Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 36

When choosing a major, Li Xi asked Yuan Chu, “Which major do you want to apply for?”

Yuan Chu replied, “Biomedical Engineering.”

“Why?” Li Xi's eyes flashed with surprise. In his impression, Yuan Chu had never shown any interest in medicine.

Yuan Chu said casually, “Didn't you originally want to study medicine? But you gave it up because you had to inherit the family business.”

“How did you know?”

“The books you bought, I often read them too,” Yuan Chu smiled. “I also happen to like medicine, so I decided to apply for Biomedical Engineering.”

In fact, for her, it didn't matter whether she liked it or not. Her interests stemmed from the Child of Luck, and everything she learned was influenced by him. 

The process of accumulating fortune was also her process of self-shaping.

“You really like it, and not just for me?” Li Xi looked at her seriously.

“Of course.” Studying medicine also has another benefit: Benefiting humanity and gaining the power of faith.

“That's good.” Li Xi's eyes were filled with tenderness as he gently rubbed her head.

Thus, Yuan Chu's major was decided.

As the youngest freshman at Qing University this year, Yuan Chu attracted a lot of attention. 

But such genius students are not uncommon in prestigious schools, and after a few days of heated discussion, things returned to normal. 

Comparatively, handsome men and beautiful women garnered more attention.

For example, Li Xi, a representative of the tall, rich, and handsome, was always the center of attention wherever he went. 

Although his personality was cold and aloof, making it difficult to get close to him, countless admirers pursued him constantly for three years, but he had never been ambiguous with any girl, making him the hardest fortress to breach at Qing University.

“Li Xi, aren't you reconsidering Miss Sun's invitation?” Shao Ye looked at his friend packing up his books and said, “The Sun family has some influence in Qing City; it wouldn't hurt to connect with them.”

“No need.” Li Xi refused without hesitation, his face cold. He was not against networking, but Miss Sun was not in his consideration.

“Tsk, you're destined to be alone.” Shao Ye followed him leisurely out of the classroom.

“Hey? The cafeteria is this way, where are you going?” 

Seeing Li Xi turn in another direction, Shao Ye couldn't help but shout.

“Not eating at the cafeteria today.” Li Xi continued walking with long strides.

“You ordered food outside? Count me in!” Shao Ye quickly caught up. The food at Qing University was decent, and they usually dined on the second floor, but eating the same food for too long could get boring, and occasionally they needed to go out for a change of taste.

At the school gate, Li Xi saw a familiar figure immediately. Just as he was about to quicken his pace, a few girls blocked his way.

“Li Xi.” The leading girl, tall and beautiful, spoke with a hint of complaint, “Why did you refuse my invitation?”

“I refused because I didn't want to go, what other reason is needed?” Li Xi bypassed her and continued walking towards the gate.

“Wait, I haven't finished talking.” Sun Xinrong instinctively grabbed his arm.

Li Xi's eyes darkened, and he forcefully pushed her away, “Don't touch me.”

Everyone who knew Li Xi was aware of his peculiarity: He didn't like others touching his body, regardless of gender or age.

Sun Xinrong pursed her lips, feeling wronged, “Sorry, I didn't mean to, I just…”

Li Xi ignored her, his cold expression breaking instantly as he looked up, his deep eyes gleaming with light as they reflected a figure walking towards him.

Seeing his change, Sun Xinrong turned her head, sensing something.

“Brother.” Yuan Chu greeted him with a smile as she approached.

“Did you wait long? Let's go.” Li Xi habitually draped his arm over her shoulder.

Sun Xinrong stared at the hand on Yuan Chu's shoulder, her eyes flashing with frustration, forcing a smile, “Li Xi, is this your sister?”

“Mm.” Li Xi responded indifferently and left the campus with Yuan Chu.

Sun Xinrong didn't chase after them this time but grabbed Shao Ye, asking, “Does Li Xi have a sister?”

“Uh, I guess? I'm not really sure.” Shao Ye had seen Yuan Chu a few times and knew she wasn't Li Xi's biological sister, but they were very close. 

If it weren't for the age difference, he might have thought they were a couple. Of course, that possibility couldn't be ruled out.

“You're Li Xi's friend, how can you not know?” Sun Xinrong pressed.

Shao Ye sighed, “Li Xi rarely talks about his family, and I haven't asked, so I naturally don't know.”

Sun Xinrong watched their retreating figures and murmured, “That girl looks familiar…”

“Xinrong, that girl is a new student this year, only 14 years old, named ‘Yuan Chu’.” A girl beside Sun Xinrong answered.

“14 years old, with the surname Yuan?” Sun Xinrong pondered.

“Miss Sun, can I leave now?” Shao Ye asked with a smile.

“Go away.” Sun Xinrong waved dismissively. 

After he left, she instructed the girl beside her, “Get me that girl's contact information.”


Li Xi, Shao Ye, and Yuan Chu arrived at a Chinese restaurant and booked a private room.

Shao Ye was shocked to see the usually cold and noble Li Xi acting like a doting mother, being extremely considerate towards the girl beside him, almost dropping his jaw.

Yuan Chu used to come to school only to deliver soup or clothes to Li Xi and rarely stayed. 

This was the first time Shao Ye saw them interact in private, and it completely overturned his perception of Li Xi.

What happened to not liking physical contact with others? What are you doing now? Helping her with her hair, feeding her fruit, wiping her fingers… Li Xi, do you know how dangerous this is? 

She's just thirteen or fourteen, can you restrain yourself a bit? That look, that action, are you trying to let everyone know you have a crush on an underage girl???

Shao Ye was so distracted during lunch that he barely ate, as he was too busy holding his chin in shock.

During a bathroom break, Shao Ye teased, “No wonder you don't care about other women; you already have a child bride.”

“Don't talk nonsense.” Li Xi replied with a displeased tone, “Don't joke about Chu Chu, she's my sister.”

“Sister? Just a sister?” Shao Ye looked at him with a complicated expression, not quite believing it.

“A dirty mind sees dirt in everything.” Li Xi glared at him, “What do you know about our sibling bond?”

Shao Ye: Haha, I bet you'll eat your words one day, you pighead.

Meanwhile, in the private room, Yuan Chu received a text from an unknown number: 【Hello, Yuan Chu, I am a friend of Li Xi. There's a birthday party at the Regal Hotel tomorrow night. I hope you can attend.】

The sender didn't reveal their name, but Yuan Chu knew who it was.

Sun Xinrong, a woman who might entangle Li Xi for half a lifetime, born wealthy and beautiful, a match for Li Xi.

According to Yuan Chu's foresight, Sun Xinrong was stubborn and narrow-minded in her youth, but she smoothed many of her rough edges for Li Xi. 

After thirty, she became more mature and gentle. However, it was still uncertain whether she and Li Xi would end up together.

If Sun Xinrong truly liked Li Xi and Li Xi had feelings for her, Yuan Chu would be happy to help create opportunities for them. The happier the Child of luck, the stronger his fortune.

For now, Yuan Chu couldn't distinguish between love, friendship, and familial affection. As long as they lived harmoniously in the same circle, any relationship was fine.

After returning home, Yuan Chu mentioned the birthday party.

“Who told you? Shao Ye?” Li Xi squinted.

“No.” Yuan Chu showed him the text.

Li Xi deleted it without hesitation, “Ignore such junk messages.” 

He quickly tapped a few times on her phone and handed it back, “Focus on important people.”

Yuan Chu looked at the newly saved contact “Beloved Brother” with a special ringtone and remained silent.

She originally saved it as “Li Xi” without any note.

“Look at other people's sisters; they are very affectionate towards their brothers. And look at you.” Li Xi began to list her faults, “You don't even return my messages or calls.”

Yuan Chu: We see each other morning, noon, and night, living under the same roof. What's there to reply to…

“I have to study and work, tired and hungry with no one to comfort me.” Li Xi continued complaining.

Yuan Chu: You have someone to accompany you all day, nutritious meals every meal, and a goodnight kiss every night. What more do you want???

Li Xu leaned against the headboard, looking at her, and pointed to his forehead.

Yuan Chu leaned down and kissed his forehead.

Li Xi held her neck and returned a kiss, “Good night.”

“Good night.”

Li Xi left Yuan Chu's room and gently closed the door, his face instantly turning cold.


The next day, Li Xi found Sun Xinrong and asked coldly, “Did you send that text?”

“Li Xi!” Sun Xinrong looked at him in surprise, not hearing his question clearly.

"Did you send that text message?" Li Xi asked again.

"What text message?"

"The text message to Yuan Chu."

Sun Xinrong was stunned, then smiled and said, "Yes, she is your sister, and I want to make friends with her."

"That's not necessary," Li Xi warned coldly. "Stay away from her in the future. I don't want you to disturb her."

The smile on Sun Xinrong's face froze, and she couldn't help but say angrily, "What do you mean? I just want to be friends with her. Will this disturb her? She's really delicate then."

"Whether she is delicate or not has nothing to do with you," Li Xi said very bluntly. "Just remember, my sister and I don't want to associate with you."

Sun Xinrong had pestered him for two years. Many rejections didn't work, and he didn't bother to pay attention. 

But this time she approached Yuan Chu, which crossed his bottom line.

Hearing such merciless words, Sun Xinrong's face turned ugly, and her red eyes were about to cry.

Looking at Li Xi's indifferent back, she bit her lip. Complex emotions such as anger and humiliation flashed through her eyes. Finally, she suddenly thought of something and regained her energy.

In the past two years, Li Xi had never looked at her directly, but this time, just because she sent a text message to the girl named Yuan Chu, he took the initiative to come find her. 

In other words, the only thing that can attract Li Xi's attention at present is matters related to that girl.

Although the result was disgust and rejection, this was undoubtedly a change.

Understanding this, Sun Xinrong's mood suddenly improved, as it seemed she had found a way to conquer the iceberg.

Naturally, Li Xi and Yuan Chu did not attend Sun Xinrong's birthday party, but after that day, Sun Xinrong "ran into" Yuan Chu from time to time and established a good relationship with her. 

Yuan Chu was young and had no friends of the same age in college. She was also used to keeping a low profile, usually either in the classroom or in the library. 

Li Xi was quite busy and was away from school for at least three days a week, which provided Sun Xinrong with enough opportunities and space to get in touch with Yuan Chu.

Originally, she considered that this girl might become Li Xi's partner in the future, so she did not reject her closeness.

"Xiao Chu, what's the point of studying hard every day?" Sun Xinrong hooked her arm. "Would you like to go out with me tonight?"

Yuan Chu was about to refuse but paused when she looked up. There was a flash of light in her eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Li Xi went to another province today and won't return until tomorrow, just in time to take a look.


T/N: It's time to release the chapters I've been storing!!!


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