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Chapter 3

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At 7 o’clock in the evening, An Bu finished work, went home, took a bath, and made a soup—in addition to vegetables and fruits, this nutritious soup that nourishes blood and qi can also increase a certain amount of her vitality. 

For a corpse that spends at least 20 hours of existence 24 hours a day, rich activities are essential. She used to work during the day and planned to go to the bar at night.

Surge Bar is located in the entertainment street in the city center. It's not large in scale but has a distinctive design style. When An Bu came to this city a year ago, the first bar she visited was "Surge", and she had a good relationship with the bar owner.

"Fuck, Bubu, have you changed your look again?" A young man with dyed blue hair pointed at An Bu who came out of the lounge and shouted with horror on his face.

The long-haired young man on his right said with a smile: "Every time I see Bubu's style, I feel that my aesthetics areN't enough."

The other three also deeply agreed, and all looked at An Bu in disbelief.

At this time, An Bu was wearing a white vest with a black jacket on her upper body, a pair of denim shorts and a wide belt inlaid with sparkling beads, with beautiful breasts(?), a slender waist, long legs, she looks both beautiful and handsome.

But that's not the point, the point is the makeup on her face, dark purple eyeshadow, orange-red lipstick, a blue rose pattern next to her right eye, and several golden vines intertwined, covering half of her face. The color matching is extremely bold, and it has a strange impact. If people suddenly saw such a face in the dead of night, they would be too scared to pee.

In fact, this wasn't intentional by An Bu, but because of her abnormal vision, she couldn't distinguish the colors at all. There was only contrast between black and white and gray in her eyes. Everyone in her eyes was gray, except for black people.

The five people standing in front of An Bu are members of the Surge band. They perform three times a week. An Bu occasionally performs with them on stage, but she is neither the lead singer, nor the guitarist or keyboard player, but the drummer.

Female drummers are relatively rare, because drummers have high physical requirements, and women's strength is inherently inferior to that of men. It's no problem to perform in a short time, but it's more difficult to persist for two or three hours.

The strength value of An Bu depends on the level of her qi, and the more intense the exercise, the more conducive to the exertion of strength. As long as she replenishes nutrients in time to ensure that she will not fall into a state of starvation, she can continuously drum for a century.

"Okay, don't make trouble, and get ready to go on stage." The lead singer Varus greeted and walked towards the stage with a few people.

Around 10 pm, it's when the nightlife just begins. An Bu followed the band members onto the stage, the gothic smoky face, under the colored lights, looked particularly ghostly. Although her position is not conspicuous, the glitter on her face still makes her attract everyone's attention at the first time, impacting the aesthetics of most people.

However, in such an environment of drunken fans and crowds of demons, no one will feel strange about any non-mainstream existence. At most, they will send a boo of kindness, not to mention that some people here are originally non-mainstream with abnormal aesthetics.

The lead singer, Varus, greeted everyone skillfully, used witty language to drive the atmosphere of the scene, and then made a gesture to start a world-renowned performance amid shouting.

An Bu stood in front of the drum set, in line with the rhythm of the music, waving her arms crossed, tapping the drum surface freely and drippingly, her whole body was exerting force, every stroke was just right, and her movements were gorgeous and very ornamental.

Everyone who was still complaining about her make-up before was activated by the rhythm of the drums and threw themselves into the carnival recklessly.

When the song was about to end, the lead singer’s singing suddenly stopped, and other soundtracks also stopped at the same time. In the short blank, only a series of drum sounds were intensively vented, such as violent wind and rain, lightning and thunder, and two slender arms, showing extremely superb skills, detonated the audience in an instant. As the atmosphere soared, An Bu also gained a lot of life points.

"Ah, ah!" With a scream, everyone boils again. 

"Ahhh, Varus, I love you! Yaoyao, you are so handsome!"

"Yaoyao, give it another shot!"

"Yao Yao" is An Bu's nickname in the band. Although she didn't perform many times, her bewitching makeup and cool skills made everyone impressed by her.

After a performance, An Bu walked off the stage and was replaced by the original drummer of the band. The second song started soon, but everyone always felt that something was missing, and it seemed that it didn't have the same passionate impact as before...

"Bubu, here, the fruit wine specially prepared for you, a pink skirt." The bar owner Leo pushed a glass of fruit wine to An Bu.

"Thank you." An Bu picked up the wine glass and tasted the fruit wine calmly. She can only drink fruit wine below 18 degrees, and she can't overdo it, otherwise, it will reduce her life value. In fact, any drink in her mouth is the same as boiled water, it has no taste, and she just drank it for the sentiment.

"Bubu, you really don't think about joining a band?" Leo laughed, "With your skills if you debut in the future, you'll definitely be popular."

An Bu leaned on the counter, her fingers slowly passed the edge of the cup, and lazily said, "If I wanted to make my debut, I would have made my debut long ago."

Participating in popular careers is one of the quickest ways to increase life value. The popularity of the entertainment industry is self-evident, but An Bu must not become a star. To be precise, she cannot become a public figure who needs to show her face, because she doesn't grow old. It's normal for a person to remain youthful for ten years, but if there's no change in her for twenty or thirty years, it will become too suspicious.

To avoid unnecessary trouble, An Bu could only reluctantly give up the Stardom, and gain popularity in a low-key manner.

"Oh, what a pity." Leo sighed.

While the two of them were talking, a group of menacing plainclothes police officers suddenly burst into the bar. The first one showed their credentials and shouted, "The police are checking in, everyone stays quiet! Stand there and wait for the random check."

In a crowded place like a bar, there are often people buying, selling, or taking drugs, so the police will conduct raids every once in a while.

An Bu has no problem with the inspection, provided she's not present.

Seeing An Bu's tangled face, Leo couldn't help but said in a low voice, "You shouldn't..."

"No, it's just that it's not convenient for me to be tested." It's not bad, but it's terrible when nothing is found. (breath, heartbeat, etc.)

Leo didn't ask and pointed to the back of the bar: "There's a safe passage over there. Take advantage of the current chaos, you should go quickly."

"Thanks." An Bu suddenly pulled Leo's bow tie, kissed him on the cheeks, and quickly walked into the passage behind the bar.

"This girl, is it really okay for her to kiss someone so casually?" Leo said in a low voice, but his eyes were full of smiles. If he were ten years younger, he would definitely not let this little monster go.

The Sure Bar has two safe passages, one open line, and one secret line. An Bu walks through the secret line without being blocked by the police.

It was just after 11 o'clock when she left the bar, and for An Bu, she still had at least 4 hours of activity time.

As she strolled down the street, she wondered if she should go back for a run?

At this moment, her phone suddenly rang and the caller was Xin Yan.

Strange, didn't she pick up her boyfriend today? At this time, shouldn't she be at home or hotel and showing affection to her boyfriend? What is she calling her for?

An Bu picked up the phone, and just after connecting, she heard an unfamiliar voice on the opposite side: "Hello, I'm the owner of Yuanyuan Convenience Store, the owner of this mobile phone is drunk in my store, Do you know if you can come and pick her up?"

"Convenience store?" An Bu thought she heard it wrong, "She was drinking in your convenience store? Still drunk?"

"Yes." The owner's voice sounded aggrieved, "I hope you will come over as soon as possible."

"Okay, please send me the address."

Fifteen minutes later, An Bu rushed to the Yuanyuan convenience store and saw Xin Yan drunkenly lying under the table, holding the legs of the stool with both hands, crying. Beside her, there were a few empty wine bottles scattered here and there, and there was a pool of suspicious vomit on the ground, exuding a pungent smell that could trigger evil thoughts in humans.

Not far away, a simple and honest-looking middle-aged man looked at that side bitterly. Seeing An Bu coming, not only did he not relax, but he became even more nervous. The reason is very simple. An Bu hasn't had time to remove her makeup yet. She looks like a bad girl who's in the late stage of her rebellious phase.

"'re the girl who spoke to me just now?" The shopkeeper asked uncertainly.

"Yes." Seeing the shopkeeper's strange expression, An Bu thought she understood his feelings very well. A good convenience store is occupied by a drunkard so the other customers dare not come in. However, in fact, the owner was just frightened by An Bu's dehumanizing makeup.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble." An Bu apologized to the shop owner while helping Xin Yan up. Xin Yan is really a genius, she actually got drunk at the convenience store! It would be kind of people not to call the police.

"It's alright, you can just take the person away." The owner is a good person, and sincerely persuaded, "The little girl is still young, talk to her about it."

"You're right, I'll have a good talk with her later." An Bu paused and took out a hundred yuan from her pocket, "This is a small compensation, I hope she doesn't cause you too much loss."

"No, no, you can just go back to rest early." The owner quickly waved his hand.

An Bu didn't say much, she put down the money on the table, and helped Xin Yan out of the convenience store.

T/N: I managed to churn out a whole chapter! Hurray!
