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Chapter 6: Memory

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"Why did she come?" Yuan Shishi turned to look at her fiancé but saw him blankly staring at the door as if he had lost his mind.

Yuan Shishi's eyes flashed with anger, she walked over and grabbed Liang Hefu's arm, and asked coldly, "Did you send her an invitation?"

Liang Hefu regained his senses and saw his fiancée's ugly expression, so he hurriedly denied, "No."

"Then, why is she here?" Yuan Shishi angrily stared at him.

"How would I know?" Liang Hefu was quite dissatisfied with her questioning attitude, and couldn't help but glanced at Xin Yan again.

Seeing this, Yuan Shishi was even more furious, but instead of attacking her(XY) on the spot, she held Liang Hefu's arm tightly and coldly looked at Xin Yan who was walking towards them.

Ding Yi next to her asked in a low voice, "That's your fiancé's ex? Didn't you say that she's just an ordinary person? Her outfit isn't something ordinary people can afford."

Yuan Shishi sneered: "Who knows from whom she borrowed it."

So angry! She was still making fun of her fiancé's "ex-girlfriend" in her sister circle just now. As a result, the ex-girlfriend gorgeously appeared in a blink of an eye, stunning the audience, and stealing her(YS) limelight! Those who didn't know about her might think she(XY) was the protagonist today!

"Haha." Ding Yi smiled without saying a word.

Xin Yan slowly came to Liang Hefu, her fingers clenched painfully, her back was straight, she tried her best to keep calm, and lightly said, "Congratulations, 'Senior'." (go girl!)

Liang Hefu stared at her with burning eyes, never knowing that she had such a beautiful and moving side. In the past, she was like an outdated ornament. Because she was used to it, she was brought by him from time to time to decorate it. In front of her, she was like a piece of beautifully carved jade, with flaws removed, showing the most charming demeanor.

Liang Hefu has seen many beauties, Xin Yan isn't the most beautiful, but the huge contrast between the past and the present instantly subverted his impression of Xin Yan and brought him a huge impact.

Yuan Shishi saw Liang Hefu's dismayed appearance, and was angry, so she pinched him secretly, and asked in a meaningful way: "Miss Xin Yan, can I know who gave you your invitation? "

Xin Yan didn't look at her, just intently stared at Liang Hefu, with a thousand words in her eyes, with both melancholy and affection. Xin Yan kept An Bu's reminder firmly in mind. In this meeting, she only needed to focus on Liang Hefu, and everyone else was the background of her stage.

Yuan Shishi felt humiliated by Xin Yan's blatant indifference and was about to have a seizure, but she heard Xin Yan say again: "Today, as a 'alumni', I am here to send you a blessing. True love is hard to find in this world, once you meet it, I hope you can cherish it well. Don’t waste two or three years in vain.”

Liang Hefu's heart ached and he opened his mouth to speak, but Yuan Shishi raised her hand to stop him. She stepped forward and aggressively said: "Of course, Hefu and I can last a long time, so you don't have to worry about it. I hope you can also find a suitable boyfriend and live a 'steady life', don't hold anything unrealistic fantasy. Even if a pheasant puts on a colorful coat, it can't become a phoenix." (b*tch)

"You're right." Xin Yan was sober like never before, and glanced at Yuan Shishi coldly and arrogantly, "Even if the pheasant is wearing a colorful coat, it's not a phoenix."

Yuan Shishi's sentence was changed with a few words and matched with Xin Yan's eyes, it instantly turned into a mockery of Yuan Shishi, implying that she was just a pheasant born in a phoenix den.

A few people next to her snickered softly, Yuan Shishi was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "You...!"

Just as she was about to retort, a waitress suddenly appeared in her line of sight, lying between her and Xin Yan.

When Xin Yan saw the waitress, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and when she saw the other party winked at her obscurely, she couldn't help but want to laugh, and her nervousness completely calmed down.

This waitress is naturally Xin Yan's temporary fairy godmother, An Bu. She raised the tray in her hand, Xin Yan understood her gesture, reached out and took a glass of wine from the tray, and said to Liang Hefu, "Senior, I'll give you a toast."

Yuan Shishi, who was blocked from her sight: Where did this waitress come from? What an eyesore!

Liang Hefu raised the cup, and while secretly praising Xin Yan's understanding in his heart, he gracefully toasted with her.

At this moment, Xin Yan suddenly raised her hand, poured all the red wine in the glass on Liang Hefu's face, and said word by word: "I wish Young Master Liang and Miss Yuan a hundred years of harmony and happiness."

Her fingers loosened and the empty wine glass slowly slipped and shattered into countless pieces with a bang. Liang Hefu's hands froze in midair.

Yuan Shishi was stunned.

Everyone's eyes converged on this place, and what they saw were the embarrassed Liang Hefu, the shocked and angry Yuan Shishi, and the pretty woman who left with her head held high.

An Bu silently praised Xin Yan's handsome and compelling way of exiting the stage, and then the wind blew under her feet(she ran quickly) and An Bu disappeared into the crowd. No one paid attention to the whereabouts of the little waitress, but Jian Ningxuan immediately noticed her leaving after she walked seven or eight meters away. With a glance, he only had time to catch a glimpse of her disappearing back at the side door.

An Bu no longer cared about the development of the second half of the banquet. With the methods of the Liang family, it's more than enough to deal with such a scene. Besides, the incident happened in just a few minutes. Only a few people nearby watched it, and most people would only take it as a joke.

However, Yuan Shishi and Liang Hefu were probably not so happy. Although this was far from enough to make up for the damage and heartbreak Xin Yan suffered, it was a neat and tidy conclusion.

Walking out of the hotel, An Bu quickly found Xin Yan in a corner of the road. She crouched on the ground, weeping in a low voice like it was her last mourning for the relationship.

"Okay, let's go home." An Bu took off her coat and put it on her head.

Xin Yan tugged at the corner of her clothes and stood up dejectedly, standing beside An Bu like her little daughter-in-law.

An Bu took her hand and took out her mobile phone to make a call. After waiting for a moment, the red sports car that had brought Xin Yan over suddenly stopped in front of the two of them.

An Bu opened the car door, first helped Xin Yan to get into the car, and then got in by herself.

After a moment of silence, Xin Yan suddenly dully said: "Bubu, if you're a man, you will definitely be the most perfect boyfriend in a woman's heart."

"Even if I'm not a man, I can be the most perfect 'boyfriend'." An Bu's confidence and tone were there.

Xin Yan paused for a moment, then hesitantly said, "I'm not interested in women, I'm not a lesbian." So no matter how good An Bu is, Xin Yan will not change her sexual orientation.

"...You think too much." This woman's brain circuits are sometimes really hard to understand.

Xin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said again: "An Bu, you say, I made Liang Hefu lose face this time, will he send someone to retaliate against me?" After doing bad things, she started to be a little coward again.

"Don't worry." An Bu affirmed, "Although Liang Hefu is a scumbag, he has no habit of bullying women." But his fiancée was hard to say.

Xin Yan lowered her head, her eyes blurred, and she seemed to be caught up in her past memories again. An Bu didn't bother, it's not so easy to let go of a relationship, and it's up to Xin Yan when she can come out of it.

An Bu took Xin Yan back to her(AB) home and helped her clean up a guest room.

After Xin Yan took a shower, she put the dress, shoes, and accessories in order and carefully handed them back to An Bu.

"It's all in here, thank you."

"These are for you, keep them."

Xin Yan shook her head: "Cinderella's magic gave her the prince's love. But I used this magic to end a ridiculous relationship. What doesn't belong to me, doesn't belong to me after all. Only things that really exist, are worth cherishing. Just like our friendship. Give me ten Liang Hefu and matters won't change it."

An Bu contemptuously glanced at her: "You don't think one scumbag is enough? You want ten more?"

"Just understand my spirit." Xin Yan smiled and took her arm, "I just want you to know that you are the best!"

After this incident, no matter how slow Xin Yan was, she knew that An Bu wasn't an ordinary person. But Xin Yan didn't ask much about her identity and didn't plan to ask. She didn't want her friendship with An Bu to deteriorate because of money, and she couldn't take her help as a matter of fact.

An Bu patted Xin Yan's head with great comfort.

"That's right." Xin Yan suddenly said again, "I plan to retake the university entrance exam."

"Oh? Not bad." An Bu expressed her support.

Xin Yan took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling: "I had to drop out of school because of a change in my family. Later, to be worthy of Liang Hefu, I desperately wanted to have a decent job and achieve success in my career. But now, I only want to work hard for myself, get admitted to my ideal university, and pursue my goals step by step.”

"Do you need some help?"

"No." Xin Yan smiled, "I haven't given up on my studies in the past few years, and I have saved some money for it. Besides, I can still work part-time, so it shouldn't be a problem to finish my studies."

Speaking of which, Xin Yan couldn't help showing a confident expression on her face.

An Bu reclined on the bed and looked at her with a smile. Adhering to this purity and self-improvement, she believes Xin Yan will become a very good woman in the future.

In the middle of the night, the two were in front of the computer, eagerly comparing the pros and cons of each university, and they discussed it until dawn.

A few days later, Xin Yan chose a university in a neighboring province, so she quitted on her restaurant job and planned to move there as soon as possible to prepare for the entrance exam in two months.

Originally, Xin Yan chose a university in the province because she was reluctant to left An Bu, but An Bu thought it would be better for her to go to another province so that Yuan Shishi wouldn't come to the door to make trouble, so Xin Yan finally changed her mind.

Before leaving, the two spent a whole day in the city, took a lot of photos, and then cherished each other and finally said goodbye.

After sending Xin Yan away, An Bu washed out all the photos, posted them one by one in her album diary, and connected them in series according to the timeline. Under the first photo of Xin Yan, An Bu wrote: Xin Yan, 24 years old, in February 2174 in the Gregorian calendar, we met and became friends in the VM CNC training class...

In An Bu's cabinet, there are also 60 or 70 thick album diaries and backup memory chips, recording the people and events she has experienced in the past ten years. An Bu's memory must be reviewed repeatedly, otherwise she will soon forget it. So every time she passes through a place, she will write down who she knows and what she has seen.

The other 70 years of photo album diaries and backup memory chips have been stored in the bank safe by An Bu. Except for carrying a family photo with her, her memories of ten years ago are basically blurred. However, as long as the safe is still there, these things that she regards as treasures will not be lost.

After storing the memories belonging to Xin Yan, An Bu soon received a new part-time job一becoming the mascot of Cool Le Amusement Park: Baby Paralysis Bear.

T/N: I managed to actually update this! Hooray for my sudden motivation!

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  1. Nice translation!! Although I've completed reading the novel through MTL but that can't beat the wonderful translation you're doing. I hope that with appropriate relaxation time and while being healthy and fit, you'll soon complete the translation of this wonderful novel. I really like this 'Dead Corpse x Living Heater' pair!!

  2. Is this dropped ? Thinking of picking this up


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