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Chapter 57.4

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Wei Jianwei did not pick her up for the next two days, and He Xiaoyun gradually became acquainted with her classmates.

A literary group was formed in the class. He Xiaoyun refused to join, but her reputation as a female winner preceded her. She was naturally invited again and again, and she couldn't refuse any longer. She stays longer in the class because the literary group had frequent seminars.

He Xiaoyun's relationship with the other two girls in the class is improving, but it's still not as good as her relationship with Liu Yangyang. She learned that Li Lingling was from the north and worked in a quilt factory after graduating from high school, while Wu Jing was from the south.

Although Liu Yangyang was very enthusiastic with everyone, she was particularly close with He Xiaoyun, probably because she didn't live on the campus either. At the university, their schedule was nearly the same.

During a lunch break, Liu Yangyang suddenly held her chin and sighed. He Xiaoyun became curious, Liu Yangyang was happy every day, it's rare for her to look serious, "What's wrong?"

Liu Yangyang turned her head over and mysteriously said: "They're picking the most beautiful girl in the Chinese department, you know."

"Hmm... and then?"

"Then, it's about you!" Liu Yangyang exclaimed, "Although I believe you are the most beautiful girl, some people believe Wu Jing is just as attractive. She's attractive, but she's not as good as you."

He Xiaoyun was amused; she could finally compete in the class for the school flower title now?

It turns out that people nowadays are so avant-garde and fashionable.

Among the four girls in their class, Li Lingling and Liu Yangyang's looks are relatively ordinary, but Liu Yangyang's own lively and cheerful personality can make up for this.

Wu Jing is attractive, but she is no better than He Xiaoyun in terms of appearance alone. She exudes a cold, distant air, and many boys admire her demeanor.

Liu Yangyang still said: "What's the matter with those people's eyes?"

He Xiaoyun had to persuade her: "We can't just look at the exterior superficially, the inside is more important."

"You're the person with the highest score on the college entrance examination in our department," Liu Yangyang said, becoming more justified and confident. "Is there anyone else who is more knowledgeable than you?"

"Uh..." He Xiaoyun was blocked by her words and dryly said, "Scores don't mean that much."

"Anyway, if Wu Jing is the final winner, I will report them for cheating!" 

He Xiaoyun couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry, so she took a toffee from her bag, which she usually used to coax Wei Yuanhang, and said, "Eat these candies, don't worry about the minor details."


Wei Jianwei arrived at the camp earlier than usual recently because he got up early in the morning to send He Xiaoyun out.

"Why are you coming so early today? What about your wife and child?" Lin Yuefei asked him in the corridor today.

"She started her university." Wei Jianwei said.

"How about it, Old Wei? Is there an interesting female student there? Is it exciting?" Lin Yuefei asked, poking Jianwei with his elbow and winking his eyes.

"I'm not sure if it's exciting or not, maybe we should ask our sister-in-law?" Wei Jianwei raised his eyes to look at him, a little disgust evident in his eyes.

Lin Yuefei's face froze as he remembered his wife's washboard and his repeated pleas for mercy: "It's just a joke! We're good brothers, right?"

Wei Jianwei hugged his arms with a shallow smile as if he was saying that there was no such thing as loyalty.

"You don't know, last time I wrote home about my younger brother and sister's entrance to university, and asked your sister-in-law if she would like to read a few books, she scolded me and said I dislike her for being ignorant, how dare I?! Old Wei, this brother is so miserable, so please let me go," Lin Yuefei said with a bitter face.

"It's not impossible to let you go," Wei Jianwei said.

Just as Lin Yuefei was about to celebrate, he heard Jianwei continue: "You'll write the report for me tomorrow."

"What? You're such a big bully!" Lin Yuefei got angry.

"You write a report or I write a letter, choose one." Wei Jianwei said coldly.

Lin Yuefei struggled, and finally succumbed to the offer with a frustrated expression, "I'll write it! You have nothing else to do today, why don't you write it yourself?"

"I'll pick up my wife from university this afternoon." Wei Jianwei straightened his military hat and walked into his office like a happy spring breeze.

Looking at his joyous back, Lin Yuefei slowly spit out a few words: "...Damn, beast!"

He Xiaoyun walked out with Liu Yangyang after school as usual. Someone abruptly called her 'mother'. The voice sounded similar to Wei Yuanhang's. She thought she had misheard, but a small figure crushed into her arms and hugged her the next second. "Mom! Mom, dad brought me to you!" exclaimed the child.

He Xiaoyun took a step back to stand still and looked up not far away. Wei Jianwei stood there, meeting her gaze, his eyes seemed to say: this time, I didn't leave the child alone at home.

She smiled helplessly, she then listened to Liu Yangyang's stammering: "You, you, you...really are married?!"

He Xiaoyun nodded, touched Wei Yuanhang's head, and said, "This is my son, Xiaoyuan. Hurry up and call—"

Xiaoyun hesitated. Liu Yangyang was her classmate. It stands to reason that the child should call her aunt, but she's(LY) actually only seventeen or eighteen years old, so she's not so old.

Before Xiaoyun could finish her inner turmoil, Wei Yuanhang raised his head and loudly said, "Hello, big sister!"

"Huh?" Liu Yangyang's soul which traveled far in the sky, suddenly recovered, and she hurriedly pulled out something in her schoolbag, "I, I have food for you here!"

Taking out a bag of biscuits, Wei Yuanhang took it and politely said, "Thank you, big sister."

Liu Yangyang subconsciously smiled, still in a daze, "No need."

Liu Yangyang was taken aback. After all, she had always assumed He Xiaoyun was only a year or two her senior, and she even harbored a secret plot in her heart. She wanted to introduce her(HX) to her brother for them to become in-laws. But, with such a big son already, Liu Yangyang's heart was a little broken.

Saying goodbye to her(LY), He Xiaoyun squeezed Wei Yuanhang's cheek and said, "Your little mouth is quite sweet."

Wei Yuanhang very cleverly offered the little biscuits, "Mom, I give this to you."

"Okay," He Xiaoyun happily said, "Eat it yourself, and behave."

The family of three stood side by side on the side of the road waiting for the bus. He Xiaoyun asked Wei Jianwei: "Why did you bring him today?"

"He leaves school early today." Wei Jianwei said.

"I know he's leaving school early today. But how about you? Last time, you said that there were a few things to do in the camp, but this time, there were also a few things to do? Why have you become so idle lately?"

Wei Jianwei replied without changing his face: "These two days are really free."

In the camp, Lin Yuefei, crouched on the table while writing a report, sobbed in his heart.

I blame myself for being tactless. Why did I even tease Old Wei? And I also blamed Wei Jianwei for being too ruthless. I've been his army brother since long ago, but just to pick up his wife, he treated me like this?


T/N: A second chapter out! I'm quite motivated because I just returned from translating~


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