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Chapter 44: Warmth

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He Xiaoyun froze, Wei Jianwei seemed unaware, and proceeded to ask, "Are you unaccustomed that the child isn't here?"

"...A little bit." The little kid was noisy but she felt deserted when he's gone. More importantly, without him, no one can block Wei Jianwei!

"I thought you wouldn't let him go to sleep next door," Wei Jianwei said, his chin was just behind her neck, and 
when speaking, his breath sprayed into He Xiaoyun's shoulder, causing her to shrink uncomfortably.

"He slips faster than a rabbit, how can I stop him?"

Wei Jianwei seemed to smile, and said, "If you want, I will bring him back."

He Xiaoyun was silent for a while, took a deep breath, turned around in his arms, and the two face each other.

"Then...what do you think?"

Wei Jianwei curled his mouth, "It doesn't matter how I think, it depends on your thoughts." (I want to order a man like Jianwei, please.)

He Xiaoyun's face reddened. Although the man didn't say it clearly, she actually understood what the other meant.

He Xiaoyun pursed her lower lip, "I...I'm a little scared."

Wei Jianwei stretched out his hand and gently patted her back, and said with a smile, "If you don't want to, can I still eat you? Go to sleep, don't think about it."

He Xiaoyun widened her eyes: "You aren't unhappy?"

"I'm just this big(petty) in your heart?" Wei Jianwei asked rhetorically. (can also be a sexual insinuation on jianwei's part~) 

He Xiaoyun smiled embarrassedly and buried her head in his arms. Although they are so close, it's strange that she isn't nervous at all now.

There was a faint scent of Saponaria on Wei Jianwei's body, and his body temperature was slightly higher than hers. His whole figure was like a big refreshing heater, and He Xiaoyun rubbed him with satisfaction.


Wei Jianwei's hand paused his patting before continuing again.

He Xiaoyun didn't notice it at all, and reached out to play with the button on his chest, "I heard Xijin talked about the gloves today, and I finally knew that those were specially made. Why didn't you mention it before?"

"Why mention it?" Wei Jianwei countered.

Xiaoyun couldn't help being speechless, why mention it? Of course, it's to ask for credit. If he doesn't say, how could the others know how much had he spent behind her back? 

Of course, there's a difference between the gloves bought from the store and the gloves made by the tailor who has worked so hard.


In the afternoon, the three women have teased her. Although she was shy, she felt a little bit sweet in her heart.

He Xiaoyun rubbed Jianwei's arms again, only feeling that this embrace was warm, reliable, and reassuring.

Seeing her obediently in his arms and rubbing just like a cat, Wei Jianwei both enjoyed and was distressed by it, "It's not early anymore, go to sleep."

"Yeah." He Xiaoyun responded, but she still held his button in her hand, she inadvertently touched his chest several times, like a fluttering feather, stirring his heart.

Wei Jianwei endured. Knowing that He Xiaoyun won't stop, he finally reached out and patted her hip, as if he was teaching a child who wasn't well-behaved, "Be obedient, go to sleep."

He Xiaoyun was taken aback. She clung to him tightly, raised her head, and stared at him with annoyance, "Why did you hit me?"

Seeing that she really didn't understand, Wei Jianwei helplessly sighed. In the dark, his voice was a little deeper than usual, "How can I sleep with you being like this?"

At first, He Xiaoyun didn't understand, but since their bodies were close together. She realized something was poking herself, and slowly realized what it was.

It’s not He Xiaoyun's fault for being so dull. After all, although she had read a few small books in her previous life, she hadn’t even held the hands of the opposite sex. She's a pure white(innocent lol.).

He Xiaoyun froze again, and her face was scorching hot.

The light in the room has been extinguished, but there's a little light from the window, allowing Wei Jianwei to see her eyes. Because of her shyness, a thin layer of mist-covered her eyes.

Wei Jianwei felt a small stone enter the still water in his heart, he moved slightly, slowly lowered his head, and dropped a kiss on the woman's slightly opened red lips. (Ahhhhhhhhhh) 

The person under him squeezed his clothes tightly, her hands pressed against his chest, but they didn't have any strength at all. Wei Jianwei didn't move any further and just looked at her expression. After a while, he understood her shy acquiescence, and then gently covered her. (with what? Please clarify! Your body or blanket?!!)


The snow kept falling in the night. The next day, many people opened their windows and found that the snow on the ground was deeper than the previous few days.

There is a gust of cold wind outside, because of this kind of weather, going out has become a chore.

When He Xiaoyun woke up, she felt her body warm and soft, she didn’t even want to move her eyes. She just drilled deeper into the bed and tried to keep lying until she hit a warm wall. Chaos's creaked and turned, and all the memories of last night returned, the soreness on her body reminded her of everything.

He Xiaoyun paused, she initially wanted to laze around but now she wanted to be an ostrich and bury her head on the bed.

Wei Jianwei woke up earlier than her but didn't say anything, he watched her squirming in the quilt like a silkworm and watched her finally wake up, buried herself in bed in shame, and refusing to come out, with a smile in his eyes all the time.

After a while, worried that she would hold herself up, he spoke, "Wake up?"

He Xiaoyun didn't answer, she gave a dull hum after a long time.

Wei Jianwei patted on the bulging of the quilt, "Come out quickly, you'll suffocate there."

"...No." He Xiaoyun refused bluntly.

Wei Jianwei wanted to dig her out but was afraid that she would become angry because of her thin skin(easily embarrassed). Finally, he said, "Then continue lying down, I will cook us breakfast."

Wei Jianwei lifted the quilt and got out of bed, put on his clothes, briefly washed, and went to the kitchen.

He Xiaoyun secretly opened a corner of the quilt when she heard the sound of going out and looked up.

The door of the room wasn't closed, and the movement from the kitchen could be heard. Wei Jianwei was walking there, and his figure flashed from time to time.

He Xiaoyun squirmed, lying on the pillow, her face was still facing the kitchen.

She looked at the busy figure for a while, not knowing what she was thinking, she suddenly grunted and covered her face with her hand.

Why did you agree to do it in a muddle-headed manner?

Thinking of last night, He Xiaoyun's mind was dizzy, and she forgot why she nodded.

The only certainty is that she was willing at that time, and she doesn't regret it.

He Xiaoyun spread her fingers covering her face, and she continued to look at the kitchen through the gaps of her fingers.

Wei Jianwei was boiling porridge on the stove. When the porridge was almost cooked, he put in a few steamed buns to heat it. He didn't go into the room until he felt that He Xiaoyun can finally face him. 

He Xiaoyun was peeking at him, she was caught upright without precaution. 

Wei Jianwei stretched out his hand to caress He Xiaoyun's pink face, the touch under his fingers was delicate and soft, so he couldn't help lowering his head and kissing her lips before he said, "Finally getting up?"

His voice was so gentle that it was like he was coaxing a child.

He Xiaoyun covered her face and rolled around in the quilt, feeling that her heart is floating in the clouds, and the surrounding clouds were warm and soft, hugging around her whole body.

"Don't think about it," He Xiaoyun said.

After she finished speaking, she was slightly taken aback, because her voice was soft and coy, and she realized that she's acting like a baby.

Wei Jianwei brought hot water and a cup of toothpaste, asking her to wash on the bed.

He Xiaoyun felt embarrassed and wanted to get up, but Wei Jianwei was persistent, "It's my rest today and I'll cook at noon. It doesn't matter if you get up, just stay in bed."

As he was talking, someone knocked on the door outside.

"Old Wei, Xiaoyun, are you two up?"

Then there was another voice, "Mom, open the door, I'm back!"

It was Xu Lanxiang who took Wei Yuanhang away yesterday.

He Xiaoyun glanced at the clock on the wall and made sure that it wasn't later than usual, and was relieved.

In the past, Wei Yuanhang hadn't woken this early. He was probably not used to sleeping at someone else's house, so he knocked on his parents' door early in the morning.

Wei Jianwei went to open the door.

"Dad!" Wei Yuanhang yelled and ran into the house to find his mother.

Xu Lanxiang smiled and said: "The child said he wanted to see his mother as soon as he woke up. I offered him to have breakfast at my place, but he refused."

Xu Lanxiang walked into the house to see that He Xiaoyun was putting on clothes at the moment, but breakfast was already cooked in the kitchen. She knew what happened, and smiled at He Xiaoyun: "Old Wei is so considerate, he even cooks food. Ai?"

He Xiaoyun felt guilty and blushed when Lanxiang said it, she didn't have the strength to refute her.

Xu Lanxiang blinked and saw the hot water in the washbasin next to the bed. She had always known that Wei Jianwei was very good to He Xiaoyun, but she still couldn't help but be stunned secretly: Isn't this too considerate? Is it possible that he's going to bring Xiaoyun's meal to the bed too?

As soon as Wei Yuanhang ran in, he has plastered himself on He Xiaoyun's side: "Mom! Mom, I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

He Xiaoyun put on her jacket, sat on the bed and touched Wei Yuanhang's little head, and said, "Yes."

Wei Yuanhang turned around and asked his father, "Does Dad miss me?"

Wei Jianwei just came in with his breakfast and said yes, then stepped forward, wrapped He Xiaoyun tightly with a quilt, and wrung a hot towel for her.

"I miss my dad and mom too." The child said. (Kid, they didn't miss you at all, they had 'fun' all night.)

Xu Lanxiang looked into He Xiaoyun's eyes and felt that He Xiaoyun might really miss her son, but Old Wei was just dealing with it. He may be even imagining his son as a little lightbulb right now and thinking that if he hasn't arrived, how beautiful must it be.

Xu Lanxiang felt that she should leave here, and took Wei Yuanhang, the poor child, by the way, to save the child's innocent eyes that may go blind.

T/N: A chapter full of warmth for the 24th of christmas~ (I'm feeling single again 〒▽〒)


  1. Oooooowt 💞💞💞💞💞

  2. That was spicy night i bet 😏 also merry (late) Christmas, and Happy New Years!

  3. I really hope the teasing to mc lowers a bit now, it's kinda annoying that every single phrase these "friends" have is teasing and more teasing. Can you speak normal please? Would it kill you?


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