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Chapter 2

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When Qi Surong helped mother Qi to Su Bao's room, Su Bao had woken up. He had contracted the cold a few days ago, his face was flushed, his body was sweating, and he looked uncomfortable.

Mother Qi hugged him distressedly and took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

Today's Su Bao is only eleven years old, handsome, and lovely. He's talented and intelligent, but his own sister didn't care for his life.

I'm sorry, Su Bao. This belated apology can only be hidden in Qi Surong's heart for the time being. This time, your sister will not make the same mistake again.

Qi Surong closed her eyes, took a deep breath, turned her head, and said to the nanny next to her, "Nanny, go and pack your luggage, we're leaving the Qi residence soon."

"Leaving the Qi's Mansion?" The nurse looked suspicious.

"I don't have time to explain now, just do as I say." After instructing her, Qi Surong took the key to the warehouse from mother Qi and called the steward over.

"Steward Liu, go and call all the servants in the house to the account room."

"Miss, what are you going to do?" Seeing her opening the warehouse, the steward couldn't help but look puzzled.

Qi Surong replied: "Steward Liu, you have also seen that Qi's mansion has been surrounded by officers and soldiers, and my father has not returned yet. Now, it seems that there are more misfortunes than good luck, and we must prepare for the worst."

Manager Liu said worriedly, "Is it so serious?"

"Even if it's not, it's always right to arrange the way forward in advance."

"What the lady said is correct." Steward Liu's tone was hesitant. This seems very reasonable, but the person who said this is the eldest Miss of the family, which is really unconvincing. However, he had no right to object and only had to obey her orders.

After Steward Liu left, Qi Surong counted the silver in the treasury. There were more than one million taels of silver and more than three thousand taels of gold. These were the wealth accumulated by the ancestors of the Qi family. 

But the wealth of the Qi family isn't in this, but in the calligraphy and paintings, antiques, jade, porcelain, and other items collected in the warehouse. If she wants to estimate the value, it's worth at least more than seven million taels. This wealth of collection is comparable to the national treasury.

The reason why the Qi family was investigated isn't only because father Qi offended the villains, but his wealth is probably the other source of disaster.

Qi Surong sighed, the Qi family's hundreds of years foundation had vanished overnight, how could it not be chilling?

Forget it, thinking too much is useless, as long as the family is safe, everything can start over again.

The servants quickly gathered in the account room, Qi Surong said a few casual remarks, then compared the deeds of sale, and counted them one by one. The amount of money she gave was too much, and this money must be spent. Even if the Qi family falls, there must be a beginning and a clean ending.

In her last life, because the change came too suddenly, everyone was in a hurry, and many things were not dealt with in time, leaving hidden dangers and constant disputes. Some resentful people spread rumors and slander everywhere. The Qi family's reputation in the capital was discredited, and it was impossible to move an inch.

Qi Surong quickly settled the servants' regular money, returned the deed of slavery, and let them find another way out after leaving Qi's residence. In the end, she only left Steward Liu, the wet nurse, and five maids. The loyalty of these people has been tested for a lifetime, how could Qi Surong not trust them?

After dismissing the servants, Qi Surong took the inventory of the warehouse into her arms, and she had to write down every treasure that the Qi family discarded.

She returned to Su Bao's room, and the nurse had packed all the clothes, with five large bags and two boxes.

Qi Surong flipped through it casually, threw the two biggest bags on the ground, and said to the nurse, "Just bring these three bags, we don't need the others."

The nurse said in surprise: "Not only the stationery of the young master but also the gold and silver jewelry of the official wife are in the box. They are all valuables, how can we not bring them?"

She wants it too! The problem is that these things can't be taken out at all. Qi Surong sighed secretly without explaining.

At this moment, there was a mess of footsteps outside, and there were occasional calls from men.

They're coming! Qi Surong's pupils shrank, her fists clenched.

More than 100 officers and soldiers poured into the Qi Mansion, and one of them held the imperial decree high and shouted: "Tian Chengyun, the emperor said: General Wei Guo, greedy for the Mo army's salaries, accepted bribes. The evidence is conclusive, the crime is unforgivable, hereby reduce his title and demote him to a commoner, and seal up his mansion, confiscating the family property, and it will be implemented immediately, and there must be no mistake.

Mother Qi fell to the ground softly, her face full of fear. Although her daughter had made an assertion before, now hearing it with her own ears, it still feels a little unreal.

A military general stepped forward and sympathetically said, "Mrs. Qi, the Qi family suffered this disaster, but this general couldn't help at all."

Qi's mother sadly asked: "General Luo, is there any misunderstanding in this matter? How could my husband be greedy and accept bribes?"

"This matter was inspected by the emperor himself, and this generally doesn't know the details." Luo Shimin looked helpless.

"Then, where is my husband now?"

"General Qi has been taken into custody by the emperor."

Mother Qi covered her mouth and sobbed: "Why is this happening? Why is this happening?"

Several concubines were also at a loss.

"General Luo, please save my husband, and this woman will kneel down for you." Mother Qi broke from Qi Surong's hand and bowed to Luo Shimin.

"Mother!" Qi Surong immediately stepped forward to stop her. In this new life, she's no longer the arrogant and vain eldest Miss Qi. But she still couldn't tolerate her mother kneeling to this man. When the Qi family was investigated, this man would help start the fire in secret, and he wouldn't leave a trace of face for the Qi family.

Luo Shimin raised his chin slightly, looked at the mother and daughter in front of him with slight contempt, and leisurely said: "Mrs. Qi, you are really a spoiled woman, how can this general afford to do such a big thing?"

Qi Surong regarded him as nothing, and leaned over and whispered in her mother's ear: "Mother, even if the family is defeated, you can't easily bow to others. Like you, I believe that father is innocent, so we must be frank. Let’s go out without letting outsiders look down on our Qi family.”

Mother Qi knelt on the ground helplessly.

Qi Surong said again: "Mother, trust me, Dad will be fine."

Mother Qi looked at her daughter, hesitated for a moment, and finally stood up with her hand.

"Mrs. Qi, there's really no time to delay. Please leave immediately with your family." General Luo said in a slightly impatient voice.

Qi Surong said, "Mother, let's go."

"Let's go? This is our home, Where can we go after leaving the Qi's residence?" Mother Qi looked sad.

"The world is so big, where can you not accommodate yourself?" Qi Surong had a shallow smile on her face, and her eyes were as clear as water.

Is this... really her daughter? Mother Qi was a little stunned. From the time of the accident to the present, she(QS) has always acted very calmly, with clear handling of the rules and a somewhat dignified demeanor. It stands to reason that when the Qi family was sealed up, it should be her(QS) who was hit the most. With Qi Surong's pride, how can she endure the ridicule and insult of others?

At this time, Luo Shimin gave orders to the surrounding soldiers to act. The soldiers immediately took their weapons and began to expel the people from the house. For a time, the Qi Mansion was filled with crying all over the place.

"Please, Mrs. Qi, Miss Qi." Luo Shimin waved his hand politely.
Although Qi Surong lowered her head, her back was straight and she walked smoothly with every step. Mother Qi was infected by it, and the chaotic mood gradually calmed down.

"Wait." Luo Shimin suddenly shouted.

Qi's mother and daughter stopped and looked at him together.

"What's in your baggage? This general wants to check it." Luo Shimin used the scabbard to remove the baggage from Qi Surong's hand.

For his rude behavior, Mother Qi, who has always been gentle, couldn't help but feel a little sullen, but she dared not speak out.

"You, throw all your baggage on the ground." Luo Shimin ordered.

He pointed to the nurse who was holding Su Bao and others. Several people looked at each other but did not move.

Qi Surong took the lead in throwing down the burden and said, "Since General Luo has an order, you can follow it."

"As expected of the eldest Miss Qi, she really knows the whole thing." Luo Shimin smiled smugly, his eyes swept over Qi Surong's body a few times, and then called a few soldiers and asked them to check the baggage on the ground one by one.

In the baggage, in addition to some clothes, there are several silver notes and pieces of silver.

The nanny and others looked strange. When they cleaned up before, they didn't seem to put these silver notes and pieces of silver in.

"Haha." Luo Shimin took out the banknotes and said with a smile, "The emperor has a decree that all the property of the Qi family should be confiscated. Do you think these banknotes count as the property of the Qi family?"

"Of course!" The surrounding soldiers responded loudly.

"In that case, they will all be confiscated." Luo Shimin said it was confiscated, but he rewarded the silver notes to the soldiers.

Manager Liu and the others flushed with anger.

"No, this is my private money, you can't take it!" At this moment, a thin female voice came from not far away.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that one of Father Qi's concubines was fighting with a soldier for something. The soldier kicked her away and shoved the stolen item into his arms.

The concubine was lying on the ground crying.

"Hmph." Luo Shimin sneered, "The people in your Qi's mansion used to have deep pockets. But now, the money and properties in this mansion belong to the emperor, whoever dares to hide them will be severely punished! Come on, check everyone's baggage, all the money will be confiscated."

Hearing this, Mother Qi was extremely angry, and her breathing suddenly became rapid. Although she is not a prestigious lady, she had also come from a scholarly family. When has she ever been bullied like this?

Qi Surong hurriedly helped Mother Qi and assisted her: "It's okay, it's okay." Don't be uncomfortable, mother, it will pass... it will.

Mother Qi was silently sobbing, and her body shrank and trembled in Qi Surong's arms.

"Mother, mother." Su Bao also cried when he saw Mother Qi like this.

The nanny hurriedly comforted him but to no avail.

Qi Surong patted her mother's shoulder, walked over, and hugged Su Bao into her mother's arms. Su Bao hugged Mother Qi's neck tightly, his small body gave her a lot of comforts, and the cry of the two gradually slowed down.

"General, all inspections have been completed, and a total of 2,312 taels have been found." A soldier reported.

"Only two thousand three hundred taels?" Luo Shimin touched his chin and glanced at Qi Surong and the others with malicious intent.

"General Luo, do you still want to search us?" Qi Surong raised her head and looked at him.

"Why not?" Luo Shimin was indeed a little concerned about this well-known talented woman. There was no chance before, but now that the Qi family has been ruined, it's not difficult to get this girl to himself.

Qi Surong naturally guessed the filth in Luo Shimin's heart. In her last life, she was humiliated by him in front of everyone's eyes, forcing her to almost commit suicide before giving up angrily.

This time, she won't give him another chance to insult her.

Qi Surong said: "General Luo, the butterfly-embroidered luo skirt on this girl's body is worth 43 taels, the peony embroidered shoes on my feet are worth 27 taels, the gold hairpin on my head is worth 54 taels, This jade bracelet inlaid with gold is worth about 2,700 taels."

Luo Shimin's expression moved slightly.

But he heard Qi Surong say again: "However, this bracelet is a royal gift from the Empress, and this little girl is afraid that the general would not dare to ask for it."

Luo Shimin really restrained his expression.

"In addition, this guqin was made by the people of Xianhe Mountain as a gift for my tenth birthday. At the age of thirteen, this girl used this guqin to play a Hundred Birds Chaofeng for the Emperor. In honor of Emperor Taishang, it was given the name 'Tianyin', and the guqin was renamed Tianyin. It is well known in the world that Tianyin is owned by this girl."

T/N: Go, girl! I'm supporting you in a far away dimensional space!

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