Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 34

A year later, the financial storm arrived as expected. Although Li Xi lacked the ability to foresee, he made some preparations in advance when analyzing the market.

He focused primarily on the clothing industry, followed by the food industry. In order to achieve the goal of ensuring Yuan Chu's clothing and food, he had very strict requirements on the grade of clothing and the quality of food. 

All the clothes Yuan Chu wore were specially designed by masters, with unique styles, and the food was also tailored to her taste.

Yuan Chu had a clear understanding of the future direction, knowing what things were popular, indirectly guiding Li Xi's direction, and gaining a good reputation, which allowed him to stand firm in the financial storm.

"Chu Chu, I've got you covered from age 10 to 100." Li Xi didn't care much about money, but he was very devoted to Yuan Chu. 

As long as it made her happy, he was willing to do it. While others usually give gifts only on special occasions, he would give them for a lifetime, ensuring quality for a lifetime.

According to Yuan Chu's original predicted trajectory, Li Xi should have started with real estate, then entered the financial industry, and finally ventured into the electronics industry. 

But now, things were completely different. He began to earnestly engage in the real economy.

In addition, he also invested in Grandpa Li's Kangdes Research Medical Center to support medical research projects.

Several years ago, the world was shocked by a gas leak incident, and almost everyone poisoned was not spared. 

However, this medical team not only saved Li Xi's life but also developed several highly effective detoxifying agents. 

As long as they passed inspection and applied for patents, they could be launched into the market. 

This matter was not made public, but some upper-class individuals paid close attention to it and provided great support and convenience.

Li Xi seemed unruly, but he was actually steady and far-sighted, unconcerned with short-term gains and losses. 

While other peers were squandering their youth, he had already begun to weather the storms.

The members of the Li family were only concerned with power and profit. Under the impact of the financial storm, their total assets shrank by thirty percent, forcing them to lay off employees on a large scale and greatly reducing their credit. 

They did not know that although Grandpa Li didn't interfere much, he had entrusted Li Xi with his many years of connections and prestige. The outside world only recognized Li Xi's identity and status.

While the Li family was in turmoil, Li Xi was rising against the tide, accumulating strength, and demonstrating astonishing business talent at a young age. 

However, in contrast, he inevitably neglected his own health.

One day, Yuan Chu was reading in the classroom when she suddenly had a feeling something was amiss. 

Frowning slightly, she called the housekeeper and asked her to prepare a soup of Tai Zi Shen, lily bulbs, and lean pork and bring it to the school.

After school, she took the soup the housekeeper delivered and headed straight to Qing University.

In the public study room, Li Xi was sitting by the window, reviewing a proposal sent by his subordinates on his tablet. 

His soft hair fell over his forehead, gently swaying in the breeze. His focused profile, like a sculpture, was both elegant and sharp, making him seem unapproachable. 

Some people are born exceptional; without the need for excessive expressions or actions, they naturally draw countless gazes.

Li Xi's expression was stern, as if he was contemplating a difficult problem. Just then, a thermos bottle suddenly appeared in front of him, interrupting his train of thought.

He looked up with displeasure, but upon seeing the person who had arrived, his face broke into a radiant smile. His deep eyes sparkled brilliantly, like the dazzling sunlight after the rain.

Everyone around him was momentarily blinded by his smile.

"Chuchu, why are you here?" Li Xi put down the tablet in his hand and pulled Yuan Chu to sit beside him.

Yuan Chu stared at him for a moment and calmly asked, "Do you have a cold?"

"Hmm?" Li Xi was momentarily puzzled, then rubbed his temples and said in a deep voice, "Yes."

If Yuan Chu hadn’t confirmed that he had a cold, she might have been amused by his poor acting. 

This guy was completely unaware of his cold and was even pretending to be sick. It was a side effect of the medication, making him slow to react to symptoms.

Yuan Chu closed the open window and then poured out the hot soup from the thermos.

"Drink it; it's good for your lungs and replenishes fluids."

Li Xi smiled. "Did Chuchu come here today just to bring me soup?"

"Yes." Yuan Chu skillfully took out his phone from his pocket, opened the notepad, and started typing something quickly.

As Li Xi drank the soup, he leaned over to take a look. It was a list of things to pay attention to over the next few days: what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, what not to do, when to sleep, and so on. There was even a reminder set.

After finishing, Yuan Chu handed him a mask and reminded him, "From tomorrow, make sure to wear a mask when you go out."

Li Xi has a weak immune system and has developed some resistance to medication. Once he falls ill, it's difficult for him to recover and he needs proper care.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Seeing Yuan Chu's seriousness, Li Xi stopped pretending to be pitiful. He hadn't yet realized he was actually sick.

Yuan Chu didn't explain further, simply predicting, "You'll definitely have trouble sleeping tonight."

"As long as you're with me, I'll definitely sleep well." Li Xi immediately took advantage of the situation.

"Is that so? Fine." Yuan Chu gave him a knowing look.

Li Xi happily finished the soup, then tidied up and went home with Yuan Chu.

That night, a violent coughing fit came from Li Xi's room.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

The one who had confidently claimed he'd sleep well was now weakly leaning against the headboard, coughing intensely.

Yuan Chu fed him some medicine and then prepared a bowl of silver ear and pear soup.

Li Xi lay on his side, looking at Yuan Chu with red eyes and a hoarse voice, "Chuchu, I feel awful."

In the past, even when he was in excruciating pain in the hospital, he never showed weakness. Now, a simple cold had made him seem so pitiful, truly showing how delicate he had become.

"It will get better soon." Yuan Chu gently soothed him, her voice as tender as if she were comforting a child.

"What if it doesn't get better?" Li Xi clutched a heating pad, his eyes moist, far from the maturity and steadiness he displayed during the day.

"It will get better." Yuan Chu reassured him patiently.

"You'll stay with me, won't you?"

"I will."

After thinking for a moment, Li Xi changed his mind, "No, you shouldn't. I don't want to pass my sickness on to you."

"I'm wearing a mask." Yuan Chu pointed to her face, "It's foolproof."

"That's good." Li Xi's expression immediately relaxed, seeming reassured. 

In his career, he was decisive and forceful, but in life, he was still like a baby. His six-foot frame seemed almost decorative compared to Yuan Chu's petite stature.

They went through the night until around two in the morning when the coughing finally subsided. 

Li Xi blinked his tired eyes and murmured, "I still have a few emails to reply to today..."

"Reply to them tomorrow; it's just as good." Yuan Chu lightly patted the blanket. "Sleep now."

Li Xi slowly closed his eyes, and soon the sound of steady breathing could be heard.

Just then, there was a soft knock on the door from outside.

Yuan Chu opened the door and saw Grandpa Li standing there with a cane, peering inside. He asked softly, "Is he alright?"

"He's fine, already asleep."

"That's good," Grandpa Li sighed in relief. "You should go to bed too. I'll have the servants take care of him."

"I promised to stay with him. Grandpa, you should go to sleep. Don't worry."

"Alright, I'll go to bed then. Don't overexert yourself, and call the servants if you need anything."

"Okay, thank you, Grandpa."

After closing the door, Yuan Chu returned to bed. Just as she lifted the blanket, she noticed that Li Xi had somehow opened his eyes. His dark eyes glowed under the bedside lamp.

"Did I wake you?" Yuan Chu slipped under the warm covers, leaving only her small head exposed.

"I thought you had left." With a sudden emptiness beside him, Li Xi had noticed right away.

"I told you I'd stay with you."

"Okay." Li Xi turned his head and leaned weakly on Yuan Chu's slender shoulder.

The gentle light bathed the two of them, creating a small world that belonged just to them.

Where the heart resides is where peace is found. For Li Xi, Yuan Chu is the one who allows him to let down all his defenses, regardless of age.

The next day, Yuan Chu took Li Xi to school, reminding him to check his notepad and not to forget his medicine.

"Mm-hmm." Li Xi, wearing a mask, nodded seriously.

"Don't eat lunch in the cafeteria. I'll bring you a meal."

"Mm-hmm." Li Xi's eyes curved in a smile.

"Don't sit by the window, and avoid being in the wind."


"Call me if anything comes up."


"Alright, go to class now."


The driver and bodyguard in the front seats watched the two masked faces having such a domestic conversation and felt a surreal sense of disorientation.

Master Li, where’s your image? Do you still care about it? Who's the child here, anyway???

Li Xi gave Yuan Chu a kiss on the cheek, then opened the door and got out of the car.

The moment he stepped out of the car, he transformed back into that stern young man—tall, with sharp eyes and a confident stride. However, the mask with a bunny print he wore did disrupt the image a bit.

While Li Xi was sick, Yuan Chu couldn't let her guard down.

These past couple of days, his aunt might come looking for him. She needed a substantial amount of money to invest in a project. 

But that wasn’t the main issue; the main concern was that she had been partying for several nights in a row at nightclubs, carrying germs on her. 

If Li Xi was unprepared, he would definitely get infected, his cold would worsen, turning a minor illness into a major one, leading to all sorts of complications.

Yuan Chu didn't want Li Xi to suffer through another bout of illness, so she needed to take precautions in advance.

The next day, Li Wenhong contacted Li Xi a day earlier than Yuan Chu had anticipated, inviting him to dinner the following evening.

She didn't go to see the old man right away, choosing instead to approach her younger nephew, Li Xi, who she thought would be easier to persuade.

"Do you really have to go?" Yuan Chu asked.

"If I don’t go this time, she’ll keep bothering me," Li Xi said in a deep voice. "It’s better to resolve it early, so she doesn’t disturb Grandpa."

This situation was similar to when he had to start a new medication a few years ago—another turning point in his life. Yuan Chu couldn’t interfere with his decision directly.

"Can you take me with you?"

"Of course." Li Xi was more than happy to have her with him anytime, anywhere.

However, Yuan Chu didn't actually want Li Xi to meet with Li Wenhong; she had a more permanent solution in mind.

That afternoon, Yuan Chu made an excuse to go shopping, having the driver drop her off near the hotel where Li Wenhong was staying, creating an opportunity for Li Wenhong to “accidentally” notice her.

As expected, Li Wenhong, who "coincidentally" spotted Yuan Chu, stopped her.

"You're the little girl Li Xi brought back from the hospital, right?" Li Wenhong reeked of alcohol and arrogantly sized her up.

"Yes." Yuan Chu wasn't wearing a mask, allowing herself to be exposed to any germs Li Wenhong might have.

"You seem quite clever, getting my father and Li Xi wrapped around your finger." Li Wenhong covered her mouth with a handkerchief, looking at Yuan Chu with disdain. 

"The Li family can certainly afford to support someone, but remember your place. Don’t covet what doesn’t belong to you."

Yuan Chu replied, "Oh."

Calculating that the germs would cause her to fall ill by the evening, she decided not to argue further and turned to leave.

"I’m not finished talking," Li Wenhong blocked her path, speaking with hostility. 

"You're so insolent at such a young age; how will you behave in the future? I’ll definitely warn Li Xi, so he won’t be fooled by an outsider like you."

Normally, Li Wenhong wouldn't be so arrogant, but she had just attended a drinking session and had quite a bit to drink, which made her speak without restraint under the influence of alcohol.

"It's getting late, I need to go home for dinner."

"Go 'home'?" Li Wenhong sneered. 

"Is that your home? You're just an orphan living under someone else's roof. Do you really think you're a lady of the Li family?"

Yuan Chu glanced lightly at her, then glanced at the bodyguard behind her. The bodyguard reacted quickly, stepping forward to protect Yuan Chu as they walked towards the parking lot.

"Stop right there!"

Yuan Chu heard footsteps behind her, flicked her finger lightly, and then heard a "ouch" as Li Wenhong stumbled and fell to the ground. Without looking back, Yuan Chu walked away slowly.


T/N: Finally, 2 weeks vacation!🥹


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