Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 10

As a zombie was killed in a panic. Su Yu watched the shelves be splashed with black blood from the zombie, there was still a little food left on those shelves.

Still, Su Yu endure nausea and pick up a pair of rubber gloves that have not been opened to peel off the outer skin of the soiled small cakes and other bagged foods, leaving the small packaging inside and letting Puffy put the packed food into the space.

Although she's resentful, this is not the time when she can live without food. She has to plan carefully not to let herself get hungry. If Su Yu can say what she's the most afraid of, it must be going hungry and sick.

Being hungry is still good, it will pass with forbearance but getting sick is different. If she has a minor illness, she can pass it off by drinking more hot water. But if she gets a serious illness, she can’t continue surviving.

After spending more than two hours, Ah Jin cleared out the things that could be used in the small shop, even the small grindstone that the shop owner seemed to use to sharpen kitchen knives was brought.

Now Su Yu's equipment is a kitchen knife and a sickle. The grindstone can sharpen the blade more piercingly, if there are no more weapons to fight the zombies, she can also hurl it and have a possibility of a hit.

"Let's go. Let's be careful this time." The sun was still brightly shining outside and the zombies remained hidden, but even so, Su Yu felt that a zombie attacking her in broad daylight in the road is possible.

With plenty of time and space now, Su Yu adjusted her battle plan; to the previous plan of preparing to go to the burger shop to search for supplies, now she wanted to go directly to the supermarket on the back and take a look at the mobile phone repair shop too. It became a goal. 

Just killing one zombie has made Su Yu's confidence burst. Although there must be more zombies in the supermarket, she didn't think about going indirectly. 

Su Yu remembered that the warehouse location of this supermarket happened to be on the corner next to the mobile phone repair shop. The supermarket was crowded with people, and the number of zombies was high. 

There are not many people in the back street, even the shops are mostly small but the front street is different. The front street not only faces the university gate but also faces the road. The location can be said to be very good. 

"Haw...Goo!" Two little parrots hovering in the sky flew down and gently landed on Su Yu's shoulders.

Su Yu stretched out her hand and gently touched the feathers of the two little parrots that were messy because of their flying. Hearing their chatters, she nodded repeatedly. Although there is no way to understand what this babble means, the system seems to have translated it for her automatically.

The two little birds meant that there are no monsters and no humans on the street.

Su Yu had guessed it. Now that the sun is blazing, the zombies should be hiding, as for the humans...

Yesterday’s car explosion indicated that most people can move. Most of them have already driven away from here and a small number of people hiding at home rarely have opportunities to go outside like Su Yu. 

If it weren’t for the company and protection of her pets, it's going to be difficult for Su Yu herself to muster the courage to go outside and explore before knowing the degree of danger.

If there is no plug-in, it’s fine but the little hamsters have spaces to store things, which proves that even if her future is in the Apocalypse, Su Yu won't be starving to death, so she only needs to take some risks and have some courage to keep her alive.

Su Yu has never enjoyed any blessings in her adolescent life. She's more afraid of death than anyone else because she still has hopes for the future, hopes for her dreams.

"I know, you two have to be more careful too." Su Yu told Lu and Alan.

Su Yu also noticed that other birds were hovering in the sky, these little animals did not seem to be spotted by the zombies. The sound of birds and insects is still the same as before but the sound of these little animals has been amplified to her by several times, sounding like a small symphony orchestra performance.

But Su Yu still knows that the changes in this world doomed all creatures to be unable to take care of themselves. The special abilities possessed by these pets in her pet shop must have been given to them by nature, although she doesn't have one herself. She's not so lucky but other people and animals are undergoing jaw-dropping changes at a rapid pace.

"Hum...cuckoo!" Don't worry!

Most of the birds flying in the sky are sparrows. Even those sparrows already have abilities, but based on the beginning of the Apocalypse, the habits of animals will still be their normal way before they change.

Even if a small sparrow that is accustomed to eating rice bugs grows to the size of an eagle, it won't immediately want to eat big fish and meat.

The two little parrots flew higher and faster under the blessing of the wind attribute. They seem to have grown two more pairs of wings, they're like cultivators who fly with a sword using celestial arts, relying on the power of heaven and earth, soaring into the blue sky.

Ah Jin kept following Su Yu. The accident that happened before obviously scared the two hamsters. If the accident scared Su Yu, the small hamsters were even more frightened.

Su Yu walked from the back street to the corner of the front street. Although this place belongs to the front street, it's not much more prosperous than the back street. The location of the corner makes it a good place for garbage dumps. The rotten flesh has suppressed the stench of the rotten food belonging to the garbage dump.

There are many Xiaolongbao shaomai restaurants, revolving around small hot pot restaurants, Lanzhou ramen restaurants, spicy hotpot restaurants, barbecue restaurants, and other snack shops nearby. The front street is the snack street like the students say. It seems that all universities are bound to have such a place, and it's also a place frequented by students.

Passing by the corner, Su Yu was taken aback. She thought there were no living things around here but she met a big cat that had already mutated.

This cat was originally a fat orange cat, but now it became an orange cat with long hair like a Maine Coon cat. In harmony with its image, it has a mouth that is about the same length as a human finger. It also has sharp fangs five or six centimeters long.

The pair of fangs made this mutant cat look like a small unextended saber-toothed tiger in the biology book.

Su Yu swallowed. She likes small animals but if this small animal is very interested in her flesh and blood and can’t wait to peel her skin and swallow her into its abdomen, she naturally likes it. (Sarcastic).

"Woof~Woof!" Ah Jin jumped in front of Su Yu, leaning slightly towards the big cat, which was somewhat similar to him in color and was only about two laps smaller than him in size.

Su Yu also took out her sickle from behind and pointed the tip of the knife at the mutant cat.

Cats like to eat people this year, Su Yu lamented in her heart as the sweat on her face increased, the palms of her hands started to sweat.

Su Yu don't know if the arrival of the Apocalypse aroused her violent tendencies buried deep in her bones and blood. Although she was nervous at this time, she wasn't afraid.

The two little parrots exploring the way in the front seemed to have finally discovered that their owner hadn't kept up. When they returned to search, they saw a cat and a dog facing each other.

Both the mutant cat and Su Yu dare not act rashly. Felines are natural hunters. They are good at hiding themselves, and they are also good at using their strengths to successfully catch prey.

At this time, it is considering, testing, and waiting. It is planning for a way to hunt as fast as possible without putting itself in danger.

The body of this mutant cat is about the same size as the golden retriever Ah Jin. At the same size, most canines are not rivals to felines for dogs are a domesticated species. The mutant cat who has been a stray since childhood doesn't think that he(Ah Jin) is an opponent.

As for the human holding the weird thing, the mutant cat did not despise it. Now its power and speed are no longer what they used to be. It's now but a fantasy of trying to get rid of it through a high pitch voice like before.

That two-legged beast(Su Yu) has no scales nor fur, there is no need to peel the skin. It can directly bite it, the meat must be very tender.

Just when the mutant cat popped out its sharp claws and pounce on Su Yu who was less threatening, a wind blade suddenly cut through the air and plunged straight into the ground.

When the wind blade collided with the ground, it disappeared, leaving a few orange and white cat hairs still floating in the air. The mutant cat that leaped to avoid the wind blade had now retreated to three meters away.

Like Ah Jin, Lu and Alan's wind blades also need a period of recovery after they're used. But obviously, their abilities do not consume such big energy as Ah Jin's golden bell. The two little parrots only need to rest for a minute before they can use their abilities again.

The wind blade just now came from Lu, which means that Alan flying in mid-air can also use a wind blade to push back this ferocious mutant cat.

But the mutant cat was not injured in the "sneak attack" just now, so Su Yu's afraid that they(Lu, Alan) will not be able to succeed in the frontal attack.

Su Yu felt that she could no longer be so stiff at this time. The mutant cat blocked them, and it was nothing more than wanting to eat the meat of her and Ah Jin. She remembered that there were a lot of ham sausages that she had just collected in the space.

Su Yu secretly squeezed the little hamster in her shoulder bag, then whispered ham sausage in a low voice, she then felt that there was a long object on the palm of her hand that was thicker than her wrist.

Su Yu: "..."

This is such a waste, she has never been so reluctant to throw such a ham.

Tearing a hole in the ham, Su Yu waved the hand holding the ham at the mutant cat, she saw the mutant cat’s cat pupil go up and down with her hand.

It is indeed the most expensive ham sausage, it attracted the mutant cat's attention. If it is all made of starch, Su Yu's afraid that this mutant cat wouldn't even care about it!

Throwing the ham sausage aside, the mutant cat chased it before picking up the ham sausage, it making two rough meows, and after a few jumps, it disappeared.

Now that there is food, the mutant cat has no intention of attacking Su Yu. The other party doesn't look annoying. Since there's no need to be hungry, who wants to take the risk and fight desperately?

After sending the mutant cat away, Su Yu and Ah Jin breathed a sigh of relief. Ah Jin has good powers, but its attribute can only defend and can't attack. The mutant cat’s paws are four to five centimeters long when exposed. If you grab its paw, Su Yu's afraid that the belly can be opened to her. 

"Go go, let's go quickly." Su Yu urged again and continued walking in a hurry.

Alan and Lu, who could not detect the existence of the mutant cat because they were flying high, seemed to know that they were a little careless. 


T/N: Another chapter finished~

