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Chapter 1: Dirty Spring

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More than 1,700 years ago, a terrifying vein known as 'Dirty Spring' by later generations appeared, and the catastrophe that swept the entire planet began. The filthy qi is extremely corrosive, and any living creature that is severely eroded will become turbid, thus becoming a ferocious and bloody “turbid person” and “turbid beast".
Turbidity is derived, and abilities are awakened.

The purifying effect of plants maintains the balance of the world.

Whoever can master the rules can master the future.


When she woke up again, she was a blind newborn baby.

The sudden car accident was supposed to end her short life, but she was reborn. If human beings can really be reincarnated, why let her have the memory of her previous life? Her mother was weak and left her early; her father was a ranger and died in a forest fire three years ago; her husband was a firefighter and died in a firefighting mission a month ago. 

Her closest people decisively left her. The only courage left that supported her to continue to live was the new life in her belly. In just three or four months, he would be born. However, God is too cruel and deprived her of this last life too.

The image of the last explosion flashed through her mind, and the violent airflow pushed her into the river. She and her child must have died, otherwise, she wouldn't have survived in this form and become a baby by herself. Did her child die too?

Child, don't leave me alone in this strange world.

Her future is like her eyes. She can't see anything but darkness. She still continues to live in pain. It's too hard, so let her die with her child.

A fragile baby can't bear the sorrow of a lifetime, and soon, she will be completely relieved of pain.

The beating of her heart gradually slowed down... There were exclamations and noises in her ears, speaking a language she could not understand. Then, she was put into a soft cot, instruments rattled, and it seemed that someone was trying to save her.

She wanted to tell them, Don't bother, she didn't want to live.

Boom, boom, boom...

A slight tremor suddenly came from her left palm, as if it was echoing her heartbeat, conveying some kind of message to her, full of warmth and admiration, as if it had life.

Is it... is it...

She had an unbelievable guess that her child might still be there, right in her palm.

She closed her eyes, touched the small bead in her palm, and quietly felt the touch of their blood connection.

Child, it's her child...!

Her heartbeat gradually became stronger, and her mind suddenly seemed to be opening some kind of shackles. The originally black world suddenly changed, and everything around was fed back to the brain in a wire mesh. She "saw" a small room of 50 square meters, furnished with strange instruments, with three people in long coats standing beside her...

Her eyes can't see anything, but she clearly receives these images in her mind. There's no color. Every object seems to be programmed by a computer and becomes complex and regular lines. She can detect every surrounding without moving. In a corner, she can even the internal structures.

What is this? A Superpower?

She couldn't understand, just like how she couldn't understand why she became a baby. But there was one thing she was sure of, her child was still with her, and being blind could not dampen that joy, not to mention that she wasn't blind in the full sense.

She must find a way to let the child be born safely, and for this, she will live well! Live!

"Great, she finally stabilized."

"It was really dangerous just now, I almost thought she was going to die."

"Yeah, the adult wasn't saved, but luckily, the little one survived, It's luck among misfortune."

"It's a pity, if the mother of this child hadn't been infected with turbid qi, she wouldn't have died of dystocia."

"Stop talking, go and inform the man outside that his child is safe."


"Child, from now on you will be called 'Qianli'. This is the name your mother has given you a long time ago. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. No matter how difficult the future is, we can go step by step."

Journey of thousands of miles.

From then on, she is Wei Qianli.

It's a strange world.

Qianli thought that she was just reincarnated, but she didn't expect to pass from earth to an alien world.

She was born on a strange planet called "Odello".

Two thousand years ago, it was as beautiful as the mythical Garden of Eden, full of greenery and vitality.

With the rapid development of science and technology, human beings have inevitably begun to destroy nature, but Odello has unparalleled huge resources, with vast vegetation, abundant water sources, and rich minerals. People are immersed in the joy and satisfaction of technological progress, unaware of the consequences of over-harvesting.

In the year 1755 of the star calendar, several companies headed by Nukins have been mining deep in the same area for hundreds of years. As a result, they dug up a terrifying vein called "Dirty Spring". There were nearly 300 people nearby at that time and without exception, they were all eroded by turbid qi, went mad, killed each other, and died in just a few hours.

The tragedy didn't get enough attention at first, and several of Nukins' leaders quickly hid it.

But no one could have imagined that this would be the beginning of a catastrophe that could change the entire planet.

Many of the minerals in Odello are symbiotic with plants. In order to save costs, several leaders of Nukins removed all the trees in that area and established a mining station that exceeded the specifications. The result of this unscrupulousness is that it caused the existence of the Dirty spring to spread out rapidly.

In just two months, the surrounding area of ​​thousands of square meters has completely become a barren place. Not only that, the filthy qi is extremely corrosive, and any living creature that is severely eroded will become mad and bloodthirsty, thus turning into so-called "turbid people" and "turbid beasts".

When human beings realized the seriousness of the matter, the area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters centered on the Dirty spring was already eroded. High-tech technologies are useless in places with thick turbidity, as its signal will become disordered, the energy will be cooled, and the army is unable to move a single step inside. Only where the vegetation is lush, will the erosion rate of the turbidity will slow down, and there are even signs of being cleared at the edges.

It was quickly determined that plants have a special purifying effect, and they can produce an aura full of positive energy, which is the best substance to resist turbidity. The Dirty springs have always been hidden deep underground, and they are suppressed and purified by the aura of plants, which wouldn't cause too much harm. However, because the surface was severely dug, the turbid qi spread without hindrance, and the concentration was greater than the purification of the spiritual energy of plants, resulting in an irreversible disaster.

In the year of 1789, the Mountain Forest Protection Act became the first decree of Planet Odello. The process of human science and technology gradually changed direction, from the research of high-tech technologies to the research of spiritual plants.

However, the number of turbid beasts and turbid people increased day by day, and the army can only attack in places far away from the turbid qi, and its mobility became limited to the greatest extent. They also need to be very careful when handling turbid corpses. Because once infected, it means death.

In a head-on confrontation, humans are at an absolute disadvantage.

In the year 1832 of the star calendar, a boy named "Epoch" was born. Three years later, his body changed and he had the ability to control the wind. This is the first psychic in the history of the planet Odello.

After that, there will be children with awakened abilities every year, and the performance of their abilities varies, and the chance is 1 in 100,000. With the passage of time, hundreds of years have passed, the probability of power awakening has gradually increased and finally remained at about 1 in 10,000.

The appearance of the psychic power opened up a new era for the planet of Odello.

Human beings have gradually developed a certain resistance to turbid qi. The erosion of the turbid qi on the psychics is several times slower than that of ordinary people. The psychics can travel in the turbid land for a month. As long as the erosion of the turbid qi does not exceed 30%, the psychic can found a place full of spiritual energy and they will be automatically purified. If it's an ordinary person, if they're not purified within a day after being eroded, they either become a turbid person or die directly.

In the year of 1853, the first mercenary group composed of psychics was established. Their mission was to go to the turbid land to kill turbid beasts and turbid people.

The armed form of the mercenary group of psychics has been promoted around the world, and has gradually become the main force for killing turbid creatures. They have also obtained a very high status and treatment, and are highly respected.

Between 1870 and 2315 of the star calendar, several countries on the planet of Odello experienced several wars, and finally, under the pressure of turbidity, the grand unification of the planet was completed, the names of the countries were banned, and the entire planet was divided. 

Twenty-one districts were created, and each district is divided into ABCD with four levels from high to bottom. For example, the city where Qianli is located is 9D05, which means the ninth city of a D-level in the fifth district.

Qianli was born in the year 2345 of the star calendar, and the unity of the planet is basically stable.

Although the D-level city is the lowest-level city, its level of development is worthy of her amazement.

For example, the baby equipment purchased by Wei Qianli's father can detect her physiological state at any time, and it will prompt her father when she was hungry, sleepy or when she needs to urinate. When her mental state is good, the computer will automatically play music or enlightenment animation.

Although Qianli can't see, her perception can receive signals, and the information in the computer is converted into data and absorbed by her.

In this strange world where technology and abilities coexist, she can only constantly enrich herself. In three years, she basically mastered the common language and other basic knowledge of this world.

Her father in this life is a mechanic, mainly designing, assembling and repairing various civilian machinery for others.

Since Qianli learned to walk, she has been fiddling with various parts beside her father. She's a very patient person, sometimes even sitting all day analyzing a metal structure. Her perception can penetrate the inside of a machine, and often finds problems faster than Father Wei. Father Wei was pleasantly surprised by her talent in mechanics and taught her meticulously.

At the age of 6, Qianli finally completed the production and assembly of a small buoyancy car independently. Although it's slightly rough, the kinetic energy isn't far from the general buoyancy car.

Father Wei was very happy and he specially transplanted an evergreen tree from the wild for her. The moment Qianli "sees" the evergreen tree, she is immediately attracted by the aura it exudes.

Her home is located in the center of the city, although there are many ornamental plants here, it is not good enough to exude aura.

This evergreen tree is a little different. Not only is it full of spiritual energy, but also on the topmost branch, there are faint lines, and the spiritual energy around the lines is the strongest. Qianli reached out and touched it, but there were no traces of lines on the surface of the branches.

At this moment, the beads in her palm suddenly vibrated slightly, implying a feeling of joy.

Is this plant good for children?

Shrinking her left hand back and forth several times, Qianli clearly felt the change in her child's mood.

Sure enough.

She has come into contact with a lot of plants with spiritual energy, but it's the first time she has encountered the one that can really excite her child.

It seems that the texture on this branch is the key, and it is worth studying.

T/N: Another novel from the author of the books A Bug's Desire to Survive, Poor Lady, My Mind Goes Straight to the Sea, My Corpse is Bohemian, and Bone Carver.

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