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Chapter 4.2

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The sun in the afternoon has gradually moved westward, the willow trees are green, and the blue sky is dotted with floating clouds. Before Xie Yu entered the house, she looked up at the bright sun, but suddenly heard the woman's voice screaming out: "This is unfair!"

Under the shadow of the ancient trees in front of the door, a flock of frightened birds flew out of the woods. Sun Ruo Wei's eyes shed a line of clear tears. She looked back at Xie Yu and said stubbornly, "This isn't fair."

Immediately, her pink clothes flew away like a butterfly flapping its wings. Xie Yu ignored her and said nothing about her innocent words.


Then an accident reached Xie Yu's ears at night. At that time, Qi Liangye had just returned to the Crown Prince's Mansion and summoned Xie Yu at night. 

When Xie Yu was practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard. Xie Ruyi and Xie Abao followed her, and Xie Abao whispered on the way to the main courtyard and said to her: "Master, Sun Ruo Wei is dead."

Xie Yun raised her eyebrows abruptly, kept her steps, and asked again, "What?"

"Master, Sun Ruo Wei is dead!" (Such a short-lived rival you are)

The wind at night was as cool as water, and the flowers in the pond were blooming brightly. Xie Yu glanced at the flowers a few times when she passed the pond. She then retracted her gaze and murmured involuntarily, "Qi Liangye, you're ruthless."

The breeze was blowing, but for some reason, Xie Yu's face suddenly burned.

Entering the main courtyard, Tokugawa motioned to Abao and Ruyi to stay at the door and led Xie Yu to the door alone. The courtyard was brightly lit, and she walked through the porch and entered the house, and Tokugawa led the other servants to retreat.

Xie Yu entered the door and walked to the study. There were only a few guards and maids. Seeing her, a guard took the initiative to lead the way. The room was quiet, and only the smell of pine quietly spread.

"Go straight in."

Walking down the porch, a man in black suddenly propped up the window. Xie Yu was standing in front of the door, only a wall away from him. Hearing the sound, Xie Yu looked in the window subconsciously. There was a pen, ink, paper, and inkstone on the table. The man seemed to be painting. After he set up the window, he turned around and walked towards the desk.

"Have you heard? The matter of Jincheng Gongfu?"

Xie Yu put her fingertips around her pigtails and leaned in front of the desk. The desk was large, and the woman was two steps away from the man. She said lightly, "I heard that she couldn't stand it."

She wanted to fight back, planned a bunch of stupid things, and finally made herself stupid.
(She's pertaining to Sun Ruo Wei here)

This is indeed the truth. 

The best solution at present is for Sun Ruo Wei to die inexplicably so that no noble family dares to act rashly. Although Xie Yu thought Sun Ruo Wei was pitiful in private, their interests are conflicting, and life and death aren't up for her to decide.

Qi Liangye said "um" without emotion.

The woman was wearing a navy blue dark-patterned straight cloth skirt, with convenient dark green trousers pressed underneath. Xie Yu picked up the ink stick and began to grind it slowly.

"Are you sure about the Pingzhou case?"

The man asked suddenly.

Xie Yu's eyes flashed with a faint color, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity to kill, making people feel cold and ruthless.

"Li Junru isn't innocent."

Li Junru was the prefect of Pingzhou, but after listening to the woman's words, Qi Liangye knew that Xie Yu was confident.

He continued to write and draw as if he hadn't asked her. Xie Yu calmly observed his expression, but the man's face was always expressionless, she then consciously retracted her gaze.

"The case of the flood in Pingzhou, this is the evidence presented by the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Industry. You can use it when you come to Pingzhou."

Xie Yu's slender fingertips were soft under the candlelight, and she took the book that he handed over. Qi Liangye's eyes darkened, and he rolled up the paper that he had just finished and gave it to Xie Yu.

Xie Yu glanced lightly but didn't intend to see the paintings inside. She took the painting in her hand, but the man hadn't let go.

"After the completion of the matter, what minister Xie wants, feel free to mention. If you have a crush on some family's good man, you can marry him."

The woman's eyes lifted immediately, and she replied, "Your Highness, the women in Sai aren't greedy for the power in the capital."

In other words, she didn't care about this place.

Xie Yu tapped boldly on his hand holding the scroll, and said, "The Crown Prince had to know that his Minister is doing a loyal work for him."

Qi Liangye chuckled lightly and loosened the scroll.

"You are brave enough to beat me with words."

"You are too kind."

Qi Liangye looked at the figure of the woman disappearing into the room and subconsciously chased her back with his eyes.

He turned the big ring on his thumb subconsciously, and after a long time, the corners of his lips lifted slightly.

T/N: I spy with my two eyes, the man's going to fall first.


  1. Oh, it seems like he would be the first to suffer (from falling in love) lolll im glad the author cut short the love rival's plan by killing her lollll


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