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Chapter 9: Family Portrait (5) Role Playing

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Hu Fang was dragged to the parents' bedroom across the corridor of the children's room. When he reacted, he saw "Leng Xinyu" with a gloomy and weird smile on her face, and she closed the door of the child's room with a "bang".

Ying Zhuo quickly closed the door to stopped Dad outside.

Hu Fang was stunned, sitting on the floor without thinking of getting up. He cried, "That old lady wanted to kill me!"

Shi Yu glanced at him: "Haven't you killed someone too?"

"But, but..." Hu Fang stammered for a long time, and what was left was his howling.

Ying Zhuo stood at the door, listening to Dad's movement outside, and hummed, "The ghost child possessed Leng Xinyu's body."

Shi Yu has long guessed it: "What about Leng Xinyu?"

"Just let her stay in the child's room."

"Didn't you say it will cause a lot of physical harm while being possessed by a ghost?" Shi Yu said her doubts.

Ying Zhuo smiled and said, "Well, she won't die for that much."

Hu Fang: "..." You seem to have a bit too much double standard?

The space in the parents’ bedroom is much larger than in the child’s room.

This whole game was based on the entanglements between the child's parents, which also means that there will be a lot of clues in the parents' bedroom.

After a glance, they can see the room's layout is very simple. A double bed, a large wardrobe, a dressing table, two bedside tables, and a computer desk.

Shi Yu stood in front of the bed and stretched out her hand to touch the bedside table.

She's pleased that these two bedside tables have locks, one is a lock that requires a key, and the other is a combination lock.

"Is this key?" Ying Zhuo suddenly handed a small silver key to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu was a little surprised: "Where did you get it?"

"I found it in Li Sirui's school uniform." Ying Zhuo smiled.

Shi Yu's attention at that time was on the ball, and she didn't search Li Sirui's school uniform carefully. Unexpectedly, Ying Zhuo was quite attentive, making a fortune in a low-key manner.

She took the key and opened the bedside table on the left.

There was a divorce agreement lying on it.

From the divorce agreement, Shi Yu and Ying Zhuo learned the names of Li Sirui's parents.

—[Man: Li Feng, woman: Wang Ying. After marriage, they gave birth to a son named Li Sirui. The marriage relationship broke down due to the disagreement between the husband and wife. There's no possibility of reconciliation. Negotiation for divorce on 10th...]

"The disagreement must be an excuse. There must be other reasons for the divorce between the two." Hu Fang asserted.

This sentence is correct. Shi Yu stood in front of the dressing table and opened the drawer to see some jewelry boxes inside.

Most of the jewelry boxes are empty, except for a gift box that's very beautifully packaged, with a beautifully decorated pink bow.

After opening it, a diamond ring the size of a fingernail lies inside, and there's a purchase receipt inside.

—【May 21, 3000】

When Hu Fang saw this diamond ring, his eyes widened: "My dear, this doesn't cost low."

Shi Yu: "This is from someone else."

"What?" Hu Fang didn't understand.

"Do you think it's possible for a family that can't even pay electrical bills to buy such an expensive thing?" Shi Yu glanced at him, her eyes full of helplessness, "Are you an idiot?"

It can be seen that the ring was for a woman, it should have been brought for the hostess of the house.

Hu Fang shook his head and smiled: "Oh, old Li's head is a little green."

"Isn't divorce normal with an aggressive man, ?" Shi Yu said.

"Maybe it was the woman who cheated first? And then the man got violent?" Hu Fang speculated.

No matter which side has a problem, the end result is very clear.

This family, like the family portrait hanging on the stairs, was torn apart.

There's also a bedside table with a code lock that hasn't been opened. Shi Yu glanced at the diamond ring and at the time of its purchase: "Try 30000521."

Hu Fang entered these numbers on the code lock as Shi Yu said.

With a "click", the drawer was unlocked. Inside the drawer is an injury appraisal

[On July 12, 3000, the patient Li Ying had multiple bruises on her body, bruises on the soft tissues of her calves, tears in her skin, and a one-centimeter stab wound on her abdomen... It was judged that it constituted a minor injury.]

This clue really hammered the father's domestic violence behavior.

What's more, Wang Ying actually had stabbing wounds on her body.

This is no longer simply domestic violence.

Under Wang Ying's injury appraisal, there was also a custody agreement for the child, which really exceeded everyone's expectations.

Neither parents want custody of their child.

It is precisely because there's no consensus on the child's custody rights that the divorce certificate has not been processed for a long time.

She doesn't know why but Shi Yu can imagine that on the child's birthday, he went to kindergarten happily, and was very happy to record the whole process in his notes to participate in the essay competition.

However, after returning, his parents asked him about his wishes on whom parent should he go with at the dinner table, and the quarrel broke out again.

They don't want to take the child with them.

"Woo woo woo woo-"

The woman's cry suddenly echoed from the silence and came from behind the three people. The three people immediately leaned back on the bed. Feeling around, there was no one on the bed!

Shi Yu knew in her heart that it was the mistress of this house who had come.

Hu Fang shrank in the corner, his eyes widened: "Where is the ghost? Where..."

Shi Yu raised her left arm and used the light of the watch to illuminate the entire area. When it hit the bed, she finally noticed something different.

Obviously, there's no one on the double bed, but it shows the shadow of a woman sitting on the bed on the opposite wall.

Hu Fang rolled his eyes and almost passed out.

People have an instinctive fear of shadows, especially this kind of shadow. They can only see the shadow but not the entity. They can't judge where it is.

Maybe it's in front of you, maybe behind you, and maybe it's right by your side.

The shadow outlines a crying woman covering her face, with whimpers sounding all over the room.

The sound pierced their heart, resounding through the sky.

It seems to be crying for its own destiny and for its own life.

"Li, you are a bully! After being married to you for so long, what wrong did I do to you? We're already divorcing, but you still want to treat me like this?!"

Hu Fang cried out loud: "I was wrong, sorry!" (Lol)

"..." She(SY) should have burned this man.

Just after Hu Fang finished speaking, the indoor temperature suddenly dropped by 20 degrees, making it chilly.

Shi Yu suddenly realized: "This should be a question and answer session. I will put myself on the Dad's role to answer the hostess's dialogue and restore the story."

Hu Fang was wrong just now. With the initial clues about the aggressive host, he will definitely not take the initiative to say "I was wrong" to his wife, so the temperature drop is a punishment.

Hu Fang tightly hugged himself and began to tremble: "What should I say then? Say that the good child belongs to me?"

The temperature dropped a lot again, and Shi Yu felt as if she had come to the North Pole. Although there was no wind, the biting cold penetrated all her pores.

Ying Zhuo: "Shut up."

Hu Fang: "QAQ."

Shi Yu thought for a while and formulated an answer based on the Dad's temper: "What did I do to you? You gave birth to the child, of course, you have to raise it!"

The temperature didn't drop, indicating that Shi Yu’s words were similar to what happened at that time.

Both sides don't want the child. As a father, Li Feng's answer couldn't be more appropriate.

The woman cried louder.

"But that child has the last name of your old Li family! Why should I raise a child for your old Li family?!"

Hu Fang shivered coldly, his gums trembling. But he didn't dare to speak anymore. If he accidentally said something wrong, it would be minus 20 degrees in temperature again, which could instantly freeze them into popsicles.

Shi Yu thought for a while. Although she wasn't sure, she was still ready to take a gamble: "You can ask your wild man outside to raise him, isn't your wild man very rich?"

When Hu Fang heard these words, he almost fainted. Where did this "wild man" come from?

Is it because of the diamond ring that the wife derailed from the marriage?

Unexpectedly, the temperature didn't continue to drop, which means that Shi Yu was right.

The woman yelled hysterically.

"All you know is how to drink every day! The money you earn isn't even enough for the rent! What's wrong with pursuing my own happiness?!"

Shi Yu said again: "How about you? Didn't you run out every day to play cards? Don't you know how much money you lost by that?"

The woman suddenly stopped crying and laughed bitterly. The laughter pierced everyone's thoughts and shook the whole earth with a roar.

Hu Fang was so cold that his voice became distorted: "Are we going to die?"

As soon as his voice fell, the temperature in the room suddenly returned to normal, and the woman's laughter disappeared.

Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "We're not wrong, we're not going to die."

She even got a very important clue that is, the male host, Li Feng, is a taxi driver by profession. Moreover, the hostess did indeed have someone out there.

Shi Yu said: "The wife disliked her husband for being alcoholic. After having an affair outside, the husband became furious and beat his wife to minor injuries. This also responded to the sentence in the child's notes, Why would dad be taken away by the police? The affair and domestic violence incidents led to the ultimate reason for the couple to divorce."

Ying Zhuo nodded: "This analysis is very clear."

Hu Fang nodded: "Then, what should we do now?"

"Don't forget, this family of three died at the dinner table, who poisoned them?" Shi Yu suddenly became a little excited. "Only when we find the real culprit who killed the family of three can we leave this secret room."

The poison is in the fish soup, so the kitchen must be entered.

But Dad is outside the door and still patrolling, they must find a way to put it down. Shi Yu sighed and saw a white bottle under the bedside table: "What is this?"

Taking a look, it says: [sleeping pills]

"Great, we can find a bottle of wine and put the sleeping pill in the drink. The alcoholic father will definitely drink it. We can go out when the sleeping pill's effects occur."

So now the question is, where is the key to the kitchen?

T/N: I was about to update this novel when I realized that the one I Tl'ed is the next chapter, so here you are, a double update~
