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Chapter 1.1: The Living Dead

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On the twentieth birthday of An Bu, she bought a new car with the money she earned from her part-time job. Before she could get her license plate, the bridge collapsed as soon as she went out for a test drive, and she and the car fell into the river. Although she tried her best to save herself, she was unable to escape and in the end, suffocated herself in the car window.

For ordinary people, death is the end, but she has "lived" again. An Bu no longer has the vital signs of a normal person such as heartbeat, breathing, pulse, body temperature, etc. that a living person should have.

An Bu isn't surprised by her "resurrection", because she is the successor of the book of life and death. The book she owns is a defective book, and she can only see everyone's life and death. One of its most useful functions is to randomly generate a complete set of identities and household registration according to her personal attributes and era background. The certificate is absolutely perfect and without flaws, it can be called the most high-end "false certificate" system.

When she was alive, An Bu rarely used the book of life and death. This book was basically useless except for letting her see various supernatural phenomena and issuing "false certificates". Well, until she died. Yin and yang reversed, and the life value in the life book dropped from 100,000 points to 101 points, while the death value in the dead book soared from 10 points to more than 6 million points.

The more than 6 million point doesn't only includes An Bu's death but also the death of everyone nearby and all the souls who have died in the river over the years. If it wasn't for her accidental death here, An Bu would never have known that there were so many drowned ghosts in this river.

An Bu, a living corpse with only 101 life points left, has the ability to move slowly, and her five senses are severely weakened. It took her a lot of effort to smash the car window and climb out. Awash in the downstream, she began a long period of wandering life.

After the accident, she became a missing person. Her parents didn't give up looking for her. After that, her two sisters also disappeared, but she had a hunch that her sisters were all alive because their anger was stronger than anyone else. 

It's just that An Bu didn't want her parents to experience the pain of separation again, so when she was wandering for seven months, accumulated 1,000 life points, and barely had a personality, she returned to her parents and told them the matter. Although it was unbelievable, they accepted her and blessed her for ten years, allowing her to accumulate points without worries.

Ten years later, An Bu was finally able to live in the city with integrity, and gradually figured out a relatively mature method of accumulating vitality(points). For the next few decades, she stayed by her parents' side and didn't travel far, until they died a hundred years later. From then on, she had nothing to worry about, and she traveled everywhere.

The "false certificate" system of the book of life and death has finally played an important role, and she can change her identity at any time (I want that book for research purposes lol). No matter how many years, she doesn't have to worry about becoming a "black household"(non-existent).

An Bu won't stay in one place for more than five years, as her fixed identity will be changed every ten years, and another identity will be determined according to the situation.

Now is An Bu's 82 years after becoming a living corpse, in 2175 of the Gregorian calendar, her current fixed identity is a foreign language translator, from country C, 25 years old, orphan, just graduated, no fixed job, and rented an apartment in Mingxiang Community.

After sending the translation to the client, An Bu got up and moved her stiff limbs, and then went to the kitchen to squeeze a glass of vegetable juice for herself.

She doesn't rely on her stomach to digest food now but it's directly decomposed by the energy in her body. Vegetables and fruits are the most convenient and healthy food she finally selected after repeated verification. They can increase her life value by 5-50 points each time. However, if her food isn't replenished immediately, the life value will drop.

It's a pity that her sense of taste is different from ordinary people's. Eating vegetables and fruits can only be used as a daily task to replenish her energy(points), and it can't bring her any taste enjoyment at all.

Her current life value is 413605, her hearing and smell are still normal, but her taste, vision, and touch are still abnormal.

Looking at the time, it was already past 9 pm. An Bu put on a dark casual outfit and walked out of the apartment with her key.

"An Bu, you're still going out so late." A neighbor, Auntie Zhang, came across from her, who had just returned from walking her dog.

"Yeah, I'm going out to do some errands." An Bu greeted with a smile, walked to the parking lot, drove her car out, and drove into the endless road.

But for a moment, the in-car control system issued a prompt: [Master, someone called for a taxi, the coordination is K3C9, the distance is 780 meters, Do you accept this order?]

"Accept." An Bu followed the signs on the electronic map and drove towards the indicated coordinates.

That's right, what she's doing is to drive, pick up and drop off customers with the taxi, which is one of her part-time jobs.

After becoming a living corpse, she can only sleep for 2 hours a day. If she sleeps more than 2 and a half, her brain and body will start to become rigid, so she is either studying, working, or exercising every day. In short, she can't let herself take a break.

When she came to the indicated location, An Bu turned on the lights and saw two men supporting a drunk man to the front of the car, helping him into the back seat, putting him on the seat belt, and then saying to her: "Master, we'll trouble you for a bit. Please send him to Huaixiu Garden."

"Okay." An Bu glanced at them, frowning slightly.

Only then did the two notice that the driver turned out to be a woman. They couldn't see her face clearly with her hat on, but she sounded like she was very young. Female drivers who drive at night are rare.

While the two were in a daze, An Bu had already driven the drunken man away.

Huaixiu Garden is only three or four kilometers away from here, and there are not many traffic lights in the middle, so they reached it soon. When it comes to traffic lights, An Bu has to praise modern cars, which can intelligently connect to the traffic system and recognize traffic lights. Otherwise, with the abnormal vision of An Bu, it's impossible to drive at all.

The car came to an intersection, Huaixiu Garden was on the right, but An Bu didn't turn, but drove straight ahead.

T/N: Dun dun dun, we have a corpse as fl now! I wonder what's next?


  1. How can I change the theme to light mode? or is there no light mode? Thank you for the translation!


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