora japonica. There are a lot of Sophora japonica trees on both sides of the main road in the family area. He Xiaoyun and Xu Lanxiang picked a large basket and came back. During this time, Sophora japonica dumplings, Sophora japonica buns, Sophora japonica cakes, and Sophora japonica rice can be made.

Sophora Chiffon Cake

Sophora Japonica Buns

He Xiaoyun asked Wei Jianwei, "Have you finished writing?" She ate a dumpling as well. She thought it was a little bland after tasting it, so she went to the kitchen to pour a dish of vinegar.

Wei Jianwei nodded, "Almost."

"I can let the little kid write a little later," Xiaoyun said as she read the letter he(WJ) had written. "After reading books for more than half a year, he has learned a few words somehow, let him write to his grandparents."

However, his(WY) writing is so big that they might have to prepare a few pieces of paper.

He Xiaoyun wrote a letter to her younger brother in addition to Wei Jianwei's letter. After reading this half-year, He Xiaojun will take the college entrance examination. She can only write him more letters because she's not at home. His review materials, which she used last year, have already been sent out.

Thinking that her brother was several years younger than her, but he might go to university only a year later than her, He Xiaoyun felt so old yet so young.


After Liu Yangyang’s reminder that day, He Xiaoyun walked on the campus again and found that among the students coming and going, there were indeed many couples, the kind of young men and women who fell in love with pink bubbles all over their bodies. The atmosphere makes her, a married young woman, feel bashful.

And because of the imbalance between men and women, almost every girl has a suitor. He Xiaoyun wondered why no boys were dangling in front of her. Is it possible that everyone knows that she has been married so soon?

If Liu Yangyang knows what she's thinking, she will definitely shout: You know nothing about your own fame!

In the entire Chinese department, who doesn’t know that their department flower(He Xiaoyun) was not only very beautiful but also ranks third in the capital in the college entrance examination? She was the so-called beauty and talent combo.

Even in other departments, people often come to see her beauty. If not that she's married and already has a child, with her conditions, they're afraid that suitors would have already lined up from the teaching building to the university gate.

Of course, everyone knows about her husband too, the upright and handsome officer who always wears a military uniform. Liu Yangyang had overheard other girls and boys discussing his appearance and aura, as well as his military rank.

With such an excellent lover, even if someone loves her(HX), he(suitor) must look into the mirror and see if he's qualified enough to compete with her husband.

"Why are you in a daze?" Wei Jianwei poked her cheek.

Xiaoyun grabbed his finger and made a bite motion. Wei Jianwei was not only unafraid, but he also had a look on his face as if he was expecting her to bite him.

So Xiaoyun threw his finger away in disgust, "Thirty years of old meat, I'll have a toothache."

Wei Jianwei smiled, squeezed her fingertips, and agreed: "I'm not as tender as you, one bite one mark."

He Xiaoyun always felt that there was something wrong with the man's words. She slapped his hand away, walked to the window, and told Wei Yuanhang, who was downstairs playing, to come home for dinner.

Those tall and luxuriant locust trees bloomed with large clusters of white flowers hanging from their branches behind the school cafeteria during the scented locust tree season, the breeze sent a sweet fragrance, and the petals fell like rain. He Xiaoyun will digest her lunch by taking a walk under the trees, bathing in the rain of locust blossoms, and feeling like an artist.

He Xiaoyun walked alone today because Liu Yangyang had something to do, so she turned to the back door of the cafeteria, only to find someone under a locust tree. The individual was very familiar. It was Wu Jing, who was in their class. A strange man stood in front of her. She(HX) has no idea what they're arguing about, but the atmosphere is tense.

He Xiaoyun didn't want to gossip and was about to leave when the man suddenly turned and left. Wu Jing stared at his back, and when he was gone, she slowly squatted down and buried her face in her knees.

He Xiaoyun hesitated for a moment, asking her if she was alright or just leave? Wu Jing suddenly raised her head and met her(HX) gaze.

Being far away, He Xiaoyun didn't know if she(WJ) was crying.

At this time, if she(HX) left without saying anything, it would make her look like a thief being caught in the act. He Xiaoayun simply walked over and asked, "Are you okay?"

Wu Jing shook her head lightly, her eyes were a little red but she didn't shed any tears. He Xiaoyun squatted down, picked up a few locust flowers from the ground, and played with them in her palms, while Wu Jing squatted there as if she didn't intend to stand up. "If the cafeteria takes these flowers, making Sophora japonica cakes must be very popular," she(HX) said, without mentioning the scene she had just witnessed.

Wu Jing looked up at the dense tree canopy. After a long time, she said in a slightly hoarse voice: "There was also a locust tree not far behind the place where I used to live."

It was her former residence, not her home, according to Wu Jing's remarks. Did something happen there when she got into university? He Xiaoyun wondered.

Wu Jing interrupted her with, "It's my husband's home, and the person who left right now is my husband."

He Xiaoyun was taken aback by her simple tone.

She now understands Liu Yangyang's reaction to finding out she was married.

T/N: Yeahhhhh another update! Let's pray that I stay consistent like this.

Edit: Lol, sorry for the white thing errors. Didn't proofread this one.
