Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 12

Amu is always the first to notice that Su Yu's emotions are wrong and she's always been a good dog to comfort people. When Su Yu couldn't speak, Amu will stare at her gently with a pair of dark clear apricot eyes. In the reflections of those deep eyes like the sea, Su Yu's bad mood can be cleared up.

"Yuyu, your stomach is crying, don't you need to eat?" Su Yu was needed to feed the pets in the store before, but now pets are smarter. Not only does Amu help to take care of them, Even they know where to find something to eat when they are hungry and thirsty

Wiping her face, Su Yu suppressed her fatigue and smiled, she then touched Amu's head. "Yeah, I'm so hungry."

The self-heating rice is very fragrant. Su Yu has always been reluctant to spend money to buy a box of lunch like this, which costs at least fifteen yuan. She would never think that she will be extravagant at the Apocalypse.

Su Yu, who can forget all her worries after eating food, ate a whole box of lunch and put the garbage into a big bag, then leaned against the head of the bed, she began to count the spoils brought back from going out this morning.

It was only the second day of the last days and the water had already stopped, it was only a few days away before the power outage.

Su Yu took out a large number of data cables and chargers that she had collected from the mobile phone repairing shop and charged her three old mobile phones as well as the charging treasures from the mobile phone repair shop. Although It is said that these power banks can also be charged by solar energy, but solar charging is very slow. Anyway, there's no need to save electricity bills. Naturally, she won't worry away and will waste electricity as she wants.

After charging and powering up, Su Yu checked the download process on several mobile phones. After finding that all the videos and novels had been cached, several movies and TV series were newly included in the cache list.

After finishing this, Su Yu, who was full, lay down on the bed dog-tired.

Today may be the first time she has killed zombies. Although she has seen their appearance in movies and TV series, it was completely different meeting one in real life, the disgusting look and smell are really...

To say that she has no fear is definitely impossible. If she didn't choose to wear long pants when she went out today, then her ankle might be scratched by the zombie. By then, Su Yu's afraid that she will also change to a zombie.

Su Yu, who was lying on her stomach, had severe muscle soreness. After experiencing yesterday, the muscle stiffness hadn't been relieved. Today, she did so many things without rest. Now it can be said that her arms are limped and can't get up.

The pets seem aware of her fatigue. Chubby and Shaban jumped to Su Yu's back. The lightest of the two cats, Shaban, weighed eleven or two kilograms, and Chubby weighed fourteen or five kilograms. They began to repeatedly walk around Su Yu's back, Su Yu was so comfortable that she straightened her body.

This cat massage is very comfortable!

After stepping on her for about ten minutes, Amu lightly hissed, telling the two chubby cats to get off Su Yu, she then took the quilt and gently covered her.

Yuyu is exhausted.

Amu also jumped on the bed and settled her legs. What Su Yu didn’t know was, her side was covered with fluff. The little hamsters also knew that Su Yu might press them when she turned over, so they squeeze one by one next to Su Yu's pillow and huddled into a big dumpling.

If the big German Shepherd also got into bed, he would have to occupy more than half of the whole bed. At this moment, Su Yu was lying on her back, a few small fluffy figures were also in the bed. Ade can only feel wronged and lie back on the mat made of the quilt.

Su Yu didn't sleep for too long, she woke up after sleeping for less than an hour. After waking up, she asked for a bottle of water from the little hamster's space and took it to the bathroom, she simply washed her face.

She's a little dirty now, with sweat mixed with dust, her body feels muddy. But she didn't dare waste water resources. The water in the hamster’s space used to be expensive water for about two yuan. Using such a bottle to wash her face is already a waste. Moisten yourself with a towel and simply wipe it.

After rubbing, Su Yu's body feels refreshed. She sat back on the bed and began to check the number of supplies she currently had.

Five little hamsters, each with a storage space of 20 cubic meters. The total is one hundred cubic meters of space, this one hundred cubic meters of space is much larger than she imagined. Although the warehouse of the supermarket cannot be emptied, it's only for food and daily necessities. 

The supplies are too many to count. Su Yu simply adjusted the classification of items in the hamster space from the light screen and classified them by clothing, food, housing, and transportation. The three types of clothing, housing, and transportation combined were not as good as more than one-third of the food category.

There's no need to worry about what to eat but the rest... is somewhat lacking. Su Yu touched the back of her neck but felt as if she was rubbing out oily sludge. She took a look at her, only to find that she had peeled her skin from the sunburn.

The sun is too strong. She just slid outside and didn't stay too much at all. Is this a sunburn?

She doesn't have sunburn cream either. S Province is located in the north. The sun has never been so strong. People who wear sunscreen and go out are mostly young girls who are afraid of being tanned.

Su Yu grimaced and felt the burning pain, she had no choice but to take out the aloe vera moisturizer that she usually used to rubbed her face and apply it to her neck.

Itchy and painful like salt on a wound, Su Yu sucked in a cold breath and turned on the light screen again.

Before, because there was no "money", she just glanced at the so-called system mall. Now she has a first-level crystal core, which means she can shop! Finding the system mall, the balance on her account has also changed from zero to a first-level crystal core.

The lone crystal core looked pitiful, Su Yu can't help but sighed, feeling that she could not get rid of the label of a poor ghost.

She clicked on the products in the system mall and found that the only thing she could afford was the most basic hamster food.

This pack of hamster food, which can increase the spatial attributes, is what she wants now, but a first-level crystal core is only enough to buy such a pack of hamster food, a small hamster can eat one meal, so Su Yu decided that a bowl of water should be balanced. 

The little hamsters are equal but there are so many other pets here, if she buys a pack of hamster food, wouldn't the other pets just watch the little hamsters eat happily? That doesn't sound good.

This time when she went out to search for supplies, it was indeed the little hamsters who contributed more, and the crystal nucleus is space-based.

"Ahem! Uh..." Before she could come up with an excuse, the pets looked at her with sullen eyes. Amu came up and squatted in front of her. "Yuyu, you can do whatever you want. We don't know much about it. Some things... er, I talked to them, but they don't understand it either."

Amu looked at Su Yu, its furry face filled with trust and dependence. Su Yu sighed. Originally, she thought she would just stick around like this. If she could, she would rather not kill zombies but now the little hamsters can eat hamster food with their own attributes, but the rest of the pets don't. She felt unfair to them.

Su Yu must take advantage of the sun during the day to kill more zombies, get some crystal cores in exchange for attribute food, and give all the pets a taste? With consideration in mind, Su Yu didn't hesitate like before.

Using the crystal core to buy a small packet of hamster food, Su Yu looked at a palm-sized paper bag that appeared out of thin air in the palm of her hand. After tearing it open, she found that it seemed to be common hamster food.

This small paper bag doesn't have any logo and looks a bit like no product but since it's a system product, it shouldn't inferior product. Su Yu don't know how much space can be increased after these hamster food are given to the little hamsters.

But why does the system mark it for one hamster? This small packet seems to be quite a lot. According to her experience, let alone a small hamster, five are enough for this one meal.

She tore the paper bag open and evenly distribute the hamster food to five small hamsters. 

"How do you all feel?"




The little hamsters obviously liked the hamster food produced by the system. They ate them with their eyes squinted, it seems to taste very good, the hamsters' reaction was seen with a naked eye.

Su Yu originally thought that this small packet of hamster food would be enough for five little hamsters to eat yet she didn't expect them to eat all of it in three or two bites.

Alright! In the apocalypse, it's common sense that the appetites of small animals have become larger.

"Is it delicious?" Su Yu glanced at them as they were eating vigorously. She felt a little greed to eat snacks even when she's not hungry.


Five little hamsters said together: delicious! (^o^) Just not full!

"Well…" Seeing the other pets were eagerly watching the little hamsters eating the food, all of them became a little greedy. San Pao Huo has always been the most difficult and now seeing the hamsters eating in relish, he started to become troublesome.

"Woooo~" I want to eat!

Su Yu laughed and was a little embarrassed. She's useless and dared not kill the zombies. If she can kill the zombies like some heroine in a movie, then she can have brought back a large bag of crystal cores and bought a lot for the pets to eat. That would be cool.

Now there's a problem. When the suns are up, the zombies dared not appear in daylight but when the night comes, zombies will rage on the road.

After the little hamsters ate up the hamster food in their paws, the light screen flashed. Su Yu rubbed her hands in excitement and clicked on the icon on the screen that represented the strength of the spatial attributes of the little hamsters.

It turns out…The original 20 cubic meters of space for each hamster has become 21 cubic meters. In other words, each hamster has an additional cubic meter of space. Although one cubic meter of space doesn't seem to be much, each of the five little hamsters has increased by one cubic meter, which adds up to five cubic meters.

Su Yu looked down at the five shiny eyes. Although she wasn't full, she still stroked her fluffy little hamsters with a contented face and raised her brows.

If she didn't look carefully, she won't be able to see it but if she look closely, indeed, the two cheeks of the little hamsters are not of the same size. The difference in the size of the space between the cheek pouches on the two sides is even manifested in the small soft cheeks of the little hamster.

Asymmetrical cuteness is also a unique cuteness. Su Yu couldn't help but laugh, she stretched out her finger and poked the soft cheeks of the little guys lightly. It's so cute!


T/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday~ Or did I? Don't know anymore~ I was busy immersing myself in reading Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? Now that I read the current update chapter of it, I'm back( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

