Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 1: Heaven and Hell

"With half-night, ¥200. For a full night, ¥300. The night package has a discount. We can also provide a second service." The woman introduced skillfully.

"It's expensive, didn't it cost ¥150 before?" The man was a little nervous.

"Oh, boss, that's the market price a few years ago, and it's not easy to do our job. Please be considerate!" The woman ranted.

"Oh, ok." The man compromised.


Despite being separated by a wall, the movement next door is still clearly audible.

Su Mingyue lay flat on the bed with a look of sleepiness. Her consciousness wants to go but her rationale told her to be patient.

She's Su Mingyue, a female, and 23 years old.

She graduated from a third-rate university six months ago and is currently unemployed.

She used to have a loving father, a good job, and a handsome and easygoing boss. Her life is prosperous and stable, and her future is bright.

However, it only took a few days for people to be sent from heaven to hell.

She came home with a gift for her father that day and accidentally learned a secret.

"Although you're not my own, God has eyes. He let us meet and have the fate of a father and daughter." Su Wenfeng was drunk. 

Su Mingyue was shocked. She calmed down and carefully fished the details and finally learned the whole truth from Su Wenfeng.

It turned out that Su Wenfeng suffered from infertility and had been married for many years, but had no children. He entrusted an acquaintance to ‘buy’ a child from another place.

The wife could not accept the child and rekindled her old relationship with her first love.

After the divorce, Su Wenfeng raised the child alone and regarded it as his own...

That child is Su Mingyue.

Su Wenfeng isn't tall and has a dark complexion. He looks like a weather-beaten farmer. But Su Mingyue is tall and slender, with beautiful features like delicate flowers.

When the two stood together, they're really not like a father and a daughter.

Before knowing the truth, Su Mingyue also joked that she was not Wenfeng's own, but she didn't expect it to be true.

Su Mingyue couldn't accept her father becoming a human trafficker overnight. She left home in anger and blocked all the contact information of her adoptive father.

When it rains, it pours. After returning to Jiangcheng, Su Mingyue suffered another heavy blow: Her gentle and intoxicating boss was actually controlled by someone! (Like, an enemy/spy from someone's company.)

The company closed down and all employees were laid off. Su Mingyue lost her father and lost her job, so she had to move out of her expensive apartment to live in this mixed urban village.

However, this isn't the worst of all. Su Mingyue found out that she couldn't find a decent job without the blessings of her father and her destiny halo. This was simply too tragic!

After Su Mingyue reviewed her situation, she was shocked that the next door had stopped. She scanned the time and found that the battle(Y'know, um...s*x.) lasted for 1 minute and 16 seconds. 

"Boss is a bit impulsive." The woman next door whispered.

"Because I haven't done it for a long time. My wife is seven months pregnant and I have been sleeping in a separate bed for the baby." The man defended. (F*cking cheater)

"So that's it, haha." The woman smiled inexplicably.

The plasterboard is not soundproof, and Su Mingyue can hear every word next door clearly. She frowned, her stomach churning in disgust.

Because your wife is pregnant, you've come outside to do this kind of thing?

Disgusting, dirty, nasty, shameless!

Su Mingyue's personality is a bit complicated. On the outside, she looks very delicate, but on the inside, she's fierce.

"Bastard. Men are bastards!" Su Mingyue whispered through gritted teeth. Feeling that something was wrong with her scolding, she added another sentence.

"Except for Xu Zhe, everyone is a bastard."

Xu Zhe, Su Mingyue's former boss, was a man who smiled like a spring breeze.

Su Mingyue lay on the bed and began checking her emails.

These days, she doesn’t know how many resumes she has sent, but she still hasn’t even received a single message.

If this continues, she can only drink the northwest wind!

To think that she was still a rich woman two months ago! What kind of tragedy is this?!

Su Mingyue became more depressed the more she thought about it and found faults and summarized the reasons. (She's finding reasons why her situations like that.)

One is because of her poor talent, no matter whether it's work or learning ability.

Second, growing up in a single-parent family, she was too docile and cowardly, so people often excluded and bullied her.

The third is what she hates the most...she looks too beautiful and her beauty attracts scumbags...

Su Mingyue is not being narcissistic, she's just really beautiful. But she's just an empty beauty with an inability and lack of individuality.

At first glance, people will be shocked by her beauty, but after contact, they've felt she's boring.

People around her commented like this, and Su Mingyue was clear in her heart. Except for her face and figure, she is indeed mediocre in every aspect.

However, everyone has a temper, and Su Vase (A beauty with no talents) is no exception.

No one knows that, even though Su Mingyue is meek and timid, she's a fierce warrior in the online community.

Through the network, no one knows anyone, and with the blessing of high hidden IP, Su Mingyue decisively releases her real self in the cyber world and gives back all the dissatisfaction she has suffered in reality to society. (So, she's a high-level troll or something?)

With her thinking and language (combat effectiveness), and combined with the APM speed of 190 on her phone that can soar to 320 while typing on the keyboard, she was an amazing keyboard warrior.

This is the unknown side of Su Mingyue.

"Are men not a good product of evolution? They are indifferent and selfish in nature, greedy and vain, they're impulsive three inches below the navel, and they don't distinguish between humans and animals..."

While typing, Su Mingyue showed countless wretched faces in front of her phone, her every finger was full of fighting power.

After publishing thousands of words in an impassioned manner, Su Mingyue gave a few more replies in seconds.

"With such a dirty mouth, your life must be very hard, right? The country owed your father a condom back then!"


After venting, Su Mingyue felt much better. She turned off her phone and looked at the ceiling, trying to cheer herself.

"Su Mingyue, you're not that bad. You're a college student anyway. How can you not even support yourself? There will be work and food to eat, come on!" She clenched her fists and encourage herself up.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Mingyue met the special business person next door. The graceful but vulgar Miss Liao is sitting at the top of the stairs smoking a cigarette. She frowned, her expression tangled, Su Mingyue didn't know what she was thinking.

There was a big bruise on her slender arm, which seemed to have been burned by cigarette butts.

Seeing Su Mingyue, Miss Liao spoke with an annoyed voice.

"Going downstairs to buy breakfast? Get me some pancake fruit."


The aisles of the old buildings are narrow, and the other side occupies most of the road.

Su Mingyue squeezed out cautiously. Only when she went downstairs that she hear Miss Liao curse.


Su Mingyue paused, daring not to speak.

The two(Su Mingyue and Miss Liao) are actually unfamiliar and they rarely greet each other occasionally.

She doesn't know why but Su Mingyue always feels that there are thorns in Miss Liao's eyes. At this moment, Miss Liao who smokes upstairs is also very unhappy.

They are all women, why is there such a big difference?

Look at that face! Her eyebrows are slender and her eyes are beautiful, her face is bright and smooth! (She's talking about Mingyue)

Obviously, Su Mingyue didn't have makeup, but her skin was white and her eyes were clear. Pink lips are slightly curled up like petals, and they're pretty whether they smile or not.

Ms. Liao's cultural level is not high, but her experience is extraordinary, she immediately identified Su Mingyue as a soft persimmon(easy to bully).

Miss Liao thought that the little girl looked so upright, but she's living beside her in this wretched building. Her IQ must be low.

It's a pity. If she had this face and figure to herself, she doesn't know how many handsome men can she catch!


Su Mingyue said in distress: Jiangcheng consumes a lot of money, and the price of a slightly better house is scary.

Group renting is messy and dirty,'s cheap!

Since Mingyue has decided to fight with her adoptive father, she must not bow her head and admit defeat.


While thinking, Su Mingyue carried the breakfast she had bought upstairs.

When she found that the atmosphere in the corridor was weird, and Miss Liao was panting violently while being pressed by her shoulders on the wall by a man, it was already too late.

What's with this situation? Isn't it shameless to mess around outdoors during the day?!

Su Mingyue stopped and began to wonder whether to move forward or turn around. When the man heard the movement, he turned his face and looked at her coldly.

When their eyes met, Su Mingyue was suddenly cold for no reason. Against the light, she dared not look much.

All she knows is that the opponent is tall, with deep eyebrows and handsome features at first glance, but he is full of hostility...not like a good person!

"Sorry, I lived here." Su Mingyue whispered.

The man continued to stare at her without saying a word.

Time passed quietly, the time the other party looked at her seemed a bit too long! Su Mingyue hesitated for a few seconds and decided to take her steps and pass by.

After entering her room, Su Mingyue closed the door with her backhand, and her heart was still beating wildly. Those eyes of the man were sharp as knives, and they made people tremble!

However, driven by strong curiosity, Su Mingyue still paid attention to the movement outside.

"I'll see you again in a few days." The man said gloomily.

"...Well, I promise not to go anywhere these days." Ms. Liao said smoothly. About two minutes later, Su Mingyue heard a knock on her door.

"My breakfast?" Miss Liao said.

"Here you are." Su Mingyue quickly offered it.

Miss Liao took it with one hand and gave her six yuan.

"Seven yuan, the boss slipped an extra egg." Su Mingyue reminded weakly.

"It's his fault, why should I pay?" Miss Liao glanced at her and left.

Looking at her back, Su Mingyue roared silently.

It’s fine for you to sell your soul and body for money, but you even lost morality and conscience? Damn!

There's also that dog man, who looks like an elite individual, but his behavior is vulgar and dirty. He came to find a woman early in the morning and started doing it grandiosely in the corridor. How hungry is he?! Coming back in a few days? Ah bah, disgusting!


After eating breakfast, Su Mingyue checked her mailbox again and found no replies.

Su Mingyue checked at her balance, counted the change in her drawer again, and became angrier.

"I blame the man surnamed Gu. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have fallen to this point at all!" Su Mingyue hugged her head.


