Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 8.1

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"Pheromones are a very mysterious thing."

"It's a smell that will not fade even until death一After Alphas and Omegas differentiate, they will have their own pheromone for life."

"Pheromones will also change with age. Some people will have a change in their pheromones after getting a major illness."

"The same is true for Omegas who have undergone glands removal surgery. Their glands will be damaged, leaving only a part of the residual pheromone after the operation, and the smell of the pheromone may also change. Of course, I don’t really support gland removal surgery. It should be abolished but not every pair of AO partners in this world has a perfect marriage. Many Omega's had sued their Alphas for divorce after suffering domestic violence... For them, the removal of the glands is not a kind of injury, but a new life."

The "ABO Physiological Knowledge and Sexual Enlightenment" elective course ended. A group of active college students packed their bags and left. The young Omega teacher heard the Omega students were talking about the latest restraint ring jewelry. 

He smiled, picked up his lesson plans, and walked out. Then, he ran into Song Yi, who had also just left the public classroom next door.

Song Yi always had a faint expression as she always did when she was in the office, and she wore a pair of gold-framed glasses—he guessed that she should have a few to replace them because, on the first day of employment, she wore silver glasses and there's a thin silver chain on it, which will sway when she walks, making her look elegant and relaxed.

But after that, she never wore those glasses again.

"Ms. Song, have you finished your class too?" Fei Buyu gently greeted Song Yi.

Song Yi usually doesn't have many expressions, but she's still very polite to her colleagues.

"Yes, will Teacher Fei go to the cafeteria for dinner later?"

Fei Buyu raised his eyebrows in surprise—in the past, Song Yi wouldn't add another sentence on other topics after she finished her greeting.

Today’s conversation is like she's trying to find a topic to say what she wants to say.

Song Yi would generally only say "You too" politely.

It's the kind of cold temperament that belongs to Song Yi herself. It's difficult to say whether her attitude towards people and things are too cold, or whether it makes people feel difficult to get along with her.

Fei Buyu: "Yes—"

Then, he heard Song Yi's tone, with some emotional ups and downs that an Omega could detect.

"That's it, I'm getting married next week."

Fei Buyu widened his eyes: "Uh一!"

Song Yi raised her palm, covered her lips, and coughed a few times: "I have obtained the certificate with my Omega, and the wedding will be held next week."

"..." So?

Fei Buyu: "I remember when you came to the office before, Teacher Lin said that you were single, and said he wanted to introduce someone to you, right?"

"Right. But now I have an Omega."

Song Yi replied very calmly as if she didn't feel that her few words had caused much impact on Fei Buyu.

Fei Buyu thought weakly, Obviously, she had just taken office as a teacher, and it took her less than half a month to get married!

Song Yi saw the shock in his expression, she realized something, a little embarrassment appeared on her face.

She apologized: "You went on a business trip a few days ago and weren't in the office, so I didn't have the chance to give you wedding candies."

"..." Fei Buyu stared at her silently.

Song Yi: "Also, have I added your contact number yet?" She said seriously: "If I don't, can I add it now?"

Fei Buyu dumbly took out his phone and added Song Yi. While holding the phone, he noticed that Song Yi was taking something out of the pocket of her beautiful women's suit.

Song Yi is a typical young teacher who basically relies on electronics to teach.

Normally, her lesson plans are at most one or two thin paper, and more things are recorded in her USB flash drive and brain, she also has no habit of carrying a backpack with her.

When teaching at school, Fei Buyu got their evaluation of teacher Song Yi from the students of the same level in just a few days: She is a very beautiful Alpha teacher in formal clothes! When she usually enters the class empty-handed, that posture is super cool!

Fei Buyu stared silently at Song Yi as she took out a handful of candies from her pocket. He reaches out subconsciously. Then the candies fell in his palm.

There's also a polite distance that she didn't even touch his fingers.

"This is my wedding candies."

After Fei Buyu was taken aback, he congratulated very sincerely: "Happy Marriage!"

After speaking, he seemed, to maybe... saw a smile on Song Yi's face?

"After the wedding time is officially determined, I will invite you at that time."

After Fei Buyu watched Song Yi politely saying goodbye to him, he silently grabbed his mobile phone and clicked on Song Yi's contact number picture to see her circle of friends.

Five days ago.

Song Yi posted a photo of the marriage certificates.

Fei Buyu: "...Wow."

He wowed twice, and said to his heart, Ms. Song Yi has caught up with the trend and has a "flash marriage"?

Fei Buyu peeled off a piece of candy, stuffed it in his mouth, and said to his heart, this toffee is quite sweet. The taste is sweet and delicious. He turned over the outer packaging of the candy, and it said "creamy" on it.

Song Yi doesn't have many friends, Linghe counts as one and Ming Zhizhi counts as another.

The former is the friend who lived in the same compound as them before moving to another villa, and the latter is the Omega child of the neighbor's AO couple after moving to the villa's residential area.

Ming Zhizhi had pursued Song Yi once一obviously not successful in that endeavor. After Song Yi split into an Alpha at the age of eighteen, it was the junior high school student Ming Zhizhi who wrote her a love letter on a whim and said that she wanted to take the back seat of her bicycle to school.

The former(letter) was returned by her, and the latter(proposal on her back seat) was rejected directly by her.

Song Yi didn't plan to fall in love with Ming Zhizhi. She had a cold personality in her previous life, and this problem didn't get better after her differentiation. Not to mention, her sexuality is straight. She wouldn't consider such an Omega sister.

After her refusal, Ming Zhizhi got angry at her. When Ming Zhizhi was about to take the university entrance examination, at the request of her neighbors Uncle Ling and Aunt Ming, she gave Ming Zhizhi some advice on applying for the exam.

After that, maybe Ming Zhizhi matured, or maybe she had a new object of admiration, in short, Ming Zhizhi didn't try to "pursue" her again.

In recent years, their relationship has changed from neighbors to good friends.

Ming Zhizhi was also Song Yi's only Omega friend.

After knowing that Song Yi had completely marked an Omega, Ming Zhizhi's first reaction was "My God! Finally! An Omega has taken you down?!"

The second reaction was: "Let me see! Which cute Omega has made Song Yi impressed despite her indifference!"

Song Yi ignored her. Until the marriage certificate of her and Pei Qingmian was announced in her circle of friends, the young Omega sister struggled to call.

After connecting, Song Yi heard Ming Zhizhi come online, pretending to be choked:

"I see, I'm in the wrong gender, right?"

Song Yi: "..."

She asked: "What are you talking about?"

"You only like male omegas, don't you?"

Song Yi calmly said, "No, I just simply don't like you." (yikes)

Ming Zhizhi let out a growl like a cat whimpering: "You bad Alpha!"

"How can you hurt the heart of a soft, cute, sweet omega like this?!"



Song Yi: "Would you like a wedding candy? The wedding candy for you has been handed over to Aunt Ming."

Ming Zhizhi: "What kind of flavor?"

Song Yi was indifferent. When she talked to her friends, her tone was always as cold as ever, but Ming Zhizhi had known her for many years and had known her temperament for a long time.

"Toffee." There was a pause, "It's delicious."

Ming Zhizhi decided to believe in Song Yi's taste, and when she spoke again, she asked a sharp question:

"Are you in a flash marriage?"

Song Yi held her mobile phone to her side and searched for second-hand houses for sale on the computer webpage with her free hand.

She told Ming Zhizhi: "It's a flash marriage."

Ming Zhizhi hesitated. She said, "I'm actually quite curious. You have always worn a restraining ring, and you, the super cold Alpha, have always had restraint stickers and inhibitors in case of emergencies. Why did something happen that day?"

Song Yi's eyes sank. She didn't tell Ming Zhizhi what she thought, but simply recounted the situation that day: "The restraining ring broke."

"...and he's too sweet."

Ming Zhizhi let out a whimper, "Sister, can you not tell me about that kind of thing?"

Song Yi: "..." She looked at the picture of the second-hand houses, and just clicked on one that she thought was not bad for a quick view.

T/N: Ming Zhizhi: *got ignored* f*ck.


  1. Haha I bet Song Yi woukd have love to tell the world about her Omega


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