Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 47

Yuan Chu spent three days completing 50% of the repairs, but the remaining part had to be temporarily halted due to a lack of materials and components.

Now, her upper body was completely covered in a metal shell. 

After Fei Xiu’s artistic spray-painting, it looked like she was wearing a blue camouflage skirt, with various splotches and uneven shades. At first glance, it seemed as if the paint was peeling off.

Yuan Chu had given up on using her robot's understated luxury and high-class traits to attract this Child of Destiny. 

If this was truly his taste, she could only accept it silently. The chosen Child of Destiny, no matter how ugly, would have to stay that way.

After making lunch, Yuan Chu wandered around the estate, sunbathing to recharge while scanning the estate inside and out.

At that moment, a shuttle bearing the MiTu Express logo zoomed in, arriving at the estate gates in the blink of an eye.

"Ring-ring, Lord Fei Xiu, your delivery has arrived~~" A cheerful electronic voice announced from the shuttle.

Yuan Chu immediately glided over, opened the gate, and prepared to sign for the delivery.

A laser shot out from the shuttle's window, scanning Yuan Chu from top to bottom: "Unidentified model, off-brand robot. No binding detected, unable to sign for Lord Fei Xiu's delivery."

Off-brand robot? Was she just mocked by a delivery shuttle?

Primus stepped aside, signaling that she was merely passing through.

As expected, the shuttle ignored her. It ejected three boxes from the cargo compartment and pushed them into the code-locked delivery compartment, then sped off, leaving a cloud of dust behind.

Yuan Chu retrieved the boxes from the storage unit connected to the code-locked compartment and turned to glide back into the house.

Fei Xiu, who was eating at the time, looked up and saw the robot carrying three boxes, each almost as tall as she was, into the living room. 

She put the boxes down and began unpacking them one by one. 

The kitchen utensils and ingredients were placed in the kitchen, the food stored in the freezer, and the seeds and other miscellaneous items were temporarily put into storage. 

She moved back and forth, organizing everything with precision.

Fei Xiu’s gaze followed the robot as she moved around. He couldn’t help but feel that she resembled a diligent little bee, making the previously quiet and empty estate seem lively because of her.

"Have you finished your meal, sir?" Despite her busyness, Yuan Chu didn’t forget to keep an eye on Fei Xiu. 

When she saw him put down his knife, she immediately approached, cleaned up the table, poured him a cup of tea, and then resumed her tasks.

Fei Xiu, sitting on the sofa with nothing to do, sipping his tea: ...

After organizing and categorizing everything and doing a quick cleanup, Yuan Chu came over to Fei Xiu’s side.



"I haven't been certified yet." Yuan Chu’s electronic eyes flashed as she seriously asked, "Are you willing to input your personal information into my core?"

Fei Xiu paused for a moment, then set down his teacup and took out his identity card, inserting it into the card reader slot on the robot’s back.

The blue light in Primus’ eyes turned yellow as a mechanical voice sounded, "Authentication unlocked. Activator: Fei Xiu. Do you wish to bind the robot to your identity?"


"Please name your robot."

Fei Xiu thought for a moment and said, "Unit One."

"Unit One confirmed. Binding successful." Yuan Chu's eyes returned to their original blue, and her tone became cheerful. 

"Master, your robot Unit One greets you."

From now on, she was a robot with an owner.

"Master? That title doesn’t sound bad." Fei Xiu retrieved his identity card, patting the adorably awkward-looking robot. 

"Unit One, remember what I said before: In front of others, don’t act too intelligent. Watch some assistant robot videos for reference."

"Understood, Master." Yuan Chu replied with ease.

As they were talking, Fei Xiu’s communicator vibrated a few times, signaling a text message. 

After reading it, he turned to Primus and said, "Your test is coming. We’ll have a guest soon, be prepared."

"Got it." Yuan Chu immediately pulled up the information Fei Xiu had sent her about assistant robots and quickly reviewed it.

Half an hour later, a shuttle pulled into the estate, and a robust man in his forties stepped out, followed by a round mechanical pet.

The man discreetly scanned his surroundings, frowning slightly when he saw the somewhat desolate yard.

"Sakri." Fei Xiu stood at the door, his tone cold. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Why leave? Isn’t staying in the capital better?" Sakri asked as he followed him into the living room.

"I wanted some peace and quiet." Fei Xiu casually replied.

Sakri took off his coat, and Yuan Chu stepped forward to hang it on the coat rack.

Sakri glanced at her but didn’t pay much attention, continuing, "Come help me out, will you? My business is doing pretty well right now, and I’m short on people."

"Doing well?" Fei Xiu mercilessly exposed him. 

"You call losing money every year doing well?"

Sakri shrugged. "At least we’re not starving. As long as the brothers are together and happy, that’s what matters."

Sakri, like Fei Xiu, was a retired soldier, a former comrade-in-arms who had left the military two years before him. 

Using the government-issued pension, he gathered a group of disabled veterans and started a security company. 

The business wasn’t booming, but it managed to break even.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think staying here suits me just fine."

Sakri scoffed, "Living here all by yourself, without even someone to talk to, what’s so good about that? The capital is prosperous, the standard of living is several levels higher than here. How could staying in the capital not be better?"

A cup of tea was handed over and placed on the coffee table in front of Sakri.

Sakri glanced at the quiet robot standing off to the side and said regretfully, "You used to have the most advanced luxury mechs. Now look at you, relying on this worn-out, secondhand robot."

Fei Xiu: ...

Primus: ... Worn-out is one thing, but secondhand?

"What can a robot like this do besides make tea and run errands?" Sakri kicked the mechanical pet by his feet. 

"This is the latest model of mechanical pet I just bought. Its intelligence is equivalent to a three-year-old child, and it's currently only sold in the capital. That’s the difference between a bustling city and this rural backwater."

Fei Xiu: ... You wouldn’t believe it, but this worn-out secondhand robot could build a whole truckload of mechanical pets with her own skills.

Yuan Chu looked down at the silly pet spinning around her feet in silence.

"Chick." Sakri called his mechanical pet, "This is my friend, Fei Xiu. Go say hello."

"Beep beep, hello." The mechanical pet rolled over to Sakri and wiggled its ears at Fei Xiu.

"Introduce yourself to Uncle Fei Xiu." Sakri commanded again.

"Fei Xiu beep beep, I’m called Chick beep beep. I’m Daddy Sakri’s son, beep beep, born just two months ago~~"

Sakri chuckled, "Isn't he smart?"

Fei Xiu: ... Is this thing a chicken or a lamb?

Primus: ...

"Does your robot have a voice system installed? Or did you really pick up some defective product from the secondhand market?"

Fei Xiu shot a sharp look at Yuan Chu: ... Hold it in. Don't say anything!

Primus: ... m(._.)m

Sakri hesitated, "Are you facing some financial difficulties lately? Do you want me to buy you a new assistant robot?"

"Have you eaten yet?" Fei Xiu interrupted, unable to hold back any longer.

"Not yet." Sakri patted his slightly protruding belly. 

"I’ve been driving for a few hours, so yeah, I’m pretty hungry."

"Unit One, go make some food." Fei Xiu ordered.

Sakri suddenly remembered something and quickly said, "If it’s just compressed food, don’t bother. I’ll treat you, let’s eat out."

Fei Xiu: "I’ve already eaten."

"Then just have a drink with me."

"You can go eat out by yourself. I won’t see you off." Fei Xiu showed no mercy.

"Wait, no, come on! Can’t I just eat here?" Sakri wore a pitiful expression, sighing deeply. 

He hadn’t had compressed food in ages and wasn’t sure if his taste buds could still handle it.

Yuan Chu headed to the kitchen to prepare a meal, while Fei Xiu continued chatting with Sakri in the living room.

Half an hour later, a rich aroma wafted in from the kitchen. Mid-sentence, Sakri twitched his nose and craned his neck towards the kitchen. 

"What brand of compressed food did you buy? It smells amazing."

Fei Xiu: ...

Moments later, Yuan Chu walked out carrying a tray. A vibrant, nutritious, beautifully plated, and fragrant meal was placed in front of Sakri.

Sakri took a deep breath and eagerly picked up his utensils. After a small taste, he immediately dove in, devouring the meal.

"Sir, what would you like to drink: Red wine or juice?" A soft electronic voice asked. 

"Red wine." Sakri replied without thinking.

A minute later, a glass of red wine was gently placed beside him.

As he ate the gourmet meal and sipped the fine wine, a look of contentment spread across Sakri’s face.

He finished the meal in no time and still seemed to want more.

"Did you install some kind of advanced cooking program on your robot?" Sakri praised. 

"The food is way too delicious."

"Just average." Fei Xiu subtly gave Yuan Chu a warning look.

"This is what you call average? I bet this is even better than the chefs in star-rated hotels in the capital."

Fei Xiu: "How could this rural backwater compare to the capital?"

Sakri: Hmm? That line sounds familiar.

"No wonder you bought this robot." Sakri seemed to have an epiphany. 

"With cooking skills like that, even if it's ugly, outdated, and has low intelligence, it’s still worth tens of thousands of credits."

"Bleep bleep, Daddy Sakri is right. Daddy Sakri is worth tens of thousands of credits." The mechanical pet chimed in happily.

Sakri laughed heartily, "Isn't my little chick cute? How about I give you one as a gift?"

Fei Xiu: "...No thanks, really!"

"No need to be so polite. It's just over a million credits; I can afford to gift you one."

Fei Xiu's tone was firm, "Keep that million and use it to expand your business!"

Was that politeness? No, it was rejection!

"Alright, I know you won’t take it." Sakri sighed. 

"Just remember, you’ve always got me as a friend. If you ever face difficulties, don’t hesitate to ask. The road ahead is long, make sure you plan carefully."

"Mm." Fei Xiu’s expression softened. He appreciated Sakri's concern.

Sakri stood up, and Fei Xiu walked him to the door.

Sakri took a few steps outside before turning around and calling out, "Why are you standing there? Show me around the place."

Fei Xiu: ??? Weren’t you leaving? He had already seen him off!

"It’s rare for me to visit. I’m planning to stay for dinner before heading off." Sakri said, flashing a smile with his teeth still shiny with grease. 

"You don’t mind, do you?"

Mechanical pet: "Bleep bleep, you don’t mind, do you? You don’t mind, do you?"

Fei Xiu: ... No, he minds. He minds a lot!

Yuan Chu: ...

So, she still had to keep pretending to be a broken-down, secondhand robot whose cooking skills were worth tens of thousands of credits?

Fei Xiu: I painted it myself. How is it ugly, how is it broken, and how does it look secondhand?! Sakri, are your eyes smeared with… something?!

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