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Chapter 1.2

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"You, where are you taking me?" The drunk man was obviously not drunk enough to not tell the difference. He pointed out the car window and asked with a big tone.

"They're building the road over there." An Bu replied.

"Oh." The drunk man believed it, fell on his seat again, and stopped moving.

But after a long time, An Bu drove the car into the city hospital, then got out of the car, took the drunk man out, asked two nurses to take him for a physical examination, and helped him pay for the medical expenses, and then left the hospital.

The dead aura on the drunk man was like a dark cloud covering the top. Even if An Bu didn't open the book of life and death, she knew that he was about to die. Judging from his appearance, unlike a terminally ill patient, the chance of his accidental death is higher. Since he's so drunk, he should have no other activities after returning home, so if there is an accident, it must happen during this period.

Whether it is falling to death when going upstairs, sudden death while sleeping, or drunkenness, sending him to the hospital can avoid the above situations to the greatest extent.

As for the medical expenses paid in advance, An Bu didn't care at all. If that person could survive the death catastrophe, she would be able to get the corresponding life value.

After getting in the car, An Bu stopped caring about it and continued to start her pick-up business.

From 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm is the peak time for taxis, and after 11:00 pm, there are fewer passengers. An Bu usually runs until 2 am, rests for 2 hours after returning home, and gets up around 5am to study.

After 1 o'clock, An Bu took the last order. They were two young men in their twenties, dressed in trendy clothes, and they looked like Zhou Zheng(An actor?), but their eyes weren't very pleasing.

From time to time, they looked at An Bu with a hint of ill will.

"We're here." An Bu stopped the car on the side of the street and motioned them to get off.

A young man with yellow hair got out of the car, but the young man with red hair didn't get out of the car. He climbed on the driver's seat with both hands, leaned over, and smiled at An Bu, "Aren't you afraid of driving alone at night, miss?"

On the other side, Huang Mao, who got out of the car first, pulled the front door open, leaned over to look at An Bu, and whistled, "Oh, she's a little beauty."

As soon as An Bu saw this, she knew that she had encountered rogues.

"What do you want?" She moved her facial muscles at the right time, showing a frightened expression.

"Hey, don't be afraid, I and my brother just want to chat with you." Saying so, one hand has already taken off An Bu's hat.

A few strands of black silk hang down, revealing a beautiful style.

The yellow-haired young man's eyes were bright. Originally, he just wanted to tease her, now, seeing such beauty, his heart suddenly itch.

He looked left and right, the place was remote, and it was late at night, which was a good time to show off animalistic desires.

The two youths exchanged obscene glances, tacitly reaching an agreement.

Huang Mao quickly unfastened An Bu's seatbelt and pulled her out of the car. Hong Mao immediately covered her mouth from behind and dragged her into the small garden next to her. The two anxious youth did not notice that they were dragging a corpse.

For a moment, only the sound of fabric tearing came from the small garden, followed by the sound of body collision, and finally the cry of forbearance and ecstasy.

Ten minutes later, An Bu walked out of the garden leisurely, waved the grass clippings on her body, put on her hat again, got into the car, called up the in-car monitor, and uploaded the video to the Pao Pao head office, which clearly recorded two youths in the process of dragging her out of the car. As the youths haven't had the time to delete it, An Bu immediately sends it to the main office.

After doing all of this, An Bu slammed down the gas and flicked away.

The next day, the residents who were preparing for their morning exercise passed by the garden and suddenly saw two young men hugging each other in messy clothes. Their skin was covered with bruises and purple marks.

"Two men are fighting in the garden?"

"It's so risqué!"

"I'm so angry! Laozi's eyes that have preserved their chastity for 30 years have been polluted like this!"

The two young people woke up in the gust of cold wind and the lively discussions and then found that they were surrounded by a group of aunts and uncles, and immediately ran away...

An Bu returned home, threw her hat on the sofa, and then walked into the bathroom to wash up.

She stood in front of the mirror and looked at her naked self. Her skin was tender and white, her twin peaks were plump, her waist was slender, and she was considered to be beautiful, but it had no trace of warmth or blood, and she was a bit strangely white. This is already her best state. When she first died, her skin was dry and gray, and she looked terminally ill. It took four or five years for her to master the rules of maintaining health.

An Bu stepped into the bathtub filled with warm water and immersed her whole body in it. The water was dense and the temperature was suitable. However, she couldn't feel the comfort of the bath at all. She just routinely cleaned and massaged to ensure the cleanliness of her body and the activity of her muscles.

"In the dream, it seemed as if there were a destination...He was left, upon awakening, with the feeling that he wanted..." In the bathroom, the voice of reading a foreign language slowly sounded.

To ensure the normal operation of her brain, whenever she is free, An Bu will think, recite, count, or plan the future... In short, she's trying not to let her brain stop working.

An Bu has persisted in this habit for 80 years. From the initial difficulty in remembering a few words, to the current rapid memory now, she has paid great hardships and efforts.

Although tired, she never gave up.

Because she wants to live.

And, live capriciously.

T/N: Another one who can fight!
