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Chapter 53: Love (1)

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After working on spring plowing, the next day happened to be an auspicious day. Wei Jianwei's cousin is marrying a wife. Several members of the Wei family were called to help. Only Feng Qiuyue couldn't leave because the baby was still too young.

Early in the morning, He Xiaoyun and Wang Chunhua arrived at Jianwei's uncle's house. Because she already had two daughters-in-law, Wang Chunhua, who was quite experienced, was taken away to discuss the details of the wedding banquet. He Xiaoyun went to the kitchen backyard to wash and choose dishes with others.

Those who came over to help were both young and old wives from the same brigade who were familiar with each other. As soon as He Xiaoyun arrived in the kitchen backyard, someone greeted her: "Have you eaten breakfast? There are still porridge and steamed buns in the pot. You can eat before you work."

He Xiaoyun replied: "I've eaten before I leave the house."

"Just come and say if you're hungry, are you afraid this aunt won't give you food?" The other party joked.

He Xiaoyun also laughed.

Someone asked her again: "When will you and Jianwei leave?"

"This time, the holiday is only twenty days, and there are only four to five days left."

A few people were curious, and they asked about the situation in the army, such as where she went to live, where they eat, and whether she would go to work in the fields there...

He Xiaoyun answered them one by one.

"It's good for you and Jianwei. I have a nephew who has been in the army for seven or eight years. His wife still can't join the army." Someone said.

Another said: "I guess it isn't enough years. Jianwei has been in the army for more than ten years. By the way, Xiaoyun, how much is Jianwei's monthly salary?"

When this question was asked, everyone else pricked their ears to listen.

He Xiaoyun still knows the truth that she shouldn't brag about money. But if she said it's low, they'll think she lied. If it's high, others will scheme something.

She then said: "There are dozens of yuan. Since Jianwei is a soldier, his expense was only clothes and food, sometimes if his comrades got injured or retired, he lent them money. When we arrived, he got two more mouths to feed. I also need to pay to buy some fresh vegetables and firewood when winter comes." 

Seventy or eighty is also dozens. Wei Jianwei's salary is ninety yuan, He Xiaoyun didn't lie about this.

When they heard that there were dozens of yuan, some people were jealous.

"It's still best to be here with the family. Although we're not rich, we can eat the vegetables in our own fields and get some firewood in the mountains. Who dares to ask us for money?" The man said with a sense of superiority.

"Yeah," He Xiaoyun agreed with a smile, "It's cold in winter over there, and we can't eat fresh vegetables. It's really inferior to our Qingshuihe."

After a few more words, they soon chatted about other topics.

One person said that someone’s family had some connections and got their child a job in a factory. Then another said that some girl was going to have another blind date, and saying that the girl shouldn't be picky. 

He Xiaoyun didn't know all this gossip, she just bowed her head to work and nodded from time to time.

The person who asked about Wei Jianwei's salary lowered her voice and said, "Xiao Min quarreled with Jianming again last night. In the morning, I saw her eyes were red."

He Xiaoyun pricked her ears when she heard some familiar names. It was Wei Jianming who hooked up with some other woman last summer and was caught by the other's husband. That matter back then was quite violent.

"Jianming is really immoral! Xiaomin isn't ugly, and she gave birth to two children. Why can't he hold her dear in his heart? He always wants to spend all day outside."

"Men are like that. I heard that Xiaomin wanted to divorce him, but where can she go back? Her two brothers are already married. It's alright to stay for a day or two, and her sisters-in-law will treat her as a guest, but if she stays there indefinitely, they will treat her harshly. Besides, the child will have no father, how hard will it be in the future?"

"Xiaomin's temper is too fierce if she wanted a divorce after a fight. If they divorced, her parents won't be able to show their faces." 

"Can't blame her, Jianming's not a good man."

He Xiaoyun listened silently. When she first arrived here last year, she suddenly had a husband and son out of thin air. She actually thought about divorce but felt that it will be difficult. Now, it seems that she did the right thing.

He Xiaoyun was glad that she met Wei Jianwei, not Wei Jianming.

Talk of the devil, and the devil will appear, there were some noises from the front yard. He Xiaoyun took a probing look and saw some men that borrowed tables and chairs from elsewhere, and they were placed in the front yard. Wei Jianwei was among them.

The man probably noticed her gaze as he looked up, he curled his lips upon meeting her gaze. He Xiaoyun didn't speak, lowered her head, and continued to wash the vegetables, but there was a subconscious smile on her mouth.

After setting up the tables and chairs, Wei Jianwei walked to the kitchen backyard.

He Xiaoyun didn't see him. It was the woman next to her who noticed: "Jianwei, what are you doing here? Xiaoyun is still busy."

"That's right," someone responded with a smile, "Xiaoyun has no time to talk to you."

He Xiaoyun raised her head to look at him, Wei Jianwei nodded and squatted down opposite her.

"What do you want?" He Xiaoyun asked him in a low voice under the eyes of others.

Wei Jianwei put his hand in his pocket.

"Open your mouth."

"Huh?" He Xiaoyun was puzzled and opened her mouth subconsciously. The next second, a sweet and soft thing was stuffed into her mouth. After chewing it, there was also the sweetness of honey and milk.

It was a wedding candy that Wei Jianwei specifically brought.  He grabbed one, but he didn't eat it himself and kept it for her.

After feeding her, Wei Jianwei helped her pick the beans. When the others saw it, they couldn't help but joke. He Xiaoyun was a little embarrassed and urged Jianwei to do something else.

Wei Jianwei looked at ease and he didn't get up until someone in front called for him. It happened that Wang Chunhua called He Xiaoyun into a room to go over. As soon as she left, the kitchen backyard began to be filled with whispers.

"It seems that the two of them are very cordial, didn't they say that those two couldn't get along?"

"You're obsolete. When Jianwei came back last year, I often saw him and Xiaoyun taking their child for a walk. If there's no harmony between them, will Jianwei even bring Xiaoyun to the army?"

"Really? I lived far away and didn't meet them. Good thing that they're better now."

"What do we even know about this young couple? They will fight 
sometimes and reconcile. Jianwei was willing to spend money on his wife. Before Xiaoyun joined the army last year, he sent her a lot of good things. When the postman came, I saw all the big and small bags from him."

The audience listened and sighed: "Her fate really became different. In the future, Jianwei will rise to a higher position, and Xiaoyun will still be his wife and enjoy the benefits."


A few years ago, when He Xiaoyun made a fuss about marrying Wei Jianwei. The people watched her make a fool of herself, they didn't expect to envy her one day.

It was already the afternoon after the wedding banquet. Because the child was sleepy, Wei Jianwei and He Xiaoyun took Wei Yuanhang home first, and Wang Chunhua and others remained there to help with the finishing touches.

Wei Jianwei carried the child on his back. The little kid's head frequently nodded, and his eyelids couldn't be opened. He Xiaoyun supported the kid on the side to prevent him from falling.

The paddy field on the roadside was dry when they came back. They were now full of seedlings, and they shook with the wind.

"I feel that time flies very fast, we have to go to the army again in a few days." He Xiaoyun said to Wei Jianwei.

"Reluctant?" Wei Jianwei turned his head to look at her.

"It's okay."

After all, this isn't He Xiaoyun's real hometown, but Wei Jianwei's, who has been coming and going here like this year after year. Xiaoyun wondered if he feels a little sad and melancholy in his heart.

What does Wei Jianwei feels?

In fact, Jianwei didn't have many thoughts about it. As he said before, he'd missed his home when he was young and the more he grew up, the more he got used to it.

Suddenly, Jianwei remembered an important question. When they returned to the army, would the kid on his back be sleeping in their bed again?

Jianwei had no problem if their son slept on the bed in the past but after tasting honey and being left alone with his wife, how can he go back to that? 
He began to seriously ponder the matter of giving the child another room.

It shouldn’t be a problem now that he's four, right? This kid yelled every day that he was already a big child and big children need to sleep alone. (lol.)

However, the child might protest. If the partition was low, the child might bother them, but partitioning the wall is also another big bother.

Or I can simply leave him to Jianhua. A certain father thought very unreliably. (Yuanhang, wake up! Your father is planning to throw you away!)

Back home, Feng Qiuyue was in the hall, saw them, and asked, "Back so soon?"

"Xiaoyuan is sleepy, we're taking him back to sleep. Did sister-in-law eat at noon?"

"Yes, your eldest brother came back earlier and brought me something to eat."

He Xiaoyun nodded and saw Wei Jianwei walking straight to Wei Jianhua's room from the corner of her eyes, and asked hurriedly: "Eh...where are you going?"

"Let him sleep in Jianhua's room." Wei Jianwei didn't look back.

He Xiaoyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She wanted to ask him, are you really his father? It doesn't matter if the child isn't allowed to sleep in their bed at night, but to be forbidden to sleep during the day?

Fortunately, before reaching Wei Jianhua's room, Wei Jianwei suddenly turned his feet and walked to their own room. Only then did He Xiaoyun realize that he was joking, otherwise, she would really suspect that the little kid wasn't his own.

The two put Wei Yuanhang on the bed together, during which he didn't even wake up.

"He slept quite heavily." He Xiaoyun muttered while taking off the child's shoes.

Wei Jianwei looked at the child and left two words: "Little pig."

He Xiaoyun retorted: "If he's a little pig, what are you? Daddy pig?"

Jianwei looked at her, didn'
t deny it, and moved his lips, "Mommy Pig."

"You are a pig, but I'm a normal person." He Xiaoyun said proudly, feeling better than him.

Wei Jianwei thought of something and laughed.

"What?!" He Xiaoyun fiercely asked, and her instinct is telling her it was not a good thing.

Wei Jianwei smiled a little and said, "You're not a mommy pig but you're cabbage."

"...What's the meaning of that?"

"You're the good cabbage that has been swept away by pigs."

He Xiaoyun endured for three seconds, but still can't hold it back, jumped up and beat him, "Damn, you're the cabbage!!!"

T/N: Happy April Fools Day! I don't like pranks so how about an update? Good deal ay?
