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Chapter 4.2

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"What are you going to do next?" An Bu asked.

"Next?" Xin Yan looked lost. That man's meaning is very clear, either the two of them break up, or she'll be his hidden mistress, there's no third choice.

"When will they get engaged?" An Bu suddenly asked again.

"I don't know." Xin Yan leaned against the head of the bed weakly, her heart ashen.

An Bu glanced at her, took the laptop on the bedside table, opened the web page, searched quickly, and found the information she was looking for in the entertainment news.

[The eldest son of the Liang family and the daughter of the Yuan family will hold an engagement ceremony on the 28th of this month]

Liang Hefu, the eldest son of the Liang family, and his fiancee, Yuan Shishi.

28th day? Just three days left.

"Okay, don't lie in the bed, let's go out for a walk." An Bu put down the laptop and pulled her up.

Xin Yan desperately grabbed the sheets and screamed loudly, "No, let me lie on the bed, I don't want to go out!"

"This is my bed. If you dare to lie down on it, I will rip you clean and throw you on the road for people to look at."

"How can you be so vicious?!" Xin Yan angrily complained.

In the end, Xin Yan succumbed to An Bu's tyranny and followed her out the door with heavy steps.

An Bu first took her to a breakfast shop outside the community for breakfast, ordered her soy milk fritters, and only had a glass of milk. The food in this restaurant is very clean, and it's one of the few restaurants that An Bu has eaten that will not let her down. As for the taste, she declined to comment.

Xin Yan obviously had no appetite, grabbed the fried dough sticks, and stared at the owner's family portrait hanging on the wall in a daze.

An Bu took out a 10 yuan and shook it in front of her: "This is your reward if you eat your breakfast."

Xin Yan glanced at her indifferently. Although she was hurt by love, she was not mentally retarded, so she decisively took away the banknote in An Bu's hand and started eating.

An Bu: "..." Money is indeed omnipotent.

After breakfast, An Bu planned to take her to the amusement park to relax, but it turned out that this choice was very wrong. As soon as Xin Yan walked into the amusement park, tears flowed down her cheeks, and she crouched on the ground and wept bitterly: "He used to bring me to the amusement park too."

Anbu: "..." It's her fault, she forgot that the amusement park is one of the holy places for couples to date.

Pulling Xin Yan off the ground, An Bu decided to take her to a place her boyfriend would never take her to—a beauty salon.

There's an internationally renowned beauty institution in the city center called "Huancai Huadu", which mainly deals in beauty and body, aroma SPA, health care, yoga, health shaping, and other major projects. Their technology is very professional and the price is also very professional(expensive).

However, Xin Yan has no idea about this but feels that the decoration in the place is high-end and elegant as if she's entering another country.

When the receptionist saw the two of them coming in, she quickly and secretly glanced at their clothes, and then showed a professional smile: "Hello, how can I serve you?"

Xin Yan pulled the corner of An Bu's clothes and asked in a low voice, "What are we doing here?"

An Bu replied, "We're having a spa to relax."

"Is it expensive?"

"It's just a spa, it doesn't cost much." An Bu lightly replied.

When the receptionist heard the words, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly. Ordinary spas cost thousands, but the minimum price for a spa here is 10,000 yuan! She didn't know that this beautiful woman in ordinary clothes is actually a hidden tyrant!

An Bu took out a card and handed it to the receptionist, and selected a spa program that had not yet been booked out.

After paying, another receptionist came over and led them inside enthusiastically.

Xin Yan has never been to such a place before, everything she sees is very novel, and the sadness in her heart has eased a lot.

"How much does this cost? I'll transfer it to you later." Xin Yan knew that An Bu wanted to make her happy, but she wasn't someone who would take advantage of others.

"Well, just invite me to the healthy vegetarian restaurant for a meal."

Xin Yan nodded without a doubt. She had been to the healthy vegetarian restaurant An Bu mentioned several times, and her consumption level was relatively high. A meal of three dishes and one soup was about five or six hundred yuan.

The two changed into bathrobes and went to the bathtub to take a bath.

After soaking, An Bu first entered a quiet room and let the masseuse massage her whole body. As long as they don't press on her chest, or deliberately feel her pulse, there is basically no need to worry that the masseuse will find out that she's a corpse.

Massage helps improve muscle activity. An Bu massages every time she takes a bath, but she can’t take care of her whole body by herself, so she does a spa once a month, but this is the first time she has come here.

Closing her eyes, An Bu relaxed her entire body. Although she couldn't feel the comfort of living people did, she could still feel the changes in her muscles.

At this moment, a rather cold female voice suddenly came from outside the curtain: "Xin Yan? Your name is Xin Yan, right? Hefu's alumni."

An Bu, in the quiet room, slowly opened her eyes, and through the gap of the curtain, she vaguely saw three figures, one was Xin Yan, and the other two were standing in front of Xin Yan, one left and one right.

T/N: I can sense my 'Hoe Bullies' tingling. 
