Donate me some kofi?

Chapter 1: The Game Begins, Welcome to the Worlds of God

In a sealed repressive environment, there are a few people who have recovered from their deep sleep. There were only a few faint, almost negligible lights that could be vaguely discerned in the very secluded environment.

"Welcome to the Worlds of God." A cold and sharp female voice awakened the sleeping players.

The players made rustling noises and moved their bodies, gradually regaining their consciousness. That sentence is the first sentence Shi Yu heard when she woke up. She felt dizzy and weak, just like the feeling of a patient with hypoglycemia when they suddenly stands up.

When she opened her eyes after sleeping for so long, her eyelids felt like it was glued together. Shi Yu just wanted to reach out and rub her eyes but found that her hands and feet were tied with chains, everything below her chin was soaked in cold water.

The cold water penetrated Shi Yu's body from every pore, the cold shivering in her gums woke her up from her stupor. It wasn't just her who woke up, but also the others who were locked up in the room.

"Where is this?! Why did you kidnap me?!" A man asked in panic and anger, his voice was followed by some men and women. Shi Yu listened to the voices to make a preliminary judgment and found out that there was a total of eight people in the room, including her.

"Help! Who did this?!" It was a woman's voice

"Don't kill me! No matter how much money you need... I, I have it!" then comes a man's voice.

"A variety show? Let me go! Otherwise, I will sue you!" The voice of the young man.

Shi Yu raised her eyes but only saw the darkness, the surrounding light was dim to and only a gleam of light from the soles of her feet passed through the water, the reflection on the water surface showed that she was pale because she had been soaked in the cold water for too long. 

She, as well as the others cursing around, was chained in a big glass bucket. If she wanted to speak or breathe, she must raise her head.

There was a confusion of loud roars, sounds of iron chains hitting the edge of the glass bucket, and the coughing when people choked on water. All the noises were mixed together but none of them overshadowed the female voice.

"You are all dying. Coming here is the gift God has given to all of you."

"Nonsense!" The young man who claimed to "sue you" shouted angrily. "I'm strong and am living a good life! Your mom's dead! (T/N: An insult, probably.) Hurry up and let me out! Otherwise, the legal department in my dad's company won't let you go!"

"Oh?" The female voice became high-pitch with interest as if mocking the youth's stupidity.

"Then tell me, what were you doing before you wake up here?"

"I..." the young man was suddenly dumbfounded, he then arrogantly roared after a second. "None of your business!"

"You and your friends were drunk in a nightclub. Before you went into a coma, you were in the driver's seat of your luxury car while sipping alcohol and racing at high speed. Am I right?"

"You, you, how do you know...?" the young man asked in a panic. 

Shi Yu thought to herself: You're drunk-driving, you being dead isn't an injustice.

"It's not just you, everyone here, all the things you have experienced, the god knows."

"God had chosen all of you, you all should be grateful."

"Of course, the Gods will not care for everyone. Only by clearing the game set by the gods will you be able to be reborn. Now, you shall face the first test."

Shi Yu raised her head so that the water wouldn't choke her. She took a big breath and looked at everything around her. In the darkness, faint seven light spots were coming from the floor. Everyone is in a glass bucket and there's a faint light source on the soles of everyone's feet.

This light source is monopolized by the current, it can shine on a person's waist without any extra light, so it's impossible to see someone's face, she only knows that there are eight people in total.

The young man who kept talking was on the right side of Shi Yu. The two were very close and Shi Yu could feel the manic and restlessness of the youth. Not only this young man, but the others are also unwilling to cooperate.

"Let me out! I don't want to play this weird game!" On Shi Yu's left was a woman, judging by the voice, she was young.

"Isn't this nonsense?" The man on the opposite side also slapped the glass bucket desperately. "Let me out!" 

The restlessness and anxiety of everyone failed to cover up the harsh tone of the female voice.

"The water in the glass bucket where each of you is chained will be filled within 10 minutes. You only have 10 minutes to escape from the glass bucket. After 10 minutes, what will happen to you? I don’t need to say anything because you should know."

"Of course, God is kind. He will naturally give you hints. Please listen carefully..."

"The only way you can escape find the source of all evil." With a beep, the female voice was replaced by a countdown.

"Let me out! Ahhhhhh!" A woman's sharp and hoarse scream tore the air.

"Do you know that this is illegal?!"

"What source of all evil, what bullshit bucket! Let me out!" The racing youth was even more manic, beating his bucket hard. But the bucket remained unmoved no matter how the players decided to beat it. Everyone was frantic because they were inexplicably in an unfamiliar place, they're even angrier because they were inexplicably judged as "dying people".

No one noticed that the time for the countdown went down frame by frame. Shi Yu was soaked in an icy bucket, her gums trembling cold. Others won't believe it, but she does. Because she had just walked out of the hospital one second before she came here, she was holding a death sentence against her life in her hand.

What she had encounter is pancreatic cancer, the king of cancer. She had taken a look at the test sheet. No one knew about this matter except for her and the doctors in the hospital, the coaches, agents, relatives, and friends that Shi Yu met. In other words, less than twenty years old, she became a "dead person."

Shi Yu interrupted the madness of others: "No one wants to die, right?"

"Nonsense!" The grumpy young man yelled. "Why are you so calm? Why aren't you scared at all? Are you the one responsible for this?" He couldn't see Shi Yu's appearance, he could only judge Shi Yu's location by the light on the soles of Shi Yu's feet.

"Shut up if you don't want to die. Even if you curse here, your rich father won't come to rescue you, do you know?" Shi Yu swallowed the words "wine sac and rice bag" (T/N: (⊙_⊙)?) that she almost blurted out.

After all, at the beginning of the game, she didn't want to establish hostile relationships with other people so quickly. The young man was stunned by her words, he followed it with a few words of curses, but the others calmed down a bit and started to ask what should they do.

Shi Yu made a discovery when the youth was cursing people just now, the chains that tied them were very long, allowing people to squat or climb in the bucket. However, the glass column of the bucket is very long and fits into the ceiling completely. So climbing won't work.

When everyone was scratching their hearts and lungs with anxiety, suddenly they saw a girl in a bucket squatting down holding her breath. The light source that could only reach the waist clearly illuminated her face. The girl has bright eyes and white teeth, her eyes are like new moons. Her hair floats upwards because of the current, revealing her thin jaw and pale white complexion.

Someone recognized her. "This, this girl looks so familiar, I seem to have seen this girl on TV."

Shi Yu ignored them, through the faint light on the soles of her feet, she saw a four-digit red code lock on the iron chain that tied her right wrist. There is also a four-digit number on the back of the lock: "3207".

She tried to enter these four numbers but the keyhole remained motionless after pressing it for a long time. Well, it's wrong. This game is not that simple, it seems that you have to start with the female voice's last prompt "Find the source of all evil".

"Like I just did, squat down to see if there is a code on your chains!" Shiyu shouted. Her voice was weakened through the glass but other people still heard it. According to her words, they also crouched down.

"Yes! Mine is 7738!"

"Mine is 4532!"

"I'm 9981!"...

Several other people came out of the water and talked. That's right. Shi Yu loudly said: "The numbers on our password lock should all belong to the other party, you cannot unlock your own password lock with your own numbers."

Someone in the dark suggested: "Then can we just try all the passwords directly?"

Shi Yu: "We have a total of eight people, now we have five minutes left. Not to mention memorizing others' numbers. It's not enough just to try."

"Just what do you want us to do!" The young man was anxious.

"What is the source of all evil, do you know?" Shi Yu asked.


"No." Shi Yu denied. "The first thing a person does when they are born is to cry for milk. At the beginning of human nature, the root of all evil is selfishness." 

"Does that mean we're...selfish?" Someone asked.

"What the female voice words were saying is that God is here to redeem us, that means we must abandon our selfishness, we should let go of selfishness and work together."

Someone asked Shi Yu: "But how are we going to cooperate? Each other doesn't know which number is correct."

"We don't have enough time to try one at a time."

"Yeah, what should we do?"

 Shi Yu thought for a while: "What color is your combination lock?"




When everyone was babbling, Shi Yu heard the same "red" like herself: "That's right, there are a total of eight people here, the color of the code lock is the same for each of us. The passwords belong to each other."

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone looked for people of the same color as their own as if they were fried. After learning the other's password, they squatted down like Shi Yu and input their own by the faint light under the ground. 

After Shiyu heard that her password was "4988", she squatted in the water holding her breath and pointed the numbers one by one. Air bubbles flowed from between her teeth, gurgling upwards. After entering the last number, the buttonhole opens with a click.

Following the "boom" of the glass column encountered when she was trapped, she moved upward, and the water poured out from the whole column.

All the people who untied their chains escaped the imprisonment of the glass pillars and the water sprinkled on the ground, surging like a stormy sea.

The iron chains that locked the limbs also opened with a "click", Shi Yu rubbed her wrists that had been released from imprisonment and took a look at her body that wore the same clothes when she departed from the hospital.

God's world? Rebirth?

Shi Yu shook her wrist, a little expectation, and joy blossomed in her heart. She doesn't want to die.

"My password is wrong!" A woman's voice sharply passed through the cheers of everyone, she slapped the glass pillar in front of her vigorously. "The blue one! Who is the blue one! Why did you tell me the wrong number!"

 At the same time, the countdown read "zero". The lights in the whole room were so bright that everyone's eyes were dazzled.

A large amount of water fell from the sky in the glass bucket where the woman who claimed to have got the wrong number was, obliterating the woman's sorrowful and helpless cry, she struggled to beat the glass in front of her, the water covered her cries.

Shi Yu saw the rich second-generation youth who had been cursing on her right side, the iron chain under his feet was blue. The rich second-generation face was pale, dumbfounded. He stared at the woman in the glass barrel as her eyes rolled up due to lack of oxygen.

The woman's body floated in the water, her long black hair wafted like waterweeds as if she was telling the passing of a life.

Ten minutes came, and the woman whom they didn't even know couldn't escape from the bucket.

She was drowned.


T/N: First chapter and someone already died. Tsk. Tsk.



  1. That's a good start. If nobody died, I would've been disappointed.


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