Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 1 (Part 3)

Seol's head is spinning. Seol sat up and rubbed her forehead. "Do I have a fever?" 

Three times. Three times in less than a week. She's been on high alert so many times, that maybe her body is finally calling it quits. 

But Seol was too proud to call in sick. Slowly, she pulled on her uniform. 'I wonder if the original Alpha team is this busy.' 

With that thought, she swallowed her medicine with the help of water. She knew she should eat breakfast, but she didn't have the energy, and even with the medication, she felt disoriented. 

Leaving her house, she climbed into the air car and turned on the auto-drive mode. She didn't feel like she could drive herself. 

'It's hot,' Seol murmured to herself, 'And I'm going to get in trouble for going in sick,' She thought briefly, but she knew she had to see him, even if it meant leaving early. 

She had barely earned Jean's approval, and she didn't want to be called a wimp. 

The air car lifted gently into the air and began to drive down the road, unwavering. Thirty minutes later, she arrived at the headquarters and Seol slapped both her cheeks in unison. 

The pain was mild, but it seemed to bring her back to her senses. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the air car. 


In the empty office, Jean was writing a report. Three missions in one week. Even for the Alpha team, that was a lot of work. Still, it was comforting to know that everyone has taken the day off. Jean stopped writing the report. 

His tight lips softened at the thought of the new 'kid'. The girl with the shiny silver hair and short stature—Seol, was just over five feet tall and was even small by Jean's standards.

Jean knew he was being unreasonable in his demands, and he thought it was kind of cute that Seol was giving in to him, just barely, but dutifully. 

But it also made him uneasy. He and his teammates were trained to be special forces. Seol's also trained, but not to the point where she can hold her own in hand-to-hand combat. 

Karims were inherently stronger than humans, but if Seol was caught by the enemy's elite forces, she'd end up with a hole in her head, just like her predecessor. 

In the age where networks, satellites, and computers control everything, hackers are the first ones to get their heads blown off. Especially when Seol is as close to the battlefield as she was. 

It would have been nice for her to be able to work from afar, sitting in an office, but their enemies often use single-wire, short-range transmissions. Seol has to be close by to pick up the radio waves and hack them. This was a new way to prevent hacking from a distance using satellites. 

This meant that the hacker had to be close to the field, and the risk increased exponentially. 

Jean's face darkened. It was hellish to see a colleague die in his arms. And the new kid was still so young. 

Jean sighed. Seol might protest that thinking this way wouldn't make him a proper team leader. At the thought of her protesting with her ears pricked up, Jean sighed again.

He then chuckled. He felt a little better. Just then, the door opened. 


"Hello!" Seol summoned the strength to salute. 

Her gait was oddly staggering, Jean thought, and the next moment, a sickeningly sweet scent reached his sharp nose. 

Jean jumped to his feet and scrambled backward as if to avoid the scent. Seol didn't seem to notice and stumbled to her feet. 

"Team leader, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but-" Her breathing became more ragged. Unable to continue, she gasped and slumped into a seat, her knees buckling and giving way. 

Jean growled, coming around the desk and grabbing her arm. "What the hell are you doing?! Walking around while having your estrus!? The place is now full of your scent!" 

"Estrus......?" Seol looked up at him, dazed. Alas, the team leader smells so good. A good scent, a sweet-smelling scent, a scent you want to be tangled in with your body and try to eat. 

"Didn't you know you're in heat?" Jean exclaimed. 

Just how young is she? This must be her first heat. Jean gritted his teeth. The air was now full of a sweet female scent that attracts males.

"Where are your pills?" Jean asked, but Seil didn't respond, she just stared at him blankly. Jean decided to carry Seol, lest a male began to be attracted to the room.

"I'm sure there's medicine in the break room." Disguised as an ordinary office, the headquarters building had a break room where people could take a short break. It also contained basic medication. 

Jean sped up his pace, hoping that the break room would have some estrus-suppressing drugs. 

As soon as Seol was in Jean's arms, she felt better. But that was only for a moment. 

'He smells so good.' Sniffing, Seol buried her nose in the nape of his neck and breathed in his scent. Her arms wrapped around his neck. 

Jean gasped as Seol opened her mouth to lightly nip and suck on his neck. 

"Seol!" Jean called out, but Seol didn't stop. Jean took a deep breath and regretted carrying her; his lower body immediately responded. His penis swelled, straining against his pants. 

'Let's lay her down and get inside her. She's ready, an adult female in heat.' Jean closed his eyes and pulled away from his dangerous thoughts.

Seol was now grunting, grinding her entire body against him. The scent of peaches, flowers, and honey wafted from her whole body. 

The break room was empty. Today is the alpha team's day off. There was no one else in the room. 

Dropping her on the bed with forceful hands, Jean sprinted to the medicine cabinet. Roughly opening the medicine cabinet door, he quickly searched for the estrogen suppressor, but it was nowhere to be seen. 

"Team leader- Je-an-" He could hear the voice behind him calling his name over and over again, muffled, patronizing, sobbing, and searching for him. 

Seol gasped in bed and looked at Jean's back. 

"Hot. Hot." She began to remove her uniform. She unbuckled her belt, unbuttoned her jacket, unbuttoned her shirt, then gave up and kicked off her boots. 

As she pulled off her pants, Jean turned around and his eyes widened. "What the hell are you-" 

"I'm hot," She said, and Jean swallowed the expletives in his mouth and stalked over to her. 

"We don't have any pills or suppressor drugs here." 

"Pills? What pills? I don't need pills, I need Team leader. I need a nice male." Seol tugged at the front of Jean's jacket and stuck her head out. She opened her mouth as if to demand a kiss, her tongue darting out. She had no idea what was going on, but her instincts demanded it. 

Seol pushed her female's right to choose her mate to the forefront. 

There was a dangerous gleam in Jean's gray-blue eyes. 

"You little shit." He growled, then leaned down and kissed her. 

T/N: Ehehehehehehe, here's a cliffhanger coz I'm evil. 
