Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 49

Yuan Chu and Fei Xiu assembled a total of six products. 

After comparing them with the products brought by Sakri and his team, they won four and lost two, the two losses were products handcrafted by Fei Xiu.

Though the models were over a decade old, their performance still completely outshone modern products.

The cleaning bots created by Yuan Chu had intelligence comparable to Sakri’s little robot chick. 

Not only could they clean up trash, but they could also engage in simple conversations with their owners. 

The other products were just as impressive, with their functionality thoroughly surpassing the competition, except for aesthetics.

In the end, all of Yuan Chu’s products were kept, while Fei Xiu’s were discontinued. 

This made Fei Xiu, always proud and competitive, feel deeply ashamed. 

Determined to redeem himself, he vowed to surpass Yuan Chu and began to delve into electronic and mechanical technology. 

He purchased large quantities of metal materials and spare parts and, with Yuan Chu’s assistance, started learning from scratch.

Since his injury, Fei Xiu seemed to have found a new goal. He threw himself into his work with such dedication that he nearly forgot to eat or sleep.

As a responsible assistant robot, Yuan Chu diligently reminded him to eat and rest. 

When the reminders didn’t work, Yuan Chu would study alongside him. No matter what questions Fei Xiu had, Yuan Chu could answer them one by one. 

Fei Xiu didn’t realize how extraordinary Yuan Chu was, he only knew that a whole new world was opening up before him, leaving him no time to think about anything else.

As Fei Xiu’s skills improved, Yuan Chu was upgraded with two high-quality mechanical arms, greatly boosting work efficiency. 

However, the consumption of materials increased exponentially. Fei Xiu had no concept of money, but Yuan Chu had to take it into account.

When they were on the verge of running out of funds, Yuan Chu reminded him, "Master, you need to find a way to make money."

"Make money?" Fei Xiu asked in confusion. 

"Am I running out of money?"

“With all expenses and no income, even a fortune would run dry.” Yuan Chu stated matter-of-factly.

Fei Xiu received a monthly allowance of 20,000, and with his savings from over the years, he could live comfortably for the rest of his life, if it weren’t for his costly obsession with technological research.

“You want me to go out and get a job?” Fei Xiu asked, sitting amid a pile of metal parts, his expression gloomy.

“I suggest you open an online store.” Yuan Chu replied, without pushing Fei Xiu to engage with the outside world.

“An online store?”

“Yes.” Yuan Chu explained calmly. 

“With your current skills, you can easily take on custom orders that don’t require advanced technical expertise. The products you’ve made can also be sold in the store.”

Fei Xiu looked thoughtfully at the technological products filling half the garage.

“If necessary, I can also provide technical support.”

This statement convinced Fei Xiu. That very night, he registered an online shop called First-Tech and listed the products he had been working on.

The store’s page was very minimalist, with black, white, and gray as the main colors. 

Aside from a few product pictures, there was nothing else. The product descriptions were all written by Yuan Chu.

Fei Xiu’s products were mostly common appliances. Though they were priced affordably, they lacked a unique brand or features, and the store initially had no customers.

Fei Xiu didn’t mind and continued to focus on his research, but his downgraded B-level mental strength couldn’t support long hours of work, and his efficiency suffered, causing him to feel frustrated.

“Control?” Yuan Chu mentioned the term when Fei Xiu was at a loss.

“Yes.” Yuan Chu explained in a cool electronic voice. 

“Most people only utilize 50% to 90% of their mental strength due to a lack of control, which leads to unnecessary mental energy dissipating. If you can increase your mental strength efficiency to over 95%, even B-level mental power can perform at an S-level capacity.”

Fei Xiu’s head shot up. 

“Are you serious?”

“Of course.” Yuan Chu affirmed. 

“You can experiment by using the same product and comparing the results with varying levels of mental control.”

Fei Xiu accepted her suggestion and focused his research on a single product. As expected, material consumption rose to a new level, while his income remained stagnant.

Yuan Chu had no choice but to take over Fei Xiu’s online store, handling buyer contacts and marketing the products on his behalf.

After dealing with dozens of overly picky buyers, Yuan Chu realized that a low-margin, high-volume strategy was unsuitable for their current situation. 

She decisively abandoned the low-end market, raising the custom order price from 10,000 to 100,000, and focused on targeting high-end clientele.

To gain recognition, Yuan Chu logged into a world-renowned tech forum and answered a number of bounty questions, responding to every inquiry, regardless of difficulty. 

Within three days, she cleared all the difficult questions on the forum, causing quite a stir within the community.

"Whoa, where did this genius come from?!"

"Amazing, the problem that’s been bothering me for three months was solved effortlessly by this expert."

"To think that such a complex structure could still be improved, I'm seriously in awe!"

"Ahhh, thank you so much! Now I can finally finish my thesis."

"Is the expert taking apprentices? I’m a second-year student at XX Academy with A-level mental strength. Please mentor me!"

After showcasing her technical skills for a few days, Yuan Chu subtly promoted Fei Xiu's online shop. Soon, the store blew up, and large orders came flooding in.

Yuan Chu had Fei Xiu's authorization to spend up to 500,000 per month. While the cost of most orders didn’t exceed 500,000, the profits were more than triple the costs.

Fei Xiu had never paid attention to his online store or handled a single order. One day, out of curiosity, he checked his bank account and discovered that he had millions. 

Puzzled, he asked, "Unit One, didn’t you say I was running out of money? Why does it seem like my balance keeps increasing instead?"

"Please review the statements yourself." Yuan Chu replied indifferently.

Following her suggestion, Fei Xiu checked the account. This month, he had spent over 4 million but earned more than 9 million. 

The previous month, he had spent over 3 million but brought in 14 million. His original bank balance of just over 1 million had now grown to over 30 million.

Fei Xiu realized that, for the past few months, he had been financially supported by his own robot, which made him feel an unexpected sense of shame.

Carefully reviewing the custom orders Yuan Chu had handled, he saw that every one of them was a high-tech product, and the blueprints were all saved in a document. 

The more he learned, the more astonished he became at her technical prowess.

By now, Fei Xiu was certain that Yuan Chu was far from an ordinary assistant robot.

"Master, it's time to eat." Yuan Chu set the meal on the table, greeting him with practiced ease.

Fei Xiu stared at her for a moment and suddenly asked, "Unit One, what are the fundamental rules Kaimer Corporation embedded in your chip?"

Without hesitation, Yuan Chu replied, "To serve humanity and create a shared future."

The word shared embodied a sense of inclusiveness and vision. These robots were not merely tools but partners in mutual progress. 

The shortcomings of humans could be complemented by these mechanical beings. 

Like humans, mechanical life forms had their strengths and weaknesses. What they needed was proper guidance, not blind elimination.

In Yuan Chu, Fei Xiu saw the limitless potential of mechanical life.

However, in the present world, humanity would never allow highly intelligent mechanical beings to exist freely. They worshiped technology yet feared it at the same time.

As he pondered, the estate’s alarm suddenly blared. Fei Xiu's heart tightened, and he pulled up the surveillance footage. 

He saw a group of mutated mechanical beasts less than two miles from the estate, rapidly heading southwest.

It was rare for mutated mechanical beasts from the metal ruins to act in groups, and when they did, their sole objective was usually to seize resources. 

There was likely a human transport team in the southwest.

Yuan Chu stood by the door, silently watching as his figure gradually faded into the distance.


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