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Chapter 3: I'm Getting Married

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"What are you talking about?"

The male beta, who's about 30 years old, looked at his sister, Song Yi, with a complicated face. He patted his face in disbelief, trying to make himself sober.

He thought his sister was talking nonsense.

Song Chen was convincedーhis sister who has always been calm and self-sufficient, was talking for real.

Song Yi's eyelashes trembled in the remembrance of the dream-like events that happened yesterday. She only snapped out of her reverie when she heard Song Chen tapping his cheeks.

Song Yi finally recovered, she coughed slightly and smiled.

Sunlight poured in from the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the indoor green plants were exposed to lazily bright clear spots, swaying, and being a little awkwardly blown by the wind. The gray-blue sky isn't very clear.

Summer is cool and clear, just like Song Yi's low and elegant voice,  calm, serious, and concentrated.

"Yes, I'm getting married."

"I marked a gentleman, and for this, I will take responsibility."


After one night, the most embarrassing thing is to wake up early in the morning to see a person next to your pillow.

When Song Yi woke up, the gland at the back of her neck was still slightly swollen and painful. She pressed her fingertips there and hissed.

Having lived for so many years, this is the first time she has been so close with the opposite sex.

Song Yi thought about it calmly. This is the first time I have been so close to a person in decades.

When she thought of the events yesterday night, it feels like a balloon in her brain inflates quickly, full of light and happy laughter. 

Song Yi looked at the man beside her. When her bare arms touched this heat source, she gently opened a corner of the quilt, revealing a thin and narrow back.

Covered with red marks...

Song Yi was stunned.

The back of his head was unkempt, his hair was jet-black, he was curled up with his back facing her, looking uneasy. When Song Yi lifted the quilt, thin goosebumps formed on his skin, and Song Yi immediately dropped the quilt.

As if about to wake up, the young and handsome omega rubbed his cheek against the pillow and tried to drill deeper into the bed. He was quite tall. The big bed was two meters long and the quilt was only two meters long. He couldn't drill deeper anymore. Now, where to go?

In the end, he rubbed against Song Yi inexplicably, rubbing her arm with his cheek. ((╯▽╰ ))

He breathed slowly and fell into deep sleep again.

He should be tired, we had a lot of activity last night. Such a thought suddenly floated through Song Yi's mind.

She gently brushed his messy hair with her finger and saw his face again. With dark and deep eyebrows, slightly dry lips, looking down, his adam's apple was bitten into a mess. And the back of his neck—

Damn it.

Song Yi took a cold breath. She choked abruptly and then she couldn't help but cough.

This time, the young, handsome omega was awakened.

He opened his eyes and their eyes met.

Then, Song Yi covered her lips, suppressed the itching in her throat, and at the same time endured the embarrassment of looking at the  'one-night-stand stranger' and not knowing what to say.


Song Yi's shoulder blades are exquisite and white, with traces in places that Pei Qingmian can't see at the moment. Fortunately, men rarely had long nails, and the red marks on her body will be gone soon.

Song Yi's vomeronasal organ can feel the sweetness of the other's pheromone in the air, the floral pheromone that belongs to her, and the smell that belongs to her in his body after being fully marked.

Song Yi felt a little sorry. For the first time, she went through a rutting period and lost her mind, and she completely marked the other party.

This is the first time she has experienced her rutting period from the beginning to end. Before, Song Yi chose to inject inhibitors to pass her rutting period.

She has no experience. She's also reckless and rude. It was totally her fault.

She...deserves to take responsibility. (If only people thinks like this, how beautiful this world may be~)

Song Yi put down her palm, coughing no longer, as her movements fell, she revealed a delicate chin, and her eyes focused on the handsome young omega.

Then, she said: "Hello, sir." (So formal lol) 

Mr. Handsome: "..."

"...Hello." The man's voice was dry as if he had been burned by fire, and he was obviously aware of this.

The atmosphere turned awkward.

When the atmosphere finally began to surge gently, it was Song Yi that broke the silence again. When the male omega next to her woke up in a dazed manner, Song Yi said softly and calmly:

"I'm very sorry, sir. I had completely marked you."

Pei Qingmian blinked slowly.  He stretched his hand to touch the back of his neck, and suddenly touched a tooth mark.

His actions when he move his arm up caused the quilt to slip off slightly, so the back of his neck was completely exposed.

His fully marked glands are swollen, where a trace of a lady's delicate tooth bite was seen.

Pei Qingmian saw the beautiful young lady raise her face, that face that looked out of reach, cold and magnificent, whether it was night or day, was looking heart-warming sincere.

"This is my fault, and I will be responsible. So, please marry me."


ABO society is completely different from the existence of modern society.

The word "completely marked" is not a simple word that can be generalized.

Song Yi never thought about whom she would partner with—her coldness made her not interested in the same sex nor the opposite sex, and she was even a little clean freak. 

In addition to her family members who can get close to her at will, only those she knows from many years ago can come near her without her full resistance.

However, in an accident, because of the influence of Pei Qingmian's pheromone, her rutting period came, and she marked him completely.

In this world, complete marking means that this omega will only belong to her alone. This omega can no longer find another partner other than her, and in the event of a future estrus period, only she can relieve the omega.

They are "marked", in other words, the two of them are now connected together.

Compared with a marriage certificate, the 'mark' connection is more stable and stubborn. Unless an omega performs a gland removal surgery, the relationship between them can't be severed.

However, the removal of gland marks has too great an impact on human functions, and until today, only a few omegas would choose to perform this operation.

Song Yi didn't want to see an omega doing this surgery that would damage himself under her fault. After the accidental union, she claimed that she would be responsible for the matter, and the male omega nodded in agreement after a moment of silence.


It doesn’t take long to win the Song family’s permission.

Since the Song family learned that Song Yi had completely marked an Omega, they had fallen into inexplicable silence.

Song Chen was the first to know that Song Yi was going to get married, his reaction was particularly overwhelmed, "You're going to get married?! With whom?"

Song Yi quietly said: "A male Omega." After a pause, "His name is Pei Qingmian, I will take him home to meet with you."

"Why did you suddenly want to get married?"

Song Chen was surprised, this day was particularly shocking. Just like a dream, he woke up and received a phone call from his sister, saying that she was going to meet him and chat, they made an appointment in a cafe and then he heard such a piece of exploding news.

"Are you kidding? Today's not April Fool's Day..."

"I completely marked him."

"What did you say?!" Song Yi, who was indifferent and never had a relationship, actually said that she completely marked an Omega?!

Even as a beta, Song Chen also knows the basic AO physiology. To achieve a complete mark, there must be at least an intimate event between AOs, coupled with the forming knots in the body and marking the glands.

A few simple words explained that Song Yi combined with an Omega in a place Song Chen didn't know and marked him.

Song Chen: I'm at a loss. (Poor brother~)

Song Chen slapped his face to make himself sober. The beta's always calm mood became unstable.

In the corner of the cafe, the BA brothers and sisters were silent for a moment. Then, Song Chen heard Song Yi's next words-

"Yes, I'm getting married."

"I marked that gentleman, and I will take responsibility for this."

Song Yi's expression was calm, if not someone close, Song Chen's afraid he can’t detect the subtle and strange possessiveness when his sister uttered the word “marked”.

Song Chen looked at Song Yi in astonishment, unable to speak for a long time.



  1. Well, why did I thought there won't be any crabs 😂😢 and here I am waiting for bed scenes //ahem

    1. Unfortunately, the author skipped that good part T_T

  2. Aww I also wanted to know how they marked each other

  3. It only caused 1 night to completely mark an omega??😨


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