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Chapter 45: Good Smell

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In the winter of the north, there was heavy snow but in Qingshuihe, when it was the coldest, only some white frost was sprinkled on the roof, and the water tank in the yard formed a thin layer of ice.

The Wei family received a letter from the army again, and it was sent back with a few cloth tickets, soap tickets, and sugar tickets saved by He Xiaoyun. These things are both necessities of life and very in demand. 

If it weren’t for Wei Jianwei having a lot of share in the army, then the tickets at home and those given by the commune wouldn't be enough for the Wei family. 

What was written in the letter made Wang Chunhua feel distressed since the people in the north can barely eat fresh vegetables.

Feng Qiuyue then suggested: "Mom, we can take the vegetables in the yard and dry them. We can send them to the second brother there."

Wang Chunhua thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Then it's decided, let's dry some sweet potatoes. Xiaoyuan would love them."


By the time Wei Jianwei received the package from home(Qingshuihe), it was already the twelfth lunar month. At the end of his work time, he put away half of the battle plan he had read and prepared to take it back home to continue reading.

Lin Yuefei swaggered in from the door and showed off the scarf around his neck, "This is just sent by your sister-in-law. I already told her that it wasn't cold at all but she won't listen. She keeps insisting to give me this." Lin Yuefei keeps complaining, but his face was smug. It was almost like he wanted to carry a big loudspeaker with him and shout wherever he went, telling others how much his wife cares about him.

Wei Jianwei glanced at the smug man, turned his head, took the scarf from the hanger to wrap his neck, and then took out a pair of gloves and earmuffs from the drawer. Wei Jianwei put on his equipment enough to instakill Lin Yuefei, gave him a condescending stare, and then walked away. (T/N: The battle of bragging. WJ-1 LY-0)

Lin Yuefei was left to savor this silent contempt in a daze.

This three-piece equipment (which instakill someone) was prepared by He Xiaoyun. Originally, Wei Jianwei didn't wear it much. He felt that it's a little troublesome, but since Lin Yuefei wanted to brag, of course, he had to 
overwhelmingly win.

Back at home, Wei Jianwei opened the door, and the warm air pounced on his face.

"Dad!" Wei Yuanhang shouted.

He Xiaoyun poked her head out of the kitchen when she heard the movement, "You're back."

Wei Jianwei nodded in response, closed the door, and shut the cold wind and snow outside.

"Dad, what's in your hand?" The child dropped the toy in his hand and surrounded him curiously.

"Is it from home(Qingshuihe)?" He Xiaoyun wiped her hands and walked out from the kitchen.

Wei Jianwei hung his coat on the hanger and nodded, "It just arrived this afternoon."

He Xiaoyun opened the package and wowed in surprise, "It's dried vegetables, and there are a lot of dried sweet potatoes." When Wei Yuanhang heard this, he immediately leaned over the table and said, "Mom, I want to eat the dried sweet potatoes!"

He Xiaoyun gave the child two pieces and sent him away, and then proceed to read the letter with Wei Jianwei. The man stood behind her with one hand around her waist and the other holding her hand holding the letterδΈ€she's basically in his embrace.

"Why stand so close..." He Xiaoyun murmured but didn't push him away. ((¬‿¬))

Nothing big happened in the family. Since Wei Jianhua doesn't want to enter the factory, Wang Chunhua has other ideas and plans to give him a blind date, get married, and establish a business. This is also something that gives Wei Jianhua a headache. 

He Xiaoyun thought of Wei Jianhua’s performance when he came to borrow books a few months ago and said to Wei Jianwei: “Jianhua seems to have a girl he likes, and he also borrowed your book to lend it to others.”

"He told you?" Wei Jianwei 
slightly raised his eyebrows.

"No. I 
casually asked at that time, but he revealed himself." Thinking of the scene at that time, He Xiaoyun still wanted to laugh.

Wei Jianwei 
lightly poked her in the cheek, "No matter, let Mom bother him."

He Xiaoyun smiled, "You're his brother in vain. There's no brotherly love at all."

It's already love if I don't teach Wei Jianhua a lesson. Wei Jianwei thought.

"Ah, I'm still stewing vegetables." He Xiaoyun halfway through reading, suddenly remembered that she still has work in the kitchen, hurriedly handed over the letter to Wei Jianwei and ran into the kitchen, "Read this for me."

Wei Jianwei leaned against the kitchen door to read the letter, and then watched He Xiaoyun go busy.

The sauerkraut stewed vermicelli was being cooked in the pot. He Xiaoyun had never eaten this northern dish before. After tasting it once, she found that it taste very good and decided to cook it.

He Xiaoyun lifted the lid of the pot and tasted it. When she raised her eyes, she happen to see Wei Jianwei staring at her, so she scooped some for him, "Come and taste this."

Wei Jianwei move his head and ate from He Xiaoyun's outstretched hand holding the spoon, "It's delicious."

He Xiaoyun stretched out her hand to pat him, "Be serious."


After the relationship between the two of them has made substantial progress, He Xiaoyun is less awkward about their intimacy and won't blush easily. As a result, Wei Jianwei has become more and more shameless these days, like touching her face and cuddling her waist. Their intimacy has become as frequent as eating and drinking.

He Xiaoyun can now be regarded as a person who understands Wei Jinawei, who looks very serious and sullen on the outside, but in fact, is mischievous inside.

After dinner, and after finishing her housework, He Xiaoyun took Wei Yuanhang to the next door to stop by, intending to learn a new knitting pattern from Xu Lanxiang and knit a hat for the child.

Because there are three children in the Wang family, the next door is always noisy, He Xiaoyun brought the children some dried sweet potatoes, and they were divided up as soon as they sat down.

Xu Lanxiang helplessly shook her head, "Just save it for Xiaoyuan next time. There's a bottomless pit in my house."

He Xiaoyun smiled, "Xiaoyuan is usually with you and eats a lot of your food, you didn't say anything. Sister Xu is too polite to me, I won't dare to let him come in the future."

"Oh, I hear your tone's becoming harder," Xu Lanxiang teased, "It seems that Lao Wei has been supporting you lately."

"It's as if Lao Wang doesn't support you."

Xu Lanxiang laughed, "Hold up there, Lao Wang never made breakfast for me in bed nor did he heat up water for me to wash my face for. My Lao Wang really needs to learn from your Lao Wei."

He Xiaoyun was a little helpless, Wei Jianwei only did that once, but Xu Lanxiang has happened to see it. Seeing that she didn't retort, Xu Lanxiang approached again, lowered her voice, and said, "Well, do you want Xiaoyuan to sleep on my side tonight?"

He Xiaoyun blushed hearing the hidden meaning behind the words and couldn't help but stare at Xu Lanxiang: "You're still the mother of three children. Aren't you afraid Rongrong will hear this?"

"What's the matter with you?" Xu Lanxiang was calm, "I didn't say anything, just letting Xiaoyuan sleep in my place tonight, nothing to think too much about."

He Xiaoyun wasn't her opponent at all, so she has to retreat: "I won't answer. Hurry up and teach me how to circumvent the next step. I will go back after you teach me."

"Hurrying are we? Seems like someone is waiting at home." Before Xu Lanxiang taught her anything, she used the opportunity to tease.

He Xiaoyun said that she would leave when she finished her studies. In fact, she was knitting a hat while chatting, but she forgot that time flies quickly. It wasn't too early until Wei Jianwei came knocking on the door from next door.

"Oh, seems like someone was home now." Xu Lanxiang smiled. He Xiaoyun didn't say anything at all and led Wei Yuanhang to sneak home quickly.

"Have you finished your business? I was chatting with sister Xu over there, and it's been a while." While she was talking to Wei Jianwei, He Xiaoyun drove Wei Yuanhang to bed.

When the child fell asleep, He Xiaoyun hung up the clothes next to the bed, turned her head, and ran into his arms. He Xiaoyun wanted to retreat, but she was caught in her waist.

Wei Jianwei used his arm to lift her up into the air.

He Xiaoyun was startled, she hurriedly clamped his waist with her legs and put her arms around his neck, feeling that she was hanging on the man like a child.

Although He Xiaoyun has become accustomed to Jianwei's intimacy recently and isn't so easy to be shy, this kind of action still breaks her bottom line a bit, but Wei Jianwei still buried his face in her neck, seemingly wanting to drill from her collar.

The man then said solemnly: "You smell so good."

He Xiaoyun shrank her shoulders timidly, feeling that there were two people in her mind, one blushing and being shy, the other cursing 'rascals' with her arms akimbo.

T/N: Happy belated Christmas and happy new year to everyone! Sorry for this super late chapter! πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ


  1. Merry christmas and happy bew year for you tooo πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  2. Happy New Years!!!! Also this boi evolved too well hehehe (¬‿¬)

  3. Please what is your updating schedule


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